Chapter 33 Here Comes The Third...

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"There will be too much determination in the timeline... It's already reacting to Gaster.. I can only imagine what it would do with Kris.." Chara said as you were walking back to your house.

You just got off the phone with Sans about him having to share Paps bed when you got home. He was a bit upset, but the fact that it was two o'clock in the morning, you couldn't really blame him. You could have gone to her house so she could sleep in her bed, but Asgore and Asriel were having a boy's night with each other and it wouldn't be smart to barge in on two boss monsters in the middle of the night.

"Chara.. It was a bad dream... Asriel is fine. He's at home with Dad. Come inside and get some rest..." You tell her quietly while unlocking the front door.

"I'm taking your bed?" She asked, completely changing the subject.

"Well.. unless you want to sleep with Papy or Gaster. Sans is fine sharing a bed with Pap, and I can sleep on the floor." You say.

She stopped to look at Gaster on the couch as she registered your statement.

"Wait. I'm not taking up two beds, am I?" She asked.

You were a bit confused by her question, and it must have shown because she continued.

"I thought I was taking your bed, not Sans'!" Her voice may have been quiet, but you could tell she held back not to scream it out to the whole world.

"Uh... I thought you knew that Sans and I-"

"you and i what?" Sans was walking down the stairs.

"Sans...." you heard a sleepy but rough voice say. "Could you be any louder..?"

Gaster was sitting up at the couch and you sighed. You didn't want there to be conflict between him and Chara again, and above all that, you didn't want to wake Papyrus. You sat on the floor, not even bothering if it was dirty or not.

"sorry, dings! i'll try not to 'stairs' you next time" Sans said as he got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Wait a second..." Chara said. "Gaster is on the couch... and there's only two bedrooms... Papyrus has his own, so that means..." She shot a look down at you. "You've been sleeping with him?!"

Her voice was almost at a regular talking volume, as she pointed harshly at Sans. You blushed a little, and turned your head away. This is the exact reason why you didn't want your family to know about this.

"Lemme guess! You've done 'other things' too?" Her voice was getting louder.

"chara, that's none of your business..." Sans' eye started glowing.

"Oh... my god... you HAVE?!" She was shouting at Sans now. "How the hell does that even work?! You don't have a di-"

Sans covered her mouth with his finger.

"magic!" he said while jazz handing.

"But that-!" Chara stopped herself before she made her brain explode.

To be honest, when you and Sans did get... intimate... You weren't expecting it to happen like it would normally. However, Sans didn't lie when he said that magic was how it all worked, because that's exactly how it did.

"SANS.....?" It was Papyrus, his voice was still loud despite also sounding sleepy. "IS THAT FRISK AND CHARA?"

You all turned to look at him standing in the door frame of his door. Sans and Gaster sighed simultaneously as you stood up to try and explain.

You told him that the girls night out didn't really go as planned and Chara needed a place to sleep. Then before you could say anything about suggesting Chara to sleep in your bed, Papyrus shouted, loud enough for the whole town to hear him if they were awake.


"What?!" You, Chara, and Gaster said at the same time.

"uh... bro.. not to bring down your idea, but... are you sure?" Sans asked. "you... do remember what happened ri-"


"Wait wait wait!" You said, looking at Papyrus. "What do you mean, you remember what happened 'in another time'?"

Papyrus looked at Sans and frowned. Then Sans turned to you with the most guilty look on his face as you crossed your arms.

"surprise..?" he said while wincing.

"You're lucky you only have 1 hp, Sans." You threatened.

"noted!" he said.

The plan was as followed. Chara was sleeping with Papyrus, Gaster was left on the couch, and you and Sans kept your bed. Sans and Chara both didn't like the setup, but it was better than one of you sleeping on the floor. Although you didn't have to sleep on the hard floor, you would if you had to.

The night was going as planned and all of you were sound asleep till...


The screams..

You and Sans shot up as you heard and felt his magic turn your soul blue for protection.

Then Sans lifted you up and ran out of the bedroom door. You didn't protest, but when you saw Gaster on the couch, screaming, and trying to cover both of his eyes with dark purple magic, you froze from shock. You've only seen orange magic from Papyrus, green from Undyne, yellow from Alphys and Mettaton, Muffet's light purple magic, and of course, Sans' blue magic.

However, Sans didn't even stop to help his father, he looked at him for a split second then teleported right into Pap's room. You dropped to the ground with a thud and sprang up to run downstairs. But that's when you felt it...

As you got up, your soul throbbed with pain, and white noise filled your ears. Your vision was clouded with red and you felt like your soul was constantly being split in half.

'There will be too much determination in the timeline...' Chara's words echo loudly in your head. 'He's coming...'


HEYO! I'm not dead!

I know that this chapter is short

and it's been a while..


Anyway, I'll be writing more frequently again over the next few months. Because of summer!!!

C'ya later, my chicken nuggets!

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