Chapter 74 Let's Talk...

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When Sans had appeared in the park, he was running around in a panic, to look for his little girl. Didn't Papyrus say he was going to the park with Fran? What if she had lost control of her powers and ended up somewhere where he couldn't find her? Maybe he should be looking for Gaster as well. Papyrus did say something about their father, even if it was for a split second.

He was looking around the park frantically before his phone began to ring in his pocket. Without checking who was calling him, he instantly picked up the phone and placed it against the side of his skull.

"talk to me." He said, in a surprisingly soft and calmer tone than he was feeling at the moment.

"Sans! Oh thank Asgore you picked up the phone." Alphys let out a shaky breath on the other end. "There's a problem-"

"well it's going to have to wait, because i need to find my daughter." Sans interrupted.

He started breathing heavily as he was running around, trying to avoid other monsters and look under the park benches. Sans took a quick glance inside the tube slides and looked over to the swing-sets before heading towards the walking trail.

"But, Sans!" Alphys screamed. "It's about-"

"yeah yeah, we'll talk about it later. okay, alph?" He lowered the phone.



"Here." Suzy hand gestured towards the door. "I have a key if you want to go inside."

"Sure." Susie looked up at the large building in front of her, eyeing the multiple mailboxes in the front. "What is this place?"

Suzy didn't answer, she only adjusted her glasses and sighed, her hand began to tremble as she put the key through the keyhole. She grabbed a hold of her wrist with her other hand to steady herself, and took a deep breath, opening the door.

She wanted this to be a quick visit, she left her bookbag back that the Dreemurrs house and she didn't want to be gone from her drawings for too long. Drawing helped her keep her mind off of things like this, and she really wish she didn't have to show her alternate version something that could make them both uncomfortable.

She didn't know if things would be the same in an alternate universe or not, especially when it was a difference with the war. Not having a war at all had made her turn into... potentially a bully, even if Susie had said that's not who she was anymore.

Susie had seen the sketchbooks in Suzy's bag a while ago, but thought nothing of it. She would normally doodle and draw to get rid of stress herself sometimes, so that's all she thought it was for. Most of Susie's drawing were of Lancer, and on rare occasions, she would draw herself with her axe, thrashing anyone in her way.

Making sure her hair was in a perfect ponytail, Suzy slowly stepped inside the front door of the large building.

"Don't freak out, okay?" Suzy said. "If our mother has passed away in your timeline, perhaps these creatures do not exist in your alternate reality."

"What do you mean?" The other monster asked, while walking through the door with her alternate self.

Suzy didn't say anything in return, she only opened the door a little more to let the other monster inside the large house. The atmosphere of the house was dark and it almost looked like smoke was everywhere. Everywhere they stepped, it almost seemed like they were squishing their feet into mud.

"Ew! What is that smell?!" Susie scoffed.

"Shut your mouth." Suzy shot a glare before returning her gaze to the empty looking corridor. "Mom? It's Suzy, I want to talk to you if that's okay?"

There was a low rumbling sound, then the awful noise like liquid being sloshed around through someone's throat. It was at times like this that Susie wished she had real monster powers and could make her axe appear. Fear never looked good on her, and it made her feel weak.

Out of the shadows, on the ceiling of the building, there was a bright, giant, smelly, wad of goo that emerged. Suzy forced a smile, while Susie tried hard not to scream. A low rumble came from the beast, and Susie instinctively took a step back towards the front door.

The amalgamation seemed to look over at Suzy and tilted its... head? Or at least what seemed to look like a head. It crept slowly onto the floor, white goo dripping from all sides of the monster, almost as if it was continuously melting.

"Hey, mom." Suzy said calmly. "Allow me to introduce someone to you."


Chara had been in the bathroom of Ryan's house for almost twenty minutes, talking to you telepathically. It took a lot out of her to talk like that while she was still pregnant, Chase constantly squirming around, almost like it was hurting him.

"How did it go?" Ryan asked as Chara came out of the bathroom.

Chara wiped her eyes with her sleeve, causing the hem of them to stain black. She looked back up towards the man and smiled slightly before looking over at the kitchen table. Her smile faded and she saw the necromancy book laying in the center of the table. She tore her gase away from it and looked into the man's eyes.

"It went fine." She said quickly. "She's not going to talk to him for a while, that's for sure."

Ryan nodded, understanding why that would be the case. It wasn't everyday that you realize that your boss had raped your sister twenty years ago, and is most likely trying to delay the monster expansion for his own personal gain.

Chara looked at the book again, sighing and closing her eyes. She didn't want to go blood thirsty right now. Infact, her being in a powerlust state was the last thing they needed right now, so she had to keep her cool.

"We need to get a few things." Chara said. "You up for a bit of a road trip?"

"What kind of road trip?" Ryan asked, as both of them walked towards the front door, leaving the book on the table for when they returned.

"We have to head down to the Underground, there's a library in Snowdin that can help us with the monster magic." Chara told him, putting on her shoes. "So, we're going to Ebott."

"Mt. Ebott?!" Ryan screamed.



I hope you liked this chapter.

I know I said it may be a while till this one came out, but I'm really sick and I had nothing better to do XD

So here you guys go!

I really hope you guys liked it, because it took me a while to edit it. 

I know my writing has gotten a bit more choppy, but that's because my brain is so dead from writing exams.


Thank you so much for reading!

Don't forget to comment and vote! (Comment guys! You know I love feedback!)


The Final Timeline (Undertale Sans x Frisk)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora