Chapter 30 Charade

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Your sister lunged towards Gaster, pushing Asriel to the floor with a thud. Her eyes were dark, bloody red, and glowing from all the determination she stole from you. Behind her, knives piled up, flying through the air, all aiming towards the determination she longed to have.

She was in her powerlust state, not caring if she dusted anybody as long as she got her determination back from, what she thought was a hallowed husk. Asriel grabbed onto her arm, pleading for her to stop, but he only got pushed to the ground again.

Sans and Gaster pushed each other out of the way of one of the slashes of the knife in Chara's hand. The bone cracking sound of the hit rang through the room, and your body felt filled with your determination as Chara's eyes turned brown.

She screamed.

You wailed, body in so much pain from the sudden impact of determination as you shot forward and onto the ground. The pain you felt was nothing to the shock and horror that rushed through your entire body as you saw the bits of fabric and a bit of bone on the ground.

You looked up.

"I-I'm... I'm..." Chara didn't even finish.

The knife was through the hole in Gaster's hand, the power of his blue magic keeping her entire body still. She was balanced on one foot, arm looking like she was in mid-slice. She had hit the palm of his hand, a bit of bone was chipped from impact, but it didn't look like he had taken too much damage. Sans was right beside Gaster's hand. If Chara had hit just a little bit to the side... Sans would be dust.

You stood up, wobbly, and Sans stuck out his arms to support you.

"Chara...? A-are you okay..?" Asriel's voice broke the silence.

Chara didn't say anything, she couldn't even move her head to look at him. Her entire body was covered in a dark blue hue instead of just her soul. That must be one of his power qualities, Sans could move the soul, causing the person to move away, but Gaster? He could freeze and move the body in anyway he wanted.

"A-Az..zzy..?" her strained voice said.

"Doctor, Gaster, sir..?" Asriel said shyly. "P-please p-put her d-down. She's fine now... I-I can tell."

He didn't move, just stared at Chara like he was trying to look directly into her soul. Sans wrapped one of his arms around your waist to keep you supported.

Gaster just smiled when he finally sat her down to the ground, carefully trying not to break any bones while moving her joints in a sitting position.

The knife was still in her hand.

"Sans.." Gaster finally spoke. "Do you mind taking care of that for me?"

A strong blue hue covered the knife as you heard Sans' magic ping. He pulled it slowly out of her grasp and placed it in his own hand. You squirmed a bit, seeing blood o the end of it.

'Where the hell did that blood come from?!' you thought to yourself.

"How are you both alive?" Gaster asked calmly, almost like that huge fight never happened.

Asriel knelt beside Chara, paw grasping her hand tighty.

"alphys and i put some of the remaining determination left from the old time machine into a flower, trying to see if... monster souls could persist after death. the flower absorbed the dust in the throne room, therefore allowing asriel to persist after death without his soul. frisk saves the underground with asriel, who has absorbed all the souls in the underground because he was soulless. so now he's able to have part of his soul again, for some weird reason i can't explain" Sans explained

"Wait." Asriel said, helping Chara stand. "You knew I was Asriel the whole time?!"

"no. i figured that out when you said it to the whole underground that one time." Sans said.

"Oh yeah!" Asriel replyed. "I forgot I did that route."

"Sans.. were getting off topic, what about the princess?" Gaster asked.

Chara looked at Sans right before he spoke, giving him a look.

She cleared her throat. "Frisk's determination woke me up from death. She did a genocide route. I controled her a bit bacause of the determination conection. Abborted genocide. Frisk forgot about all the past timelines. Then she remembered them for plot convinience. I took her body. She got a new one because of her determinatoin, and here we are."

"wow." Sans said shocked. "that's it in a nutshell. i'm impressed."

Chara smiled softly while mouthing 'sorry' in his direction.

They all began talking to one another, talking about what happened in this timeline, the obvious glitch that allowed Chara to have her body, and Chara's determination inside Gasters body. Yet... no one talked about the blood on the knife. It wasn't there when Chara grabbed the knife from the kitchen, and her health seemed full, so where did it come from?

"Okay." Gaster said "This is probably getting a bit confusing for everyone, so let's try to break it down."

"Wait." You said, voice finally being heard. "How is there blood on the knife?"

They all looked at the red stained knife. Asriel's eyes went wide and he forced Chara's head to turn in a different direction before he covered his own eyes. Gaster took a look at his palm, the one that had been hit, and saw more blood dripping from the small wound. Sans held onto the knife and your waist a little tighter.

"T-that's not blood, Frisk..." Asriel said.

Chara's body twitched as she tried to not look at the red blade.

"That's the princess' determination." Gaster said in amazement.

"Azzy.." Chara's voice was muffled by her hands. "Get me out of here, now!"

Sans let go of you when Asriel turned around. They swapped places, Sans holding Chara and disappearing in a flash, and Asriel now holding you steady, holding the knife. You wanted answers. This timeline didn't make any sense... You knew a reset would be a bad idea because of Chara and Gaster, but you couldn't think of anything. This isn't like it was in the underground, where you could see what happens then go back to do it better until it was how it should be. You were stuck in one time.

One choice could affect how everything in the future played out, and there were no retakes.



I'm sorry... again.....

But hey! 


I wasn't expecting that at all, so I'm gonna hold a contest!

I don't have a title for this story yet, so give me your best ideas in the comments! I'll pick my favorite and I might add you in one of my chapters! Just give me the name you want this story to be called and say it's from _____(y/n). 


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