Act. 81 The Soldier of Death

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Chibi Moon stared at Sailor Pluto in disbelief. Her words bringing the young girl to tears as she refused to believe these cruel words. "That's not true! Hotaru is- she's my friend!" Chibi Moon cried out confusing Sailor Moon who stepped forward. "Your friend?" She questioned, Chibi Moon cursing herself silently for speaking out. Now they all knew the secret she had been so desperate to hide. And there was nothing she could do about it. "She is! She kind and doesnt deserve to die!" Chibi Moon exclaimed her innocent voice causing many of the senshi to lower their heads in thought.

It wad true the senshi had come across countless villans time and time again. And had infact destroyed the entities once and for all. But this was different. This was not a pure evil being born for the purpose of destruction. Far from it. But a meek and soft spoken girl. An innocent that each inner senshi had sworn to protect. Through her tears Chibi Moon stood tall, not backing down against the outer senshi. And to this Sailor Moon drew near, her hands resting reassuringly on Chibi Moon's shoulder.

"She's right, we dont kill the innocent. There has to be another way-!" Sailor Moon began only to be interrupted by an irritated Sailor Uranus. Who knew that the inner senshi would not aid them. In her eyes they were soldiers yes, but they were not warriors willing to do whatever it took for victory. Not like they were. "Don't you think we've asked ourselves that?! That girl cannot be allowed to live another day. If we wait too long Saturn will-" Sailor Uranus pat angrily as Sailor Neptune tried her best to calm her lover. All the while lowering her gaze towards Sailor Moon and her court.

"Sailor Moon, you of all of us must understand. The great destruction which wiped the Silver Millennium off the very face of the Moon long ago. Scarring the moon and ending all life which had or could have ever been born." Sailor Neptune began as she took a few steps towards Sailor Moon. Her gaze unwavering as the very ocean waves Neptune loved. "That girl Hotaru will bring an end to the Earth this time. Wiping every soul from existence. Because that destruction itself." Neptune explained as she held her trusty mirror,asking Sailor Moon and the others to gaze into it.

It was then that the senshi were able to see the young Hotaru Tomoe. Secluded in her room once again as darkness began to ooze from her very pores. Causing the girl great pain as she collasped to the ground. Her frail body trembling due to the waves of pain. As for a brief second the glowing emblem of the planet Saturn could be seen gleaming upon her forehead. Surprising the senshi especially Chibi Moon who remained silent not believing this.

"Then she's like us! We should protect her, not hurt her. Its her dad and the daimons that are bad! Not Hotaru!" Chibi Moon shouted angrily her burst of emotion bringing sorrow to Sailor Pluto as made her way to Chibi Moon. Who continued to sob in the arms of Sailor Moon. "Please forgive me Small Lady, I wish things could have been different." Sailor Pluto muttered her tone confusing Chibi Moon who watched as her old friend returned to Uranus's side. Remaining silent deciding she had said enough.

"Sailor Moon. If you truly want to save this world help us. Sailor Saturn cannot be reasoned with. Her very awakening brings destruction. Only death will satiate her. All of ours." Sailor Neptune confirmed her words echoing through each inner senshi. And yet they took a stand, Sailor Venus nodding towards Sailor Moon. Who already knew what their answer will be. "I'm sorry. We cant help you kill her. Shes one of us, no one is beyond saving. We can help her-" Sailor Moon began as Uranus gritted her teeth before yelling at home dumb Sailor Moon sounded. Stating that speaking to Sailor Saturn is speaking to Death itself. And Death only wants one thing.

"I knew they wouldn't listen. The Silver Millennium has cushioned their warriors too much. They don't have the heart." Uranus spat as Sailor Neptune sighed turning away from Sailor Moon, shaking her head. " Then you leave us no choice then. We will end Hotaru Tomoe ourselves whether you like it or not." Sailor Neptune said as she and the outer senshi turned to leave. But Sailor Pluto remained, her gaze fixed on the silent Princess Sailor Constellation who had been listening to both sides of the argument.

"Mother of Stars." Sailor Pluto called out referring to Constellation's future self. Princess Sailor Constellation turned to Pluto who couldnt help but to sigh. "Surely you know what we say is true. Our 3 Talismans are what summoned her those years ago. And it is our responsibility to end her." Pluto stated as Princess Sailor Constellation shook her head not agreeing with Pluto one bit.

"You might be right,but the Moon did not have 11 guardians and their Princesses fighting. We will not fall as the Moon once did. The Golden Kingdom will live again and thrive without needless bloodshed." Princess Sailor Constellation declared as Pluto sighed turning away from the Princess. "Your idealistic ways will be the end of you all. Why can't you see that?" Pluto whispered before she,Uranus and Neptune left the building. Leaving the inner senshi to dwell on what had judt unfolded.

Could they really stave off Death incarnate Sailor Saturn? This question remained unanswered as the young Chibi Moon dashed off into the night. Needing to make sure Hotaru was safe, Sailor Moon and the others wete quick on her heels. A feeling of uncertainty within Sailor Moon. Something verg bad was about to happen. She only hoped they woulf be strong enough to stop it.

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