Act 4. Memories

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Prince Endymion stood in front of the Earth palace,it's tall stature looming overhead. He had grown up in the castle all his life, and as of late he had become quite tired of it. The many lessons,the sparring,the boring parties the King and Queen would host. His parents excuses for the parties was to "Strengthen the relationships between Earth and the neighboring planets." But Endymion knew better,he knew they were searching. And for what? A suitable man for their youngest child.  Endymion's little sister.

Endymion shook his head,it was true his younger sister was the apple of their parents eye. But that didn't mean she would just go along with what their parents ordered. He knew she had plans of her own. What young girl didn't want to explore, and fall in love all on their own? What was the rush? She merely turned 16 last month. Endymion didn't understand.

But he would put up with these dull days at the palace just for his sister. "Endymion!" Called out a familer voice,which seemed to echo throughout the courtyard. Endymion couldn't help but to smile,as he turned to the castle's stone steps. Soon spotting his younger sister,bounding down the stairs to him. If you looked at the two side by side the two siblings could be twins. The Princess held Endymion's beautiful ceruleans eyes. So deep it was as if you were looking into the sea itself. She had high cheek bones,a flawless complexion,and long flowing raven black hair that fell past her lower back gracefully.

Often the Princess would curl the end  of her hair into soft ringlets for special occasions. But when it came to spending time with her elder brother,there was no reason. She held her blue and gold trimmed dress up abit,so she would not trip on the ground below. Her warm smile radiated from her as she happily ran to her elder brother. Her gold heels clicking on the ground below. Endymion smiled as he caught his younger sister in his arms,twirling her around abit causing her to giggle.

The Princess truly adored her brother, and he her. He was truly happy and blessed his parents brought her into this world. To some extent she completed him. "May I accompany you today on your ride brother?" The Princess asked sweetly,she knew if she used her sweet tone of voice it was a struggle for Endymion to say no to her. Endymion released a sigh before ruffling her hair abit. "If mother and father find out I've taken you with me,they will be livid." He told her as his sweet sister pouted once more.

"But I've been in the palace all day,all my lessons are draining me big brother." The Princess told her elder brother her pout still evident on her face. Endymion knew he wouldn't be able to say no to his sister. Especially if she made that sad and goofy look on her face. She was truly hard to resist. Endymion sighed in defeat as he walked over to his large and loyal horse Argo.

His father had given him the tall animal for his 12th birthday. Instructing him to tame the beast,and if he succeeded he would prove a valuable ally in the future. Endymion had yet to see his usefullness as of yet. But Argo was a very loyal friend. He was a fairly tall horse,a pure breed from what his father told him. The horse was as dark as the night sky,with warm hazel eyes that would bore into your very soul. And most of all,he was loyal.

Argo only ever listened to Endymion or his little sister. The horse whinnied towards Endymion,as he placed his hands on its warm snout. Soothingly patting it's face calming Argo."Easy boy,easy."He told the horse who's breathing calmed abit as his words. "Mother and father won't find out,Argo is the fastest horse in the Earth Kingdom. They will never catch us." The Princess reassured her brother with a smile.

She wasn't lying,Argo was rumored to be the fastest steed in kingdom. Rivalling Pegasus himself,although he bet Argo could beat the legendary flying horse. Endymion smirked at his sister's comment before mounting his loyal steed. Gripping onto the fine reins,Argo shuffled his feet in excitement. Ready for another chance to stretch his legs. Endymion sighed unable to say no to his sister. He reached out his hand for her's as immediately her eyes lit up in happiness. Endymion admitted it,he caved. He just couldn't help himself,it was hard to say no to her.

Crystal of the Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें