Act.18 Elements of Reincarnation

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Helios carefully layed the exhausted Princess across the stone plate. The platform itself stood before another alter,dedicated to the Golden Crystal along with its guardian steed. Pegasus. A tall statue loomed over the weakened Princess of the valiant steed Pegasus. Its wings outstretched towards the heavens in its own silent prayer.

Helios quietly knelt before the platform where Rhea lay,beginning to pray. He prayed for her health,and her overall wellbeing. And deep down he prayed for her happiness. Something Helios knew he would never be allowed to give her. Slowly Rhea's cerulean orbs fluttered open,blinking a few times to take in her environment.

She slowly sat up,gripping onto her pulsating head. Groaning ever so slightly at the pulsating pain that lurked within. Helios immediately sat by her side,carefully brushing strands of her lovely raven locks from her face. Before asking if she was alright. A smile appeared on the young Princess's lips as she reached over placing her hand on top of Helios's gripping it ever so gently.

"I'm alright now." Rhea told the handsome man,as he couldn't help but to smile towards the beautiful before him. Even though he knew he could never openly show her or even tell her how he truly felt for her. He would allow himself to remain by her side,just the thought of not being able to see her heavenly smile was just too painful.

Princess Rhea slowly rose to her feet,regaining her regal posture. The aura of a royal almost seeming to radiate off her very body. "Again." Rhea stated as Helios stared towards the Princess in a confused manner. Wanting to know exactly what the beautiful creature before him meant. Rhea turned towards Helios,the spring breeze tossing her lovely raven locks around her.

"The crystal,I want to try it again." Rhea informed the young priest,Helios. Helios's eyes widened in both shock and fear before rising to his feet. Immediately shaking his head and denying the brave princess her request. "Absolutely not,its dangerous in your current state Princess." Helios informed Rhea hoping to change her mind.

But he knew better than anyone,that once Rhea was determined to do something you can't stop her. No matter how much you try. "I cannot give up now,I'm so close to controlling it." Princess Rhea stated,her bright cerulean gaze filled to the brim with determination. "Even so,you cannot Princess. Doing this will-" Helios began,biting his bottom lip before he struggled to choose his words wisely.

"I'm well aware Helios,but I have too." Rhea breathed as Helios bit his bottom lip. Hesitantly nodding towards the brave woman before him. Watching as Princess Rhea left the safety of the temple,to confront the legendary Golden Crystal. It sat suspended in mid air above a lovely stone platform. Its bright amber glow spreading throughout the area around it.

Both Helios,and the nearby Maenads sheilded their eyes from the bright light. Yet Rhea braved the blinding light,pushing forward so that she now stood before the crystal. A mere few feet from it,Rhea then held her hands in front of her. As if to clasp the crystal in her hands before closing her eyes and beginning to pray. She prayed that one day the crystal would truly accept her. She prayed that Earth would continue to coexist with many other planets.

And most of all she prayed for the happiness of her people to last forever. As if reacting to the young girl's prayer the crystal began to radiate its divine light. Its power pulsating as it the crystal had its very own heartbeat. Helios gasped at the sight watching as the once dead flowers around them began to immediately radiate with life. He smiled warmly impressed that the crystal was responding so positively to its Keeper.

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