Act. 64 Confrontation Sealed

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After the defeat of the enemy,Princess Sailor Constellation was gently placed on the ground by the infamous Sailor Uranus. With her hand firmly place over her heart the beautiful princess senshi watched Sailor Uranus. Her short unruly hair being tossed in the gentle wind,while her back faced the stunned princess. She was saved by Sailor Uranus,guardian of the sky and protected by the planet Uranus. One of the outer solar system,rumored to be the sister planet to Neptune. Before Princess Sailor Constellation's eyes was the rare sight of one of the most powerful senshi in existence. Sailor Uranus,with her back facing the princess took off. Alarming the Princess Senshi as she too took off,but after Uranus. She had to know who she was. Why did she save her? And why...why did she have such sad eyes? "W-wait!" The Princess senshi called out,running as fast as her feet would enable her too.

But realizing that she would no be able to catch Sailor Uranus on foot. She needed more, Princess Sailor Constellation needed something more,she needed speed. She needed...wings. As Princess Sailor Constellation continued to run after the fleeing senshi, she closed her eyes sending out a prayer to the bvery stars above. She needed them,she needed their strength to guide her to the correct path. 'Please allow me to take flight." Immediately the star shaped brooch on the princess's chest began to give off a vibrant gold light. The young princess watched as the light twisted in the air,centering around her back before a pair of white wings sprouted from her back. With Uranus in her sight Princess Sailor Constellation increased her speed,until she passed the stunned guardian. And now stood before her looking like a angel more than ever before. In the past Uranus always believed the princess as beautiful. So beautiful in fact she could have sworn she was an angel from the very heavens. An angel who needed to be protected,sheltered from the cold and dark world that would and could taint her.

Yet here she stood,as beautiful and strong as ever. In the past Princess Rhea was just that. A princess. A dainty,soft spoken princess who was always surrounded by loved ones. No one could ever imagine her deciding to fight for what she believed was right. My how things had changed. Not only was she the kind hearted princess she always was she now had the heart of a warrior. Something that Uranus never thought she would ever see in her beloved princess. Sailor Uranus couldn't help but to stare into the two deep cerulean pools belonging to Princess Sailor Constellation,feeling herself almost drawn completely into them. Just as always.

Sailor Uranus could still recall those days she was sent to remain in the outer solar system. Forced to look after the Silver Millennium,never able to enjoy the parties. The laugh,the joy of being alive. Instead she watched their happiness with the hope that one day someone or something would give her a new purpose in life. And it happened. The moment her gaze landed on Rhea,Uranus knew she had found her reason to live. To fight. To protect her,the brightest star of them all. " look very familiar to me." Princess Sailor Constellation spoke,her words hitting Uranus like a knife in the heart. Despite being reincarnated and imbedded with power,she still had no recollection of who Uranus was. Or their past together. Princess Sailor Constellation watched Sailor Uranus's flicker with sadness. Sadness that she horribly wanted to wipe away,but why? Why did seeing the sadness in Uranus make Rhea's heartache.

"It's seems your still asleep abit,princess." Sailor Uranus began with a light smirk,before gently tugging the princess by the hand closer to her. So that they were mere inches away from one another. Princess Sailor Constellation stared towards Uranus her mind drawing a blank as she couldn't help but to stare. It confused her quite abit,was Uranus a man or a woman? "But my feelings for you are not, Princess." Sailor Uranus whispered before suddenly pressing her lips against the persons lips she loved the most. Her princess. Princess Sailor Constellation blinked twice as she felt the warmth her Uranus's lips on her own. Quickly she pulled away touching her still tingling lips as images of Sailor Uranus filled her head. She was smiling at her with her hand outstretched for her,beckoning her to follow. And she wanted to,Rhea wanted to so bad but something stopped her. No someone did. But who?

Sailor Uranus peered towards her dear princess watching the conflicting emotions in her eyes. It saddened her but Uranus knew it was necessary if she were to have a shot of winning her heart. And what Uranus had to say next could and would have dire consequences. Unseen to her and even Rhea. " Ask Helios." And with those words Uranus took off and out of sight. With her words echoing in her head Princess Sailor Constellation held her hands to her chest. Feeling a sense of dread wash over her. Had Helios lied to her? And what was her past with Uranus? This she was determined to find out no matter the cost.

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