Act. 61 Resolved Hearts; Helios and Haruka

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A few days had passed and Ritsuko would find herself gazing upwards towards the dazzling starlit sky above. Feeling as if something was missing. Something important. Ritsuko knew she was forgetting something,but she couldn't exactly put her finger on it. Quietly Ritsuko prayed to the thousands and thousands of twinkling stars in the sky. Seeking answers. She wanted to know. What she was forgetting,what this feeling was that continued to tug on her heart strings. And why she felt so,so hurt. So confused. It just wasn't like her. In fact she had not been this confused since her reawakening as Rhea. Quietly she bit her bottom lip before feeling the arms of Helios wrap around her waist. Ritsuko couldn't help but to sigh in relief as she seemed to fall backwards into Helios's warm and secure embrace. Just being near him seemed to put her mind at ease,but surprisingly even Helios's gentle touch could not ease her troubled mind and heart. And deep down Ritsuko knew that Helios was well aware of this. And could do nothing. All because of a promise.

Quietly Helios nuzzled his face into Ritsuko's neck,inhaling the sweet floral aroma of her lilac shampoo and perfume. He loved her,loved her more this anything in the world. Beyond the stars even, he only hoped that after learning more of her past that her love for him would not waver. All Helios could do was hold the love of his life in his arms,and pray that she would not abandon the love they shared. "Are you alright?" Helios whispered into his darling's ear who couldn't help but to shudder as his warm breathe tickled the back of her neck. " I have a lot of things on my mind,and I'm not sure how to deal with any of it."Ritsuko began before turning to meet the handsome amber gaze of Helios. Before she realized it Ritsuko had gripped onto his chest and began to shed tears in utter confusion. "What should I do? Please tell me what to do."Ritsuko sobbed,her tears bringing pain to Helios's heart. He hated seeing her cry. He wanted nothing more than to dry those tears and tell her everything was alright. But that would be a lie.

But was that so wrong? Was it so wrong to that he wanted to make those tears disappear,and put her mind at ease? Even if it was temporary? But could Helios even lie to her? Could he lie to the woman whom he loved? The woman who died for their very love? Gripping onto Ritsuko,Helios made a decision. One that would haunt him longer than he wished. He lied to her. Helios told his beloved that there was nothing to cry about. And that whatever was bothering her would pass quickly and that she should not entertain the thought. Ritsuko had no reason not to trust Helios,and dried her eyes. Agreeing with him. Maybe she was just being paranoid. Maybe these emotions were just a figment of her imagination. False. But putting these thoughts in the back of her mind,Ritusko held onto Helios alittle while longer finding comfort in his eyes. He was right,there was nothing to worry about. Yet as Helios held onto his lover he already felt the guilt seeping into his heart. Already he had broken the promise to Uranus,and he would have to live with it. But how long could he ignore the truth? And how long would Ritsuko remain blind to it?

It was selfish of him,Helios knew but he hoped Ritsuko would not find out the truth. The truth that he was desperate to hide. And the truth that Uranus was desperate to bring to Ritsuko's attention. But little did Helios know,Uranus or now known as Haruka was already setting her plan into action. She was determined to win the heart of Ritsuko no matter the cost. No matter the heartache she could and would cause. But for now that would have to wait. Because both Haruka and Michiru were in Tokyo for a reason. A mission as Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune,to find the three Talismans and stop the "Sovereign of Silence". A mission that even Sailor Moon and her court were not aware of yet,but they would be soon. And it could possibly be already too late. Michiru stood beside Haruka, her hand resting gently on her shoulder. "We have a mission to finish."Michiru whispered before laying her head on Haruka's shoulder who simply nodded while peering up towards the sky. Knowing he and Ritsuko both shared the Same sky.

"I know,and we will complete it. Find the talismans,and end the Sovereign once and for all." Haruka breathed before biting his bottom lip and thinking to himself 'And win her heart.' He thought to himself before a sly smile appeared on his lips.

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