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Jungkook stopped drawing and lifted his gaze to see the older guy next to him.

The boy had slightly curly blond hair, he was looking at him with a little smile displayed on his lips. He seemed to have a very soft skin. His eyes were dark brown. Jungkook had to admit that the guy was handsome.

"Huh?" Jungkook asked slightly wide eyed.

"Your name" Taehyung repeated amusedly.

"J-jungkook" The young boy murmured loudly enough for the other to hear.

The blonde one chuckled lowly at the fact that the younger seemed so closed off. "You shy, uh?" He never got a response as the younger turned his head to look out the window and try to control the prominent blush that was starting to cover his cheeks.

Taehyung chuckled loudly.


The class passed by not as quick as the younger would have wanted it to. The boy next to him kept glancing at him and somehow it made him nervous.

He wasn't the type of people who befriended others easily, no. He usually needed months to be comfortable around new people.

When he was younger he didn't struggle as much as now, but as years passed he realized that people weren't as humble as he thought. He understood that not everyone has good intentions and a couple of experiences taught him well enough that he had to be sure who he befriends so as not to get hurt later on.

When the dismissal bell rang Jungkook tried to gather his stuff up quickly, he didn't want to take long because then the new boy will start asking him things, he just knew, judging by the amount of times he had glanced his way Jungkook knew he wanted to talk to him.

Unfortunately, he didn't make it as a hand wrapped around his wrist tight enough to not let go. He glanced behind him already knowing who would be the one that stopped him. "Hey, um, I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me and my friends" He let go of the younger's wrist as he talked and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

'What?' The ravennette boy thought, taken aback. "Um... I-I always eat with my best friend, sorry." Jungkook said with his gaze downcasted.

"He can come, don't worry. My friends are good people" Taehyung said hoping that the young boy would give in and just go along. Jungkook looked up seeing a little smile plastered on the blond guy's face. "I... I don't know if he-" He got cut off before he could even finish. "It's fine, really, you two don't have to worry, and also, since I'm going to be your seat partner I guess I have to know more about you, what best time than this?"

Taehyung said as he grabbed Jungkook again, this time his hand, he intertwined his fingers with the smaller boy's. Jungkook blushed slightly at his actions, not being accustomed to physical contact with strangers, let alone, like this. But Jungkook shrugged that feeling off noticing that the older boy didn't seem phased by this and thought that this was normal.

Students started to mingle in the canteen as they disappeared from the corridors.

"Where's your friend?" Taehyung asked as they kept walking hand in hand. "We always meet at the entrance of the canteen" Jungkook responded shyly, proud for not stuttering in front of the other.

Not even two minutes later they arrived and a loud voice resonated through the current empty aisle. A black haired boy approached them walking fast, almost tripping.

Taehyung let go of Jungkook's hand as the other boy engulfed him in a tight hug. "Can't breathe" Jungkook said after a few seconds as he tried to wriggle out of his friend's grasp.

When Hoseok finally let go his eyebrows furrowed seeing another boy standing quite awkwardly. "Who are you?" Hoseok asked not beating around the bush. "Hi, I'm Taehyung, Jungkook's seat partner, I was wondering if you two would want to eat lunch with me and my friends" Taehyung said giving a little smile.

Hoseok took a few seconds to answer before shrugging "sure blondie, Hoseok" he said stretching his arm out for the blond to take. "Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" he uttered while shaking his hand twice.

Jungkook stomach growled and both boys directed their gaze towards the young boy who was as red as a tomato looking at the floor in embarrassment. "Sorry" he chuckled awkwardly while rubbing his right arm with his hand.

"Come on, my friends are inside, besides, I'm hungry as well" He said winking at the blushing boy, causing the boy to turn an even deeper shade of red.

The three of them made their way inside the canteen where everyone was chit chatting and stuffing their mouths.

Taehyung walked towards a certain table in which there were three more people. Jungkook recognized two of them from earlier, they were the guys that joined his class not even an hour ago. But there was another one, he had black hair as well as Hoseok but anyone could tell they were the complete opposite by just a quick glance.

He was eating, not caring enough to look up at the new two boys.

One by one they introduced, Jungkook wasn't surprised that the two other boys did not recognized him as they didn't pay much attention to their classmates earlier.

There was a short silence when the only one left was the black haired boy that kept eating, not minding the world around him.

The guy whose name was Jimin, if Jungkook remembered correctly smacked the back of the boy's head and he finally looked up, glaring at his friend.

He took off the black earphones that Jungkook didn't notice and asked gritting his teeth. "What?"


Author's note

6/7 already, yay. 😆

Should I add some smut in the future? I actually want to but I wanna know your opinions, just in case. 👀

Have a good day/night wherever you are

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Have a good day/night wherever you are. ❤️

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