Act. 88 Outmatched

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After what felt like countless of hours,roaming the grounds Mugen. Sailor Moon sighed in relief, as the group soon came upon the final room in Mugen. One appearing to belong to a scientist, as multiple tables filled the room. Littered with many beakers and test tubes filled with an array of colors. And yet everything was carpeted by vines, which led to the very center of the room. Where lay suspended above a pedestal was the "Pink Moon Crystal". Upon seeing this, Sailor Moon ran towards the pedestal. Crying out that it was infact Chibi Usa's heart. And she had to save her. "Sailor Moon,no!" Sailor Mars exclaimed, to the emotional Sailor Moon.

But her warning fell on deaf ears, as Sailor Moon now stood before the glimmering crystal. Her very tears pelting the Crystal softly. "Chibi Usa...come back." Sailor Moon breathed, her hands reaching out for the brilliant power source. Only to earn a painful electric shock, which coursed through Sailor Moon's veins. Her body tensed up at the sudden pain, her cry a mere shrill. As Sailor Mercury and Venus released audible gasps of fear. While Sailor Moon's stunned body fell backwards into the arms of Mars. Who held their princess protectively. Gritting her teeth as she warned her once more of the dangers they faced.

"B-But Chibi Usa..." Sailor Moon struggled to say her tongue feeling like rubber. Barely able to form the most basic of motions of the time being. " My looks like you senshi just cant help but to fall into my hands." Commented a sinister female who's voice echoed about the dimly lit lab. As from the very shadows themselves took the shape of none other than Mistress Nine. An obvious entertained glimmer in her eye, as she had witnessed Sailor Moon's blunder. "Who are you?" Sailor Venus demanded, taking a stand before the recovering Sailor Moon. Who was being held very closely by Sailor Mars. Who glared towards the villainess before them.

Slithering from the dark crevices of darkness Mistress Nine smirked. Her hands held above her head as she twirled around. Those long raven locks of hers following her every move. "I am Mistress Nine! Servant of Pharoah 90!" Mistress Nine declared, as upon hearing her name Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Pluto's faces turned as white as a sheet. It was true they had heard and feared the "Soverign of Silence" for so long. And now here she stood. With the power of a Silver Crystal in her clutches.

In their minds this was no time for mercy. Mistress Nine was extremely dangerous and needed to be brought to an end. No matter who she use to be. Sailor Uranus was the first to act calling out to her mother planet. The brilliance of the planets orange energy rippled and molded into an orb in her grip. Sailor Uranus running top speed at the daemon woman. With the concentrated raw power trapped within her fist. Sailor Uranus slammed it into Mistress's Nine's back. Expecting the woman to double over in pain, or to at least stumble. But she did not. Instead nothint but mere smoke formed where the attack had landed.

With her back still turned to Uranus and the outer senshi. Mistress Nine's head careened at an ungodly angle to meet their startled gaze. "Worms." Mistress Nine hissed as a flurry of her hair rushed towards Uranus. Grasping her by the throat and wrist. And with great force slammed Uranus into the ground. Over and over again, until a sickening crack sounded from the unmoving Uranus. Her gaze now empty as a mirror with no reflection. Struggling to even take in air, Sailor Uranus gasped. Painfully wheezing as both Sailor Neptune and Pluto stepped into the action.

Sailor Neptune using her mirror to paralyze the many locks of hair which bound Uranus. The two soldiers begging for Sailor Uranus to get up and fight. But no matter how much she wanted to. She simply couldn't. Sailor Uranus was completely numb, only able to hear her comrades cries. Yet unable to act. While behind the now distracted Mistress Nine. The inner senshi too began their attack. Hoping to combine their planet power into an unrelenting force. Staying behind to care for the still stunned Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars stayed behind.

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