Act. 40 The Winged One Falls

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After the induction of Sailor Mercury and Sailor Polaris, a meeting was held at the Command Center. It was then that Ritsuko explained to Usagi the situation and apologized to her sobbing friend,feeling inadequate for being unable to save their friends. Usagi refused to make eye contact with Ritsuko,yet continued to cry in Mamoru's arms. Ritsuko averted her gaze to the ground only to be held in the arms of the man she loved. Helios who whispered soothing words into her ear hoping reassure his love. She wanted to believe him,she wanted to believe his words were true. But this new enemy had gotten to Ritsuko, if the Golden Crystal could not stop them then what could?

Ritsuko remained silent for the duration of the meeting where they discussed this new enemy and where Helios informee the Senshi of the little girl who was staying with them. Chibi Usa. Who had already met both Mamoru and Usagi. "None of this happened until she showed up! They are linked to her!" Usagi exclaimed,it was then that Ritsuko spoke standing in front of Helios who had quietly kept Chibi Usa behind him. Ritsuko felt the urge to protect the sweet girl and refused to have her blamed,even if it was by her dear friend. "That's enough Usagi." She breathed catching the attention of everyone in the room. "Your siding with her?! She's the cause of all this!" "No she isn't Usagi! She's just a child!" The two princesses argued as Chibi Usa ran in between the girls wrapping her arms around Ritsuko.

"You leave her alone!" She shouted towards Usagi who was now held back by Mamoru. "Usako that's enough." He commented as Usagi torw herself free of his grasp. "You too Mamo Chan?" She asked as Mamoru unable to find the words remained silent, while Usagi ran out of the Command Center, vanishing from sight. Silently Ritsuko scooped Chibi Usa into her arms before leaving the Command Center with Helios by her side. She had just had her first argument with the oldest friend she had,and for what? For a little girl who Ritsuko felt compelled to protect?

Ritsuko's body trembles violently, as she fought back the hot tears forming. She had never had a fight with Usagi,in the past the two girls had always seen eye to eye and were an unstoppable team. And for the two of them to fight in such a way,it was enough to break Ritsuko's very heart. Chibi Usa noticing Ritsuko's silent tears wiped them away all the while hugging her tightly. "I-Im sorry, Mama Riri." Chibi Usa cried as Ritsuko held the pink haired girl tightly allowing her own tears to fall. "It's alright,my Small Lady." Ritsuko whispered catching the attention of both Helios and Chibi Usa. Slowly Chibi Usa loosened her grip on her "Mama Riri" making eye contact with her.

Immediately as they made eye contact a sudden warrmrh enveloped Ritsuko and Chibi Usa. Ritsuko welcomed the warmth as images of a strikingly handsome man with raven hair formed before her very eyes. She watched as Chibi Usa sat beside the man,who patted her head sweetly. "Papa,how'd i get my name?" Chibi Usa asked curiously, causing a gentle smile to form on the man's lips before he answered. "Your Mother was so nervous and couldn't pick a name that fit for you that she asked your godmother and aunt to name you. And when your aunt held you in her arms for the first time she said your name. Small Lady." The man informed her as Chibi Usa smiled before a woman who wore a lovely dark blue gown appeared. Her hands outstretched for Chibi Usa who immediately ran into them. " Aunt Ri-!" Chibi Usa began as the image suddenly faded away into nothing.

Ritsuko held her head,staring towards the young pink haired girl who nuzzled her face into her neck. Now Ritsuko knew something was different about her,something special. And above all something she absolutely had to protect at all costs. Ritsuko then placed the small child into Helios's arms asking him to take her home. He agreed but asked where she was going,in truth she didn't really know. All she knew was something was about to happen and her heart was leading her away. Ritsuko ran at top speed her blood pumping as in the distance a ray of azure light crashed down before her.

Ritsuko shielded her eyes from the light as the form of Sailor Gienah stood before her. Badly battered with blood streaming down her body. "Gienah!" Ritsuko exclaimed reaching out for her friend. Only to be forced back by a strange crackling black barrier, she released a shriek. Holding onto her trembling form realizing she was completly powerless as she watched her dear friend,being brutally assaulted by a tall man clad in blue. Ritsuko swore she had seen the strangely alluring man before. But she pushed it to the back of her brain as the man snapped his fingers as a strange black lightning lashed out at Sailor Gienah. Wrapping around her body sending an electric current through her body.

Sailor Gienah cried out in pain feeling her very knees begin to buckle beneath the force of the power. Ritsuko banged against the barrier wishing with all her might she could reach out and save her friend from her suffering. Frustrated she could do nothing,Ritsuko slumped to her knees. Tears evident in her eyes as her hands clasped against the star shaped brooch which rested against her chest.

With this power,power she had yet to unleash to its full potential. She knew in her heart she could do it. She could use this power to save her friend. But no just her,but maybe even Chibi Usa as well. Ritsuko gripped onto the star shaped brooch,praying to unleash the power within she had used only once against Queen Metalia. With Sailor Gienah's cries echoing in her ears along with the many questions the man was asking her,Ritsuko slowly rose to her feet. Her long flowing raven hair hiding her eyes from view before she called out to a power she truly did not have complete control of.

"Princess Constellation Star Power! Make up!"She shouted as her normal dark blue and gold fuko appeared on her body. But suddenly her fuko began to give off a bright gold light before a long flowing shimmering dark blue and gold train formed begins her. Her gloves decreased in length becoming wrist length gloves,while her tiara turned into a true crown fit for a royal. Princess Sailor Constellation extended her right hand before her as the Starlight Rod appeared in her grip. " Starlight Flash."She whispered kissing her end of her scepter before sending a star shaped light towards the barrier watching as it immediately shattered on impact.

The man in blue turned towards her,his eyes wide in awe at her appearance. It was her,his "Raven Haired Goddess". The one he had yearned for,even in this new lavish form he knew it was her. And my was she was a sight to see,even as her beautiful cerulean eyes burned holes through him it did not take away from her beauty. " As always you are a sight to behold Princess Sailor Constellation. " The man stated,his dull blue eyes raking over her form. "You seem to know who I am,but I do not know you." Princess Sailor Constellation commented regaining her regal voice,that of a princess. The man smirked as Princess Sailor Constellation noticed the strange and alarming black crescent moon which lay on his forehead.

"I am Prince Saphir of The Black Moon Family." Prince Saphir informed his current obsession, with a smirk on his face.Many thoughts rushed through her head at the Saphir's declaration. The man was indeed strange from his clothes and attitude to the things he said. 'Black Moon Family...there's no such thing.'Princess Sailor Constellation thought to herself before aiming her starlight rod towards the enemy. "Well Saphir,I order you to release my guardian. Or suffer the consequences." She ordered causing Saphir to smirk. He loved how stern she was and the way she weilded the rod without effort in order to protect her friend.

Sailor Gienah flinched in pain her consciousness fading in and out of focus. But the brief moment she spotted her princess in her most powerful form she was in awe. She knew she was strong but this man had flattened her in a minute flat. Even Sailor Gienah was afraid but most of all afraid for her Princess. "Run,Princess." Sailor Gienah breathed before giving into the darkness before being forces into the air by a strange crimson light and disappearing from sight. " Gienah!" Princess Sailor Constellation exclaimed her gaze turning towards Saphir who smirked "My beautiful Raven Haired Goddess,we will see each other very soon." He said with a confident smirk before fading away into nothing.

Princess Sailor Constellation released a frustrated cry into the air. She had lost another one,another Senshi and another friend. Who was this Black Moon Family? And what were they after?

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