Act. 60 Conflicted Emotions

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Ritsuko  stood silently near the Mugen academy,completely entranced by the majestic appearance of the handsome stranger. She felt a sudden magnetic pull towards this person. She wanted to be by his side. She wanted to wipe away his tears at night,and most of all she wanted to be held in the strangers arms. And whispers words of utter comfort to him. But why? Ritsuko found herself staring at the silhouette of the stranger,feeling her heart pounding loudly in her chest. Who was this stranger? Who was this man? And why did he make her feel so...conflicted. Quietly Helios watched his beloved Princess struggled with her emotions. Emotions that Helios had prayed to the very heavens would come and pass quickly. But apparently his prayers had been ignored. For his precious Ritsuko. His Rhea. His star in the entire universe. She was the one. And before his very eyes he watched her inner turmoil. Helios only hoped that no matter what she remembered. Or how she felt,Rhea would overall choose Helios. No matter the cost.

While elsewhere after class and making his way back to his home with Michiru beside him. Haruka walked with a feeling of utter joy. She was here. Rhea was here,and not only that. She was still as beautiful and pure as she always had been. The mere memory of holding her delicate form in his arms,and having her beautiful cerulean gaze upon him. Was enough to make Haruka want to shower her with every once of love he could muster. Already he could feel his heart pounding out of his chest. He felt happiness,and anxiety. Because now Haruka had a chance. He had a chance to win the heart of the beautiful princess. Who had always been in his heart,no matter the time. Even now all Haruka wanted to do was sweep Rhea off her feet and treat her like the goddess she was. And thanks to the past agreement with the priest Helios,Haruka would now be given the chance to win her. To win the heart and affection of the sweet princess who lost her life in such a tragic way.

With an evident smile on her face,Haruka set out to have Rhea once in for all. While Michiru watched with cold eyes. She couldn't believe that after all the years and things she had been with Haruka. She could possibly be tossed aside for the princess. Gritting her teeth Michiru turned her back upon her lover,she couldn't bear it. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Haruka. And she would not allow it. She would not lose Haruka. Not now,and not ever. Quietly Michiru snuck away from the unsuspecting Haruka,determined to fight for the person she loved. No matter the cost.

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