Act. 94 Threat Of The Dead Moon

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Princess Astra stood before the two court's, embracing Sailor Chibi Moon who shed tears for both her return and Aunt Riri. Praying that the appearance of Astra would be what was needed to save Ritsuko. Oh how she prayed. With the full moon hanging high in the now clear night sky brought to them by none other than Princess Astra. Whom had almost effortlessly slain Pharoah 90 with a single attack. While not only Sailor Moon but both the inner and outer senshi; with Rhea's court as well. And yet they were still unable to even leave a mark on him.

It took the intervention of another higher power from another time to take down this villian. Only proving how truly powerful Pharoah 90 was. But even so with this win there were heavy losses. As the body of Princess Rhea lay in the arms of her elder brother Prince Endymion. The handsome Prince overcome by tears of both joy and greif at the sight of Astra. He too praying that his future niece could do something for his sister. Still not believing Sailor Saturn's claims to be true.

There was just no way Rhea could have committed those crimes for no reason. Something had to have pushed her there, and Endymion demanded to know what that was. "Why did she do it...?" The Prince's voice shaking though the question was aimed at Astra. Who lowered her gaze to the ground before speaking. "My father was taken...though mother believed he was slain by the Golden Crystal." Princess Astra muttered, her words shocking everyone on the roof. Especially Prince Endymion who shook his head in disbelief. "That's impossible." "But he lives, an old enemy of the moon has reared its head. And it appearence is what caused my mother to fall into the shadows." Princess Astra began now making her way to Prince Endymion,though not before placing a reassuring hand on Sailor Moon's shoulder. A silent promise that she would do all in her power to fight this fate for her mother.

"There is still time to turn fate on its head." Princess Astra began though she was interrupted by Sailor Saturn and her glaive resting against her neck. Inches from inflicting harm on the Princess. Chibi Moon cried out for Sailor Saturn to stop this. But there was no talking the Soldier of Destruction down once she has begun a task. "Turning fate in your favor is not something you have been tasked with Princess. You yourself would break a law as forbidden as your mother?" Sailor Saturn barked,her words causing a brilliant amber aura to emit from the young woman. Her body now pulsating with the power of not only the future stars but of a new power Astra had yet to fully tap into. Let alone fully understand. The power of dreams.

"I have seem the future in my mother's absence." Princess Astra began now kneeling down to Princess Endymion and Sailor Uranus. Who both were in tears,a protective grip on Princess Rhea's form. Making Princess Astra smile. As even with these crimes against her,it seemed that her mother was indeed in good hands. They could help her rise and perhaps become even more powerful and kind as she was once in the future. Placing a hand on her mother's, Astra could feel the distinct chill beginning to settle in her being. It was true Prince Endymion was supplying his very life for his sister's. But it was futile.

As Sailor Saturn stated no one here was capable of swaying fate to their side. Not without dire concequences that is. And Saturn was more than prepared to swing that glaive of her in the name of justice. No matter her feelings or others in that matter. The task must be carried out and anyone who dared to stop it shall be dealt with swiftly. "Even your standings as Sovereign of Stars will not protect you from your crimes. If you continue I will stop you." Sailor Saturn threatened surprising all the senshi who watched the ordeal. Unsure of what the outcome would come to. Soldier vs Soldier. A true battle of wills.

It was something unheard of to the senshi,but not to Princess Astra whom had discovered dark secrets within the soldiers. A secret she hoped to bury for as long as possible before making it known. Swallowing a lump in her throat Astra spoke. Her voice unwavering and brimming with power. "Without my mother this entire solar system will be in danger. Don't you understand?!" The Princess screamed now breaking down her hand trembling on her mother's. "What are you saying?" Saturn questioned as Astra continued. "The Black Moon Circus will come and blanket our entire solar system into darkness if we do not have the Guardians of the Golden Crystal. My mother and my father. Without them everything you all know will dissolve into nothing." Astra breathed.

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