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The next day Jungkook's parents were finishing packing and Jungkook watched from afar how they were taking suitcase after suitcase out of the house and into the trunk of their car.

Jungkook's father left a good amount of money on the counter of the kitchen to make sure his son could afford buying food and everything he may need until they were back again, which hopefully will happen sooner than he expected.

Jungkook watched with sad eyes how his life became back to normal as their parents had everything packed and were ready to leave.

His mother approached him with open arms and engulfed him as tightly as she could, knowing that she won't be able to see his son in person for a long time. She hated that she had to do this, she hated how her son reassured her that he was okay, when in reality the truth was the complete opposite, but he couldn't tell them how he really felt about all of this, because that will only make things worse. And things were already too messed up.

After his mum, his dad followed, although he was much more composed than his wife and Jungkook was thankful for that since he knew that if he saw them crying he would end up the same and he was sick of crying when this happened, he was sick of letting the walls that he so thoughtfully had built to let other bring them back down again and again. He would make sure this affected him as little as possible from now on.

He stared at the closed door and sighed walking upstairs to try and tire himself up as much as he could so as to stop thinking about how really fucked up his life was.

He remembered a certain blond haired boy and decided to text him and see how he was doing. He probably would have to do some thinking after that, taking into account what happened the other day at Taehyung's but for now he was going to try and forget about the unsettling feeling in his stomach.

Hey, you better? Do you still have fever?

He opted for watching some YouTube videos on his laptop while he waited for the other to answer.

A little over twenty minutes he paused the video he was currently watching when he heard a ding coming from his phone.

A lot better actually, how's everything at high school, news?

Nope, as always. Are you sure you're okay? Last time you said that I found you half dead.

Worried much?


I'm okay, I swear.

Tell me if I need to pass by anyways.

Maybe when I've recovered, we could do a movie night or smth, I don't want you to get sick.

Sure. Gotta go.

'I fucked up' Jungkook thought as soon as he sent the last message.

It was around seven in the afternoon when he went out to take a walk since he had nothing to do. Hoseok wasn't texting him back so he decided that he could use some fresh air and, that way, he could clear his mind a little.

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