Act. 106 Falling Moon

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Dedicated to Alicevbrose

Usagi Tsukino through bleary eyes decided to leave Mamoru's apartment building. Unable to face him through her tears. She knew of his heartache; and knew Ritsuko's absence was destroying the man she loved. And Usagi knew of only one solution and that was to find Ritusko and bring her home. As she walked the moon shrouded streets of Tokyo Usagi silently thought to herself. Trying to find any clues as to where Ritsuko was. She knew his kind of thing was more of Ami's department, but this couldn't wait. Even if Usagi wasn't the smartest, she had to do something.  With faith in herself she hoped she could find anything that would bring them one step closer to Ritsuko. Her steps became lighter at this thought as Usagi found herself running down the sidewalk. Ignoring the stares she received from others and the tears that spewed down her cheeks. As images of Rhea made themselves present to her. The kind hearted Princess who forgave her own killer. This sweet soul who smiled towards all and held no ill will to anyone. And then there was Ritsuko; the present reincarnation of Princess Rhea. The identities blurring perfectly into one. As Ritsuko held the tender heart and will of her past self and a soldier. She was stronger, able to use the love she held for others into a weapon of unimaginable might.

At times Usagi herself believed that the will of a soldier that lay within Ritsuko could have perhaps have been a final wish from Princess Rhea herself. It was possible that while the Princess lay in a sea of crimson. Feeling her body fail her, could the Princess have uttered a wish. A simple desire to be stronger. Yes, maybe that was why no matter the obstacle Ritsuko took it with stride. A proud smile on her face and the might of the Golden Crystal. For Princess Rhea was never one to fight, just like Princess Serenity herself. She was a rather peaceful individual; mischievous perhaps. As Princess Rhea was known to toss off her glittering heels and run about the lush greenery. Loving nature and all it had to offer. She would even be found twirling about the forest without a care in the world. Her laughter filling the forest and Golden Kingdom like sweet music.

Music that was absent of this world and Usagi sought desperately to change. She dashed through the streets of Tokyo, making her way back to the arcade. Hoping to set up a meeting with the other Senshi. Though on her walk there, a bitter wind blew pass Usagi. Alarming her as she turned to see in the darkness a woman. One who's features from afar looked similar to Rhea's. At this Usagi's heart became caught in her throat as the woman stepped from the shadows to reveal Tiger's Eye. Who smirked towards Usagi who's eyes was upon to Remless at his side. One that mirrored Rhea so much it sent chills down her spine. "It seems that your mind is cluttered. Maybe your dreams wont be!" He exclaimed tapping his foot on the ground as a platform appeared behind Usagi. Which immediately bound her wrists and feet.

He then finished a countdown which caused sever pain in Usagi's chest as her very own Dream Mirror was thrust from her chest. She released a loud scream into the air before falling unconscious before Tiger's Eye. Who wondered why his target this time was so fixated on his Remless. He turned to it which had taken the shape of his Queen Nehelania. Causing Tiger's Eye to shudder. Just what about the woman caused his target such alarm? "I'll be taking a look at your Dream Mirror."  Tiger Eye began as he plunged his head into the Dream Mirror. Usagi cried out at the invasion as her own Dreams made themselves plain to her.

She saw it the smile of Prince Endymion as he chatted happily with his Four Generals. The young Men smiling warmly towards Princess Serenity who couldn't help but to smile. But it was the appearance of Princess Rhea who's smile was the most welcoming of all. She hugged her brother, Endymion while her Husband Helios and their children Astra and Altair. Their smiling faces were just as bright while Chibi Usa clung onto Sailor Pluto. It was peaceful and happy; the only thing that Usagi wanted was for her friends and family to be happy. Tears gleamed down Usagi's cheeks as Tiger's Eye pulled away from the dream. Commenting that it was indeed a beautiful dream. However Pegasus was not in it. And the dream should be destroyed. With that Tiger's Eye shattered the Dream Mirror into thousands of shards. The act causing Usagi to scream one final time before the light of life in her eyes faded into nothing. Her body then fell to the ground below lifeless, Tiger's Eye smirked at his handiwork. Choosing to leave to scene with a rare achievement. But elsewhere in his apartment Mamoru suddenly clutched his chest in pain, as an image of his sweet Usagi formed in his mind. Something was wrong. Without wasting anytime Mamoru found himself running through the streets of Tokyo, unsure where Usagi was. But he would find her. He only hoped he wasn't too late.

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