Chapter 19 Two Years

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It's been a couple of years since the monsters were in the underground. You're living with Sans and Papyrus this time. Toriel and Asgore are getting back together in about a month, and Undyne and Alphys have been hitting it off. Asriel, and Chara are living with Toriel, hence why you didn't suggest to live with her, and they're hanging out everyday.

Being the monster ambassador was a job that required a lot of speaking in public, so you were only home in the evenings. That was fine with Sans, he always took you to Grillby's for some takeout. Witch he went to even more now because, you were allowed a lifetime supply of food for saving all the monsters. Sans also had the deal because.. Well.. You guys were openly dating now. The process has been slow, and.. He hasn't done anything more than what you have already. Although.. He never talks about what he told you in the lab. About wanting to start a family. And when you try to bring it up, he changes the subject and turns bright blue.

Today, you have been working, in a meeting all day.

'Starting off 18 in this timeline really sucks.'  you think to yourself.

"Ms. Dreemurr, I understand that the monsters now have a right to live on the surface, but what you're suggesting is unthinkable!" Joan said.

He has been one of your "competitors" since the monsters have started living on the surface. He spent every waking moment trying to send the monsters back to their "home" in the mountain. However, over time, he has been more lenient and he eventually became a good friend of yours. Him and His wife were the "main operators" of the company, so technically, you were basically talking to one of your boss'.

"Like.. I understand that you and Sans may be... that way.. But allowing the monsters to live in human cities is just.." He continued.

"Joan, I don't want to argue.. But the monster population, whether you like it or not, will grow. The small town is crowded enough as it is.. Allowing the monsters to move to the city will allow new jobs for the humans, and help the growing population." You explained.

"And Dr. Alphys has confirmed that monsters and humans can interbreed?" he asked.

You tried to hide the hotness in your cheeks. "Yes, and we can always monitor magic levels if people are unsure. With consent of parents or guardians of course"

He frowned for a second. "What about those... Amalgamations...?"

You shook. You completely forgot about them. "Joan, they are living with their families, there are almost 5-17 monsters melted in one Amalgamate. And humans won't melt when it comes to a determination induce, since our souls mainly contain it."

"Okay.. now I know that I've already asked this, but you have contracts will every eligible monster about absorbing souls?" He asked

"Yes. Every monster at and above the age of 18 have signed a personalized contract." You say.

"And.. the Dreemurr boy?" He asked.

"Yes... Asriel has sighed as well." you tell him.

"What about the girl... Chara.. Was is?"

"She's not technically a monster, Joan.." you say

"But she can use magic like one." He argued

"Yes, but humans were able to do magic to create the barrier. Mages were a common thing when the monsters were first on the surface. The magic the monsters are made of allowed humans to be born with similar abilities. I'm sure over time, the human population will be able to do magic again." You tell him.

"Alright... Now we will have to talk about the currency issues, and tax dollars." He began.

The meeting continued.

The meeting continued.

You wanted water.

But the meeting continued.

You wanted to go home.

However.. The meeting continued...

'I need a shower...' you thought.

The meeting continued.

The meeting was over.

Wait. The meeting was OVER?

"Go home early today, Frisk." Joan said, stacking forms on his desk. "You've been working your ass off for a long time."

"But, Joan, I need-"

"And because you have been working so hard, for so long" he interrupted. "My wife and I have decided to give you a paid vacation."

"What?!" You were shocked.

"Yup! We are letting you and" he winked "the person of your choosing, take a paid vacation to anywhere in the world."

"Anywhere?!" You shouted.

"Well, you HAVE been working hard." he said.

When you left the building, it was a quarter past 4. You decided to surprise Sans with the news, and what better to celebrate with, than pizza? The roads weren't that bad, since you lived in such a small town, so you could pick up the pizza with ease.

You unlocked the front door, pizza box in hand and stepped inside.

"pap? you're done training already?" Sans said, sitting on the couch.

"I don't know, is he?" You said.

He shot up and turned around as fast as a bullet. "frisk! you're home early!"

He pulled your soul towards him and you almost dropped the box of pizza when her cupped your chin and kissed you.

"pizza? i thought you knew that we have an infinite supply of spaghetti and burgers." he said, taking the box from you and setting it on the coffee table.

"Well.. I have some news." You said.

"oh?" he eased you onto the couch and he sat beside you.

"I got something for the both of us today." You told him.

"lemme guess.. pizza." he said.

You laughed. "No! It's the reason why I got the pizza, silly! I got a paid vacation for both of us! We can go anywhere in the world!"

He blinked. "woah..."

He stood up.

"What do you think?!" You asked.

"i... i think... i need to think about this for awhile." he said.

"What..?" you reached out for him

He grabbed a couple of slices of pizza and was gone in a flash of blue.

"FRISK? IS THAT YOU ON THE COUCH?" Papyrus said coming through the door.

You didn't move.


"Papyrus.." you turned around.

"WHERE'S SANS..?" He asked

You paused.

"I don't know..."



I know this chapter is short. Sowwy. But I wanted to end it like this, and I tried to do some "fill-ins"

So... I hope you like it..

The Final Timeline (Undertale Sans x Frisk)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें