Chapter 47 My Little One

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"it's gonna be okay!" Sans reassures. "you're gonna be alright..!"

"B-but what if I screw this up?!" She asked.

"C'mon! You're gonna be great!" You told her. "And the ring is beautiful."

"Okay.. okay.." she breathed in and out. "I got this."

You hugged Undyne as tight as you could. Keeping in mind that you looked almost 5 months pregnant in less than two weeks. Joan is letting you take more time off work until Kris' back home, so you didn't have to worry about that.

Undyne came to your house at 5 in the morning to talk about her wanting to propose to Alphys. You knew there was no way Alphys would even think about turning her down, but that didn't stop Undyne from being nervous.

"Well how did you do it?!" She screamed at Sans, picking him up by the cuff of his shirt.

"woah! i. hey!!!" Sans teleported back down to the ground.

"But how, Sans?!" She asked. "How did you know when?!"

He smiled gently towards her and glanced at you.

"you just feel it. in your soul.." he kept smiling, "once you know for sure that that's the one meant to be with you for the rest of your life, you just know that it's time to pop the big question."

She stopped and looked at you and smiled widely. The smile you knew well, one that was almost always plastered across her face.

"You're right!!!" She screamed, then lowered er voice when she realized she might wake Papyrus "I'm gonna do it right now!"

You and Sans looked at each other, both with a flash of concern and worry as you looked back at Undyne. She was already in her way to leave before you both plowed in front of her.

"Undyne! It's only 6 in the morning!" You reminded her, "she's sleeping, you told us that when you came over."

"Right..." She scratched the side of her head and laughed. "Guess I'll just ask her later then!"

"You're welcome to stay here if you wish." Gaster rounded the corner, clearly awake from the noise in the kitchen. "I can't sleep on the couch right now anyways."

Undyne took up the offer and sat on the couch with you, and turned on the TV to watch some Anime. Gaster continued his pursuit in the kitchen to go grab something to eat, preferably something other that Papyrus' spaghetti. Sans followed him and you were worried that they would start fighting over what to do about the baby again. However, you focussed on watching the show with Undyne instead.

"so are you gonna talk to me, or?" Sans asked, grabbing 2 oatmeal packets and handing one to his father.

"I don't know, Sans." Gaster said bluntly. "I'm quite upset with you at the moment, and scared."

Sans was taken aback by that last statement and started filling the kettle with water. Gaster took the kettle and placed it down on the heater to let it begin to boil.

"what do you mean, you're scared? scared of what? being a grandfather already?" Sans asked and chuckled.

Gaster breathed in and out, tapping his fingers on the counter as the water began to simmer in the kettle. Sans stood there beside him uncomfortably as he waited for an answer.

"You do realize that this child may kill her, right?" Gaster asked, head lowering.

"w-what?!" Sans looked at Gaster with complete horror. "what do you mean?!"

"Monster-Human interbreeds can be quite difficult to carry of the one who's pregnant is a human. Especially when the interbreed is a monster." Gaster explained.

Sans started talking again, "but we don't know that she's a mon-"

"Yes we do" Gaster interrupted. "Human pregnancies last 9 months. But Frisk's will probably be over by the end of this month."

Sans stopped, eye sockets completely black as Gaster explained. There's no way he could except that. You're not gonna die. There's no way.

"It's formed too much already for it to be a human, Sans." Gaster continued. "Not to mention that because it's a monster, it might have magical abilities. It could kill her from the inside if it's powers are extreme like yours."

"stop." Sans said.

Gaster finally turned to him. "What?"

"she's a girl." Sans said, his tone dark and harsh. "that baby is a girl. so stop calling her an 'it'."

Gaster laughed, patting Sans on the back as he waited for him to join him, assuming that he would join. Then he stopped, realizing that he was completely serious.

"Oh c'mon, Sans." Gaster looked at him disappointingly. "You're not telling me that you actually are thinking about keeping this thing, are you?! It will kill her!"

"no she won't." Sans stated. "and even 'if' she does, and that's a pretty big 'if', I would never abandon my kid."

Gasters eye sockets widened as the water in the kettle began to boil for the oatmeal. They didn't say another word until they were both done with making their bowls.

"not like you did.." Sans stated, clearly connecting that statement with his last.

Gaster didn't follow Sans into the livening room. He just stood there with a bowl of oatmeal in his hands as he watched his son sit on the couch beside you.

You were squished between Undyne and Sans now. Your nose picked up something, being pregnant had enhanced your sense of smell, so you could smell the food Sans had beforehand even sat down.

"here. eat." He said, giving you a bowl of oatmeal. "i can eat later."

"Thanks." You took the oatmeal and began eating, keeping in mind that it was hot before you started violently shoveling it into your mouth.

That's another thing that you and Sans had both noticed. You were literally always hungry. However, you ate peacefully while watching anime until Papyrus got up.

"UNDYNE!" Papyrus bellowed. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

"Just asking Sans for advice, I'm about to leave soon." She said, getting up from the couch and cracking her back and fingers.

Gaster loomed outside the kitchen doorway. He hadn't left the kitchen since his talk with Sans. He had finished his food and just sat there at the table, thinking to himself.

"He'll see when she's gone." He told himself quietly. "Once she dies and can't come back, he won't want that baby."



So Gasters crazy XD

I missed you guys! And please remember, I absolutely love it when you comment stuff! So please do it more often! ^-^

Okay bye!!!!

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