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After a good thirty-minute conversation and several gasps from Taehyung, Jungkook had finally told him his little secret. He was shocked to the say the least when he saw how much it really affected him. The information wasn't easy to take in, that was for sure. Still, the raven-haired boy didn't think Taehyung could be that worried. It made him happy. It made his body become tingly all over.

After a long, comforting hug, that managed to somewhat calm him down, Jungkook dragged Taehyung to one of the bathrooms before Hoseok could get his hands on him.

"Sit." Jungkook ordered, his index finger pointing to the white sink to his left. He turned around, rummaging through the different drawers, looking for the first aid kit box.

"Finally." Jungkook whispered, going back to where Taehyung was. He brought his right hand to the side of Taehyung's head, being careful not to put any pressure on the wound. "I should've stopped him." He muttered to himself, dejectedly.

"Did you really think it was me? That I could stalk you?" Taehyung asked and the younger boy sighed, looking down in shame because he noticed the slight disappointment in Taehyung's voice. "I'm sorry, I just... I didn't know who I could trust. He was... He was the one that attacked Hoseok and he's broken into my house more times than I could remember and I was going crazy." Taehyung brought Jungkook between his legs, enveloping him into a warm hurt that he hoped was somewhat comforting.

"It's okay, Jungkook, but... Let me at least help you." Taehyung said, giving Jungkook a quick kiss on the neck. Jungkook blushed, good thing Taehyung couldn't see due to their current position. He lightly nodded at the older's request.

"You know I would never hurt you, don't you?" Jungkook smiled, he was hiding his face in Taehyung's neck, hating how he was so easily flustered, just a few words and he was already grinning like an idiot with reddened cheeks.

"I know." He whispered, giving himself a few seconds to calm his racing heart before detaching himself from Taehyung's warm neck.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked, looking at the dry blood on Taehyung's head while bitting his lips, something he had grown used to do whenever he felt either nervous or frustrated.

"Don't do that." Taehyung whispered, his eyes focused on Jungkook's rosy lips. The aforementioned shuddered, having noticed where the older was looking at and rapidly stopped his constant lip biting, although the small smile he had plastered on his face couldn't be erased. He just loved the fact that something as little as that could get Taehyung flustered. He wasn't the only one, after all.

Jungkook's thoughts came to a halt, realising Taehyung was right there, in front of him, tilting his head slightly. A smirk barely noticeable on his lips.

Ignoring the cocky expression of the boy, he brought the humid cloth to Taehyung's forehead.

"Baby." Jungkook swore mentally because he could already feel heat coating his cheeks, again. He managed to let out a short hum.

Taehyung brought Jungkook closer to him, having the boy between his legs and Jungkook could feel his heart beating hard against his ribcage at how close their bodies were, he couldn't deny their position was much more intimate that he had thought it'd be.

"Do you mind if I stay over? I don't want to leave you alone." He said matter of factly.

"I-I wouldn't be alone. Hoseok is-"

"It takes him ten minutes to walk twenty meters, Jungkook. He can't protect you if something happens. Come on, I wanna stay over." He cut him off, wrapping a hand behind Jungkook's neck softly, smiling when he noticed Jungkook shiver under his touch.

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