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It's been two days since Jin sent him the message telling him when they could meet up.

He was still careful, covering the marks still visible on his neck with either concealer or a scarf. It didn't look weird at all taking into account winter had already arrived and everyone had at least three layers of clothes on. A scarf was just as normal as a coat.

But even when he would wear one, he took his sweet time covering the marks up with the make-up he bought for his eye bags, which thankfully weren't as noticeable as they were a couple days ago.

Jungkook took advantage of his sleepover with Hoseok to finally ask him about the day he looked like he wanted to kill Yoongi that one day at the canteen. And the fact that he had been moody since then made Jungkook think it really was something serious. So, as the good friend he is he tried bringing up the topic carefully that one night.

Although maybe he wasn't as discreet as he thought.

"You know, I'm surprised you haven't ask for any help with the exams, you always need my help." Jungkook said, winking at Hoseok, who was lying down on his bed in a starfish position and looking up at the ceiling.

"Oh, yeah, I see how much faith you have in me, uh?" Hoseok said, lifting his upper body, propping himself up on his elbows and locking eyes with the young raven haired boy by his desk chair.

"So, you have been studying?" Jungkook asked doubtfully, squinting his eyes at Hoseok, that made a hurt face while bringing his right hand to his chest. "Ouch."

"And I mean... True, I'm not getting perfect marks, that's for sure but they are not... horrible. Just average" Hoseok mumbled, lying back down.

"I heard Yoongi is pretty good at Spanish, he could help, you know?" Jungkook said, catching the black haired boy's attention.

"What are you implying?" Hoseok asked with furrowed eyebrows sitting up with his back to the headboard. "N-nothing, just... That he's a knowledgeable source of information, like... He could help you, and you know I'm going to be busy with my new job and-" Hoseok stopped the other from going on.

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