Act. 71 Declaration

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Sailor Uranus peered up towards the heavenly being before her. A raven haired goddess with the gentleness of all mankind. She was something else. For in Sailor Uranus's eyes Princess Rhea was not simply a princess. No. Infact she was far from it. She was her "Light of Hope." It was true that infact Sailor Uranus and the other outer senshi were originally sworn to protecting both Princess Serenity and Rhea. But in truth the moment Uranus found those lovely cerulean orbs belonging to the "Princess of the Golden Kingdom." Eyes that seemed to not look at Uranus but more of through her. Unveiling the warrior, stripping her of any mask or lie she could or wished to use. She simply could not lie. Not to those eyes, not to Rhea.

Unable to break Princess Rhea's penetrating gaze, Sailor Uranus swiftly yet gently planted a kiss on the back of Rhea's hand. Immediately sensing a sudden change in the Princess. She became a bit flustered, her face a bright red while her once focused gaze now seemed clouded. Searching. Searching for the answers to the many questions swarming her fragile mind. Threatening the break the strong being Rhea had struggled to become.

Uncertain of her intentions, Princess Rhea drew her hand away from Uranus. Gripping onto the very hand the "Soldier of Heavens" very lips touched. Upon seeing her hesitation Sailor Uranus averted her gaze to the ground. Feeling momentarily guilty for her actions, but to her she felt her actions were necessary. Necessary to show Rhea how she truly felt about her. "Forgive me for my actions Princess I didn't mean to startle you." Sailor Uranus stated, her words hitting home revealing to Rhea that her words were infact truth.

Struggling to regain her former composure,Rhea allowed a wave of calm to sweep over her. Knowing that she would not find the answers she sought with a hesitant heart and unwilling ears. Princess Rhea knew she would have to prepare herself for Uranus's words. Well aware that these words would be fillee with emotion. Emotion that would threaten to tear the pure maiden apart,but Rhea woulf not allow it. Taking a deep breathe, now feeling more in control of her emotions Princess Rhea spoke. Her voice as soft as a spring breeze kissing every blade of grass that stood in its way. Yet her voice held with it as well was strength.

Strength that no mere human bore in this world. No, Rhea spoke with dignity and the desire to embrace any and all things around her. And forgiveness was no different. "There is no need to apologize, its been quite sometime since we last met-" Princess Rhea began as she casually drew near to Uranus. Shocking the warrior as the Princess playfully twirled around, allowing her dark blue gown to follow her every move.

Princess Rhea then slowly ceased her spinning, all the while running her fingers through her raven locks. " And I'm sure we have a lot to catch up on, correct?" Rhea questioned catching Uranus off guard whom was so entranced by Rhea's beauty shd had lost all focus. Stumbling over her words Sailor Uranus hurriedly agreed with Princess Rhea's statement. Hoping, maybe this could be her chance to find happiness with the one she loved. "With you being here....its clear you remember everything now." Sailor Uranus began as she stood before her Princess, her tall stature towering over the dainty flower before her.

Their bodies mere inches from one another, yet Rhea did not pull away. She stood tall, gazing upwards towards Uranus. Refusing to give into the fear which slowly ate away at Rhea's very trust in man. Taking a deep breath Rhea chose her words carefully, unsure of how to reallt approach this delicate situation. Yet she felt compelled to answer Uranus knowing she would never get the answers she wished for with such hesitation. " Yes, I remember everything....meeting the outer senshi...meeting you.." Rhea began as Uranus smiled at Rhea's words before the warrior reached out for Rhea's hands once more. This time she was slower, more gentle as Uranus cupped Rhea's small hands in her own. Holding them close to her face, bringing them close to Uranus's lips.

"Yes, the day I met you. Princess it was.....eye opening." Sailor Uranus began as she once again planted a kiss on Rhea's hand, but this time Rhea did not pull away. She remained silent allowing Uranus this moment. Feeling that she desperately needed to be heard. "I was alone in the outer solar system protecting all from invaders. And you....seeing you and finally meeting you made all that loneliness worth wild." Uranus began as she struggled to contain herself as tears threatened to reveal themselves.

"I know it was wrong but I....I couldn't stay away from you. Your presence was my addiction. I did everything I could just to steal precious moments with you." Sailor Uranus stated her tears now on full display as she sobbed lightly as she spoke. "I-I fell in love with you..even though I knew we could never be together....and then I found out about the priest." Uranus spat her words becoming vile as she spoke of Helios and coming to terms with the secret relationship he and Rhea shared.

And upon hearing this Rhea felt guilty. For she hsd no earthly idea of Uranus's feelings for her. Princess Rhea had always seen her court as fellow friends, nothing more. But this...this hurt...pain in Uranus's eye as she spoke. And the way she spoke Rhea's name showed Rhea that the words Uranus spoke were true. Uranus was in fact in love with her. But to these words Rhea was left speechless, she didn't know how to come about this. It was true Rhea felt something for Uranus but...nothing as strong as love for her.

Biting her bottom lip Princess Rhea turned her gaze towards Sailor Uranus. Whom struggled to control her tears as she spoke. Believing now she could tell Rhea how much she really cared. "I love you Rhea, I love you no matter what form you take. All I want is a chance to make you mine." Sailor Uranus declared her hands gripping onto Rhea's tightly as she both eagerly and nervously awaited for Rhea to answer. Rhea remained silent, Uranus's words echoing through her head as she struggled with her words. She didn't wish to hurt Uranus's feelings yet at the same time she did not wish to answer. Not yet, not now.

But Princess Rhea knew she needed answers as did Uranus. And gathering the courage within her Rhea opened her mouth to speak. Hoping her anwer would ease her troubled heart along with Uranus's. But is that all she wished for? Or was there something more?

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