Update (finally)

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Okay where do I start? It's been what, 4 years since I stopped writing this? That sounds about right.

Okay! First of all to answer all of y'all questions. Yes I will be continuing this fanfic but probably not the way you are all thinking.

There's a specific direction I want to take this story, but in order to do that I need to re-write some of the previous chapters.

So I will be re-writing this ENTIRE BOOK!

It will take me a while because I do not have a computer anymore. But I promise you I have been wanting to continue this story for the past two years.

If you have any questions please comment. I am still looking at comments and have been since the book has been abandoned.

I'll keep you guys updated on what the book will be called and all that in another update. But I just figured I should let you all know what's been going on in my head.

Anyways, love you all for the support still throughout the years! Please don't hesitate to comment your questions.

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