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Back at home, Jungkook tried to relax as much as possible. Tried to entertain himself with simple things such as watching TV or texting Hoseok, who'd been acting weird since the time he tried to help him with something he, until now, didn't know.

He also tried going for a walk, however, as soon as he stepped foot outside, he backed off. Sometimes he thought he lived in Texas, one minute he would be swearing because he couldn't ever feel his toes and the other he would be also swearing because he was sweating like a fucking pig. Today it was the first one and although he had enough layers on he preferred staying home, where he couldn't freeze.

Having nothing to do, he pulled out his phone and, in an act of bravery he usually wouldn't be able to, opened one of his chats and hoped for the other to answer to the text he just sent.

How u doing?

Knowing this was the first time he texted him made him a little bit hesitant to talk to him but the boredom he was feeling overpowered anything at that moment. Besides, he hadn't seen him in almost a week and he was supposed to come back to school soon so, why not?

He didn't have to wait much before he answered, apparently Jimin seemed that kind of person that couldn't live if his ass wasn't completely and utterly glued to his mobile phone, even if he was taking a dump.

Fucking awesomely.

Jungkook really wondered if Jimin could not swear every two minutes or it was something that happened naturally, as if it was innate.

Are you coming back tomorrow? It's been six days since they kicked you out.

Yeah, although I'm sure those fuckers couldn't care less if I did take some more days.

There it was again.

Do you need notes or...?

I told you, I haven't taken notes in like three years. Don't need them.

Yeah, well...

This isn't working. This conversation isn't going anywhere, it was just awkward and Jungkook really didn't know how to go on. This was why he liked Hoseok so much, he was just so extrovert, so outgoing Jungkook didn't need to focus much at first when he had a conversation. He would be listening to him talk most of the time. Jimin... Jimin was an outgoing person, that was for sure, but Jungkook didn't have the same level of confidence he had with Hoseok.

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