Act. 89 Three Courts

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Dedicated to piepie128

Never in history, had their even been more than 10 senshi to grace one realm. Why during the bloody Sailor Wars senshi from which sailors from different planets, asteroids and even elements. Did battle. Many dying for their causes. It had been many many years since those gruesome days of the Sailor Wars. Since then their had yet to be a group of senshi so large to remain on a single planet. And yet here stood not one. Not two, but three courts. Two belonging to none other than Sailor Moon. The reincarnation of the Moon Princess. Which consisted of both the inner and outer senshi. Sailor Venus, Soldier of Love and Beauty. Sailor Mercury, the Soldier of Knowledge. Sailor Mars the soldier of fire and passion. And then there was Sailor Jupiter. The soldier of Thunder and Courage.

Of course then there was Sailor Uranus. The senshi of the sky. Sailor Neptune the soldier of the deep waves. And then there was Sailor Pluto. A senshi who recently was able to pass between time and space thanks to the Garnet Rod she held. Sailor Pluto was infact the guardian of both time and Space. Already there were 4 guardians on Earth originally. Not including Sailor Moon of course, but recently the appearance of the Outer senshi had increased the planet power to 7. Each guardian dedicated to protecting Sailor Moon. Their Princess till the end of time. But they were not the only protectors the planet Earth had at its disposal.

Why infact the miraculous rebirth of Princess Sailor Constellation, who in the past had been the younger sister to Prince Endymion of The Golden Kingdom. Made her appearance. The might of the Golden Kingdom and its most prizes treasure beating inside Sailor Constellation's very heart. And that was the Golden Crystal. A power that had yet to fully be tamped into. And yet even then its power was enough to give birth to 4 new guardians.

Those who had sworn their allegiance to Princess Rhea long ago. These 4 women were abit new to their roles as guardians. As before in their past lives the women were only a part of Rhea's court. Ladies in waiting if you will. Never once given the planet power to fight, until recently. Even so these 4 guardians were quite strong, stronger than even the outer senshi which puzzled even Sailor Uranus. But she couldn't help but to sigh in relief at the guardians appearance. The tall women seeming to be drawn to the soft glow around their Princess's brooch. A signal. A cry for help from their dear princess.

Aiding Sailor Uranus to stand, Sailor Bellatrix placed her gloved hand upon the pillar which held their princess. Bidding her black flames to escape from her grasp, crawling up the pillar. Burning away the hardened concrete which held Constellation. Still not responding Sailor Bellatrix soon cut Sailor Constellation free with her flames. The unconcious soldier falling into the secure arms of Sailor Bellatrix. Who soothingly stroked Constellation's hair, causing her to stir lightly.

It was then that Mistress Nine hissed loudly, declaring Constellation was hers. The daemon charged towards the 3 senshi. Sailor Uranus gritted her teeth, sheilding Constellation from the attack. But there was no need as

Sailor Bellatrix stood her ground before a black flames circled her right hand taking the form of crackling star.

The sudden concentration of energy alarming Mistress Nine as the smoldering black star was sent hurdling her way. A scream erupting from Mistress Nine throat as Sailor Bellatrix smirked allowing her flamed star to completely engulf the daemon in a pillar of black star shaped flames.

"Take her to safety!" Sailor Bellatrix called out to the still wounded Uranus. Who despite her wounds, she did so. Shuffling out of the way of battle, all the while clutching onto Sailor Constellation's sleeping form. All the while Mistress Nine trapped within the pillar of flames cried out in pain. Screaming for Pharoah 90 to deliver her from her fate. The mighty voice of Pharoah 90 boomed in the room. Causing everyone's ears to ring loudly due to the intensity. "If this defeats you, then you were never worthy of serving beneath me." He roared, the words of her master bringing Mistress Nine to tears. As Sailor Mars scrambled to her feet, sending the flames of the planet Mars towards the already burning daemon. The crimson flames of Mars and the black ones belonging to Bellatrix. Began to coil violently around one another, creating a red and black twister of both star shaped flames and regular ones. Which licked at the daemon horribly, her very skin beginning to peel away at the bone.

A blood curdling scream erupting from Mistress Nine's lips. The daemon's eyes blazed with anger as she used her hair to lash out at Sailor Bellatrix and Mars. The two women quickly bounding out of the way, Sailor Bellatrix's aim still on the daemon. As she showered her once again in her fire shaped star attack. Screams continuing from Mistress Nine, and yet she continued. Her hair suddenly pooling at her very feet. Moving as if it were a living organ. Rippling across the ground, crawling to its target. Which was none other than the unconcious Sailor Constellation. Who was still being carried out of harms way by the weakened Sailor Uranus. Her feet giving up beneath Sailor Uranus, forcing her to her knees. While the limp form of Sailor Constellation remained silent. Helpless. Completely relying on Sailor Uranus to keep her safe.

And because of this Sailor Uranus forced herself to stand. Now hearing the cries of Sailor Andromeda. The soldier clad in emerald and gold. G

uarded the grace of Gaia and the planet Andromeda.

The young soldier stood a few feet behind Sailor Uranus. Her hands forming a circle before slowly drawing the outline of the circle itself in an emerald light. "Gaia Shield!" Sailor Andromeda called out, as the outline she had recently drew began to give off a vibrant emerald light. Before slowly filling to form a barrier her. Sailor Andromeda's hands splayed behind the barrier, using all planet power to keep the shield up. As the tentacle like hair of Mistress Nine attacked the barrier. The force of the impact cracking the shield, which caused a wave of panic to wash over Sailor Andromeda. Before she beckoned Sailor Uranus to make haste.

"I-I can't hold her-!" Sailor Andromeda shrieked as the pressure of the tentacle continued wear down her defense bit by bit. Sailor Uranus immediatly quickened her pace, cupping Constellation's face. As she barreled over a fallen table. Running with all her might to the exit. While under the forceful attack by Mistress Nine, the fire covered woman wailed loudly. Before her hair finally shattered the emerald sheild created by Sailor Andromeda. Immediate fear evident in her eyes as the energy seemed to crumble to the ground like broken glass. Dissipating at her feet, as the hair lounged towards Sailor Uranus and Sailor Constellation.

Sailor Uranus feeling the tendril near gripped onto Constellation for dear life. Before feeling a sudden sharp pain in her abdomen. Peering down at her bleeding wound Sailor Uranus couldn't help but to gasp as she spotted another lock of hair making its way to Sailor Constellation. Who remained unconcious in Sailor Uranus's grip. Shaking her head Sailor Uranus cried out in fear. Begging for anyone to help her. To help them. She pleaded with Mistress Nine not to do this. To not snuff out one of the only purity this planet had. Cracking a smirk within the flames, the obviously burning Mistress Nine laughed manically as her raven hair struck at Sailor Constellation. Uranus screamed for the maiden as did her court as Sailor Gienah and Sailor Polaris ran to their princess. Praying they would make it in time to save their holy light.

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