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Jungkook wasn't physically prepared for this day. Not only he had an exam to pass but also didn't get practically any sleep the night before.

After the mess of Jimin's party he returned home, accompanied by Namjoon, at a little over 2 a.m and stayed a couple of hours more awake just because his brain wouldn't stop reminding him of his upcoming test. So now he had to go to school and spend all morning dwelling on how much he would have just wanted to stay in his bed.

Jungkook did his usual morning routine and picked up an apple to eat on his way to school because he didn't have enough time and was running late again.

He left his house in a rush and not much later he threw the core of the eaten apple in a nearby trash bin.

The first thing he saw when he arrived there made him laugh. "Nice glasses for a cloudy day" he mocked Hoseok before taking the glasses off of Hoseok. The aforementioned groaned at his friend's comment. "You look like shit" Jungkook said matter-of-factly.

"Well thanks for the compliment, idiot, and this is your fault, I wouldn't have gone to that party if you hadn't asked" Hoseok stated before snatching his glasses and putting them back on to hide his eye bags.

"Do you remember what happened?" The younger of the two asked by curiosity. Hoseok kept silence and Jungkook took it as a 'no'. "You need to seriously control your alcohol intake" Jungkook sighed while grabbing the handle of the front doors of the building. Hoseok just hummed.

The boys were greeted by the buzz of the students reunited in the corridors.
Hoseok groaned while grabbing his head with both hands and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows until he remember Hoseok was going through a hangover and that just worsened it more.

It was time for their first class and Jungkook and Hoseok made their way to their respective classes.

Jungkook's class was already filled with the clatter produced by his classmates. The door burst open and there stood three boys.

Taehyung and Jimin just winced at the noise and Namjoon passed by them camly as if nothing disturbed him.

Jimin grunted and walked slowly towards his respected seat. Taehyung sighed and approached Jungkook. When he finally got there he slumped on his chair and hit his head against the table grunting.

"You... Okay? Jungkook asked reluctantly.
"I can't remember a thing from yesterday" Taehyung said ignoring his question.

"Um... Yeah, well, that's understable" Jungkook voiced looking out the window.

"Did I do something stupid?" Taehyung looked at the younger wide eyed, obviously concerned about his actions. Jungkook just chuckled bringing one of his hands to his mouth doing as if he zipped his mouth up.

Taehyung groaned loudly.

Lunch time came and students ran out of classrooms to the canteen. Jungkook met with Hoseok before entering and both boys saw Taehyung waving his hand as if to tell them to go there, which they did.

The table was silent for a few minutes, only the sounds of chewing and students chatting.

Jimin seemed the most uncomfortable out of all of them while Yoongi just seemed angry and Hoseok and Taehyung were eating without a worry.

Namjoon was on his phone, not minding the awkward silence that surrounded them all.

"Someone puked on me!" The silence was soon broken as Yoongi yelled. "Oh so you remember, congrats champ" Namjoon said in a monotonous way. "And my back fucking hurts" Taehyung complained while rubbing the small of his back.

"Mhm, that was probably after your sorry excuse of a dance" Namjoon uttered nonchalantly while Taehyung's orbs expanded. "I did what!?" He yelled.

Hoseok laughed hard while pointing at his face until Jungkook joined the conversation at hand "Hoseok you did the same" he shook his head smiling a bit as Hoseok just shrugged "I surely nailed it, not worried" he said as if it didn't affect him.

"You both sucked" Namjoon stated before munching on his chips. Jungkook chuckled.

"Is everyone ignoring the fact that someone puked on me?!" Yoongi yelled glancing at all of them angrily. "Not me" Taehyung said while lifting his arms defensively. "Me neither" Jimin repeated calmly. "It wasn't me" Hoseok joined.

"I was busy trying to save the situation so..." Jungkook defended himself. Everyone looked at Namjoon expecting an answer.
"It was Taehyung" He said and the aforementioned gasped and got up "I didn't!" He exclaimed. "Yeah, you did. You almost threw up on the couch I was on but Yoongi got in the way" Namjoon said taking another bite.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you, you dipshit!" Yoongi stood up from his seat and went after Taehyung who ran out of the canteen to not get killed.

"He fucked up big time" Hoseok voiced while laughing. "Yeah, um... Jungkook?" Jimin said hesitantly. Jungkook just hummed letting him know he was listening.

Jimin scratched the back of his head while smiling sheepishly "The bathroom thing, I-" Jungkook cut him off when he knew what he was referring to. Hoseok just listened attentively. "Don't worry, it was nothing, really" Jungkook said waving his hand in hope he would drop the topic at hand.

Which he did. Fortunately.

Silence consumed them again until there was a sigh.

"No more parties" Jimin said.


Author's note:

Fun fact: I've never got drunk. I'm a child of God skskksksk.

Hope you all have a merry Christmas, see you in two days.

Smack that booty, yay

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Smack that booty, yay.

Have a good day/night wherever you are. ❤️

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