Act. 100 Clutches Of A Dark Queen

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Helios awakened from a deep slumber, his body unnaturally heavy which greatly concerned Helios. His mind still in Abit of a fog and yet when the memories of Nehelania attacking him in the home he shared with Ritsuko. Anger immediately flashed before the Priest, as he struggled against thr strong spiderweb like bindings that held him in place. Causing him to suspend from the ceiling, his head angled directly towards a throne. For the time being the Queen was absent from the room, giving Helios enough time to figit and cry out for help. Now able to sense the hint of light within Helios's most darkest hour. He had to find it, and make contact with it. Knowing that it could infact be his only chance at freeing himself from Nehelania. In truth Helios was surprised that the Queen of the Dead Moon had even tracked him down. After all they had only met once before in the City of Elysion.

Back when the young Princess Rhea was far too young to begin her duties. And because of this Helios and the fellow Maenads were put in charge of protecting the Golden Crystal. For years the three of them worshipped the Golden Crystal. While awaiting Princess Rhea to become of age; it was not uncommon for those from different planets to venture to the city of Elysion. But each candidate who dared to seek the power of the Golden Crystal would always be turned away. As no one was seen worthy of the crystal's might. And yet there was one certain newcomer that startled even the Maenads to cower in fear. For the woman gave off such a sinister aura that even the roses seemed to wilt beneath her feet. Alarming the Maenads who had tended to the garden for many years. As the young Princess Rhea would frequent the lush garden, enjoying the lovely blooms it had to offer. Yet now they lay decaying beneath the feet of the intruder.

The woman entered the gardens of Elysion in silence, darkness sweeping behind her with every step. Standing before the pedestal which held the Golden Crystal; the woman stood. Her eyes transfixed upon the source of energy. The woman was indeed beautiful though even Helios could tell she was not young of age. Perhaps centuries years old. She held black floor length glossy hair with two bunched up buns at the sides of her head. The woman also wore a small bejeweled headdress which was silver and held a circle with an obsidian at it's center, while three crescent moons drooping down from it. Stepping before the woman Helios lowered his gaze upon her. Sensing the sinister aura draping over the woman. Though the woman's large icy blue eyes, ruby lips and pointy ears. Alerting to Helios that this woman was indeed a stranger to the world. And held great darkness within her despite her beauty. The woman's outfit consists of a dress, with large puffed sleeves that end in gold bracelets, a deep V-neck and a long, floor-length flowy skirt that is initially black but covered over with a slitted ivory sheet of silk.

"Step aside, I have searched for this crystal for so very long. You will give it to me." The woman stated her voice almost entitled, that of a royal. But her claim mattered not to Helios. "Only ones worthy will beable to have possession of the crystal. You are free to do so, although—" Helios began as the two fellow Maenads came to his side finishing the declaration. "Fail to claim the crystal and you will face it's judgement." But the woman ignored their warnings and continued to walk to her target. The infamous Golden Crystal of Legends. Able to bend even the power of dreams to it's owners will. And that was exactly what she wished. To use that power to remain untouched by time for all eternity. Forever remaining young and beautiful. Yes this was what the woman wished. A greedy desire. A plea that the Golden Crystal did not take kindly to.

For the moment the woman reached out to hold the crystal in her grasp. A flurry of gold flames whipped around the pedestal and Crystal. Burning the woman who hissed in pain, yelping away as she stepped back. Her left hand pressed against her now marred cheek. The woman seeming to lose all sense as she screamed. Demanding that the Golden Crystal bend to her will. "I am afraid it refuses to aid you. Please leave our garden." Helios advised now turning his back to the distraught woman who continued to scream. Her attention turned to Helios, the handsome Priest that guarded the Golden Crystal. For even as he left the woman was completely smitten with the priest. Seeking to take him as her own possession. Helios remembered that day. Of the raven haired woman who was refused by the Crystal. In truth he wished she had forgotten him, but he was gravely mistaken.

Gritting his teeth Helios ceased his fighting against his restrictions. Earning a brief giggle which seemed to be coming from every corner of the room. Disturbing Helios even more as he called out to the voice. Demanding they reveal themselves to him. But immediately regretted his words as Helios's kidnapper appeared before his very eyes. The woman's luminous silver eyes boring into his as a small smile formed on the woman's lips. "Finally, you are mine." The woman breathed her hand stroking Helios's cheek who then struggled to increase the space between them. "Nehelania!" Helios growled earning a smirk from the Queen who placed her hands upon her chest. "It warms me that you remember me dear priest." "Do not flatter yourself. Release me Nehelania!" "Oh no, I'm afraid I can't do that. You see now you belong to me  as does the future of your daughter." Upon those words Helios became deathly silent his heart pounding loudly in his chest. Astra? Astra was here? Why and how was that possible?

"What are you talking about?" "You heard me dear priest. Your little offspring is here and if you do not want her to face the same fate as your little Princess you will do as I command." Nehelania stated with a smirk as Helios slumped quietly, tears streaming down his cheeks at the thought of his sweet Rhea. Now out of his reach. Cold. Alone once again. And Helios simply could not bear the thought. Let alone thsir daughter Astra suffering the same fate. "Alright..." Helios breathed as he lowered his head before Nehelania, struggling to allow his tears to show. Hearing his submission to her Nehelania commented on Helios's will to serve her before resting hwr hand upon the Golden horn upon Helios's head. A gold light pouring from it earning a painful grunt from Helios as his strength was being sapped away by none other than Nehelania who smiled cruely at the sight. Knowing now that she was one step closer to the Golden Crystal being within her grasp. For before Nehelania's very eyes Helios's body began to change shape turning into that of a winged white horse which soared through the air. Leaving the body of Helios behind and dissapearing into the darkness.

Though Nehelania was not worried for Helios could only travel so far without his true body. He would return even if Nehelania had to ripe apart the dreams of thousands she would have him and the Golden Crystal. She swore it.

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