Chapter 73 "Right, Lancer?"

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"Let's go back there tomorrow, alright?" Susie said, looking down to the humans neutral expression.

She walked off and waved to Kris, exiting the school and walking through the trees on the left side of the school. Kris stood in the hallway for a while, waiting for that tug on his new soul to control his every move. He hated it. It was as if someone was using him as a plaything, just trying to use him for their benefit.

He sighed to himself silently as he ended up walking around the whole town, talking to everyone he could. He wasn't a very talkative person, but whatever was controlling him, was obviously trying to get a bunch of information about where he lived.

Susie on the other hand, had ended up back at her small home, passed the trees to avoid the rest of the town. There wasn't even a road that connected to her house anymore. Her father had let the overgrow of the trees to block any way to enter with a vehicle.

"Home sweet home..." She said annoyed. "Like hell it is..."

She walked into the house quietly, knowing that she was late to come home. She came through the door, and twisted the doorknob to cause as little noise as possible when she closed it. The scar on her eye began to throb, as she began thinking about how the Card King could have killed them. She had practically been hit in the exact same spot... Probably causing Kris to think that the scar came from the King.

She silently sighed. It didn't come from the King.

She walked down the hall, avoiding the kitchen and turning into her nearly empty room. At least he provided for her when her mother died. But that didn't excuse what he did to her.

"Oh, Lancer..." She said, sitting on her bed. "I wish I could just live in the dark world with you guys..."

She laid back, looking up at the faded star stickers on the roof of her bedroom. Smiling to herself, she sat back up to grab her still blank English notebook, a pencil, and her blankets. She quickly pulled the blankets over her head, grabbing the flashlight on her small dresser. She turned it on and placed it in her mouth, starting to draw on one of the blank pages in her school booklet.

"Susie!" She jumped to the sound of her father's voice, spitting out the flashlight, turning it off, and quickly flipping the covers off her head to make it look like she was sleeping. "Are you home?!"

She could hear the sound of her door opening as she tried to not shut her eyes too tightly. Maybe if he thought she was sleeping, he wouldn't hurt her. Listening to the sound of his footsteps in her room, she resisted the urge to start shaking. Her body was covered in fear as she tried her best to seem like she was in a peaceful slumber.

When she heard footsteps leave the room, and the door close, she breathed out.

"He's a lot like your dad..." She whispered, lifting up the blankets to look at her small doodle. "Right, Lancer?"


Are you done yet?

Oh... you forgot.

Oh... I forgot.

You could hear Chara's sigh.

Of course you did.


"you're going to have to explain to me what happened, very, very slowly." Sans stated. "okay, paps?"

Papyrus nodded, taking a deep breath in and out slowly. "OKAY..."

Papyrus had left the hospital as soon as Alphys started yelling at him to go get Sans. Realizing that he didn't have his cell phone on him at the time, he had to run back to the house in a panic. He was out of breath from running all the way across the small town, but that didn't stop him from talking fast when he first came through the door.

Papyrus breathed again. "FRAN AND GASTER-"

Sans shot off the couch, eye sockets wide, and disappeared in a flash of blue. Papyrus sighed... Why did he even bother? Sans always thinks that the worst things are going to happen when it came to their father.

You were in the bedroom still talking to Chara, and Papyrus had burst through the front door, waking up Sans, who was on the couch. Papyrus sat down in the same spot his brother had just gotten up from and sighed again. Was it always going to be like this from now on? Would Sans never be able to ever trust Gaster around Fran?

He rubbed the spot between his eye sockets and leaned back into the couch, thinking to himself. He knew that it was going to be a while till You and Sans would fully trust Gaster, but he didn't realize it would be so long. You had already forgiven him for the things he had done, especially after he explained why he was going to do it. However, Sans was not one for forgiveness, and you and Papyrus knew that.

Now that Papyrus remembers the timelines, he could now realize the change in behavior over the timeline periods. At the beginning of a Pacifist timeline, he would be happy, and would make sure that Papyrus would do the best that he could. Then, at the beginning of the genocide timeline, Sans would try and warn Papyrus not to guard Waterfall, because he knew that the fight would lead him to be killed.

"Papyrus?" You asked, coming out of the bedroom with a confused expression after realizing he was the only other person in the house. "Where's everyone else?"

"THE HOSPITAL" he said bluntly, not even bothering to look up at you. "ALPHYS SENT ME TO GET SANS."

You ran down the stairs. This wasn't like Papyrus... He was usually bright and cheerful, supporting and outgoing. This wasn't anything like that. He was acting as though whatever happened at the hospital wasn't important, even though Alphys had told him to go get help.

"What happened?" you asked, walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"FRAN AND GASTER.." He paused, looking up at you, making sure you were listening. "...THEY WERE TALKING TO KRIS, AND..."

He paused again, taking a deep breath. You just looked at him, making sure he knew that you weren't going to interrupt him. He took another deep breath, almost as if he was nervous on what your reaction was going to be.


Your body froze with fear. This couldn't be happening... There's no way that she could have started to have a reaction to a determination drain. However, that was the only thing you could think of. But... if that were the case, why didn't you feel it?

As far as you knew, Fran didn't have a determination soul. She had a green one, which stood for kindness. It was an upside down heart because she's a monster, but she did have one of the main human soul traits. So, if it was a physical reaction to a determination drain, did that mean she also had determination?

Even if she did, it didn't make any sense that you didn't have a reaction. So there was no way that was what it was. But... if that isn't it... then what the hell was happening to your daughter?



I'm sorry it took so long for another chapter, but I've been studying for my final exams, so I haven't really had the time to write. 

Speaking of final exams, it may be a while till the next chapter. I have two exams this week and I really need to be studying for them.

You guys have been so supportive, so I have no doubt in my mind that you guys will not understand. Thank you for that by the way!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Blow up my notifications again. I only got 6 in the time I was gone, sooooo



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