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Aside from the little incident involving Jimin the morning went by quite calmly. Four of the boys were currently sitting on the rooftop, they still had no idea what could have happened to his friend, given the fact that they hadn't seen them since they called him for God knows what.

They were chilling, nothing really out of the ordinary. Eating and talking about anything and everything until an angry Jimin approached them.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked quietly, not knowing if raising his voice would anger him more that he already looked. "Those fuckers!" Jimin yelled bringing his hands to his hair. "Uh?" It was Hoseok this time.

"The other night. They say they have me on camera, they think I broke into the school to fuck around!" He screamed at the top of his lungs before kicking the wall as hard as he could, which only made him hiss in white pain.

"What?! Wait, why haven't we been called, then?" Hoseok questioned, thinking it didn't make any sense. They all were there but only Jimin had been called, what about them?

"They only have me, apparently. But I tried to reason with them, I tried to tell them I was here and the door got stuck but they didn't buy it and now they say that I'm suspended for a whole fucking week!"

"Lucky one" Yoongi murmured through a mouthful of chips.

Everyone ignored the little comment, knowing for a fact that the black haired boy didn't actually pay attention in any class, let alone, give a single fuck about suspensions.

"What are you going to do? Like, are you going to do as they say?" Namjoon asked out of curiosity. "As if I had another option." Jimi answered laying on the ground.

"Well, you do have options but they would most likely make the consequences worse than before." Jungkook intervened, hearing Jimin sigh.

"I guess I'll just be chilling at home until next Thursday." He said sounding much more composed. "I can text you the homework." Jungkook told him with a little smile.

But it was soon wiped off when Jimin started to laugh loudly. "K-kid, I-" He tried to take a deep breath "I don't do homework." He finished before breaking into a fit of laughter.

"Oh." Jungkook voiced dropping his head a little to look at his feet. "But thank you, boy." He winked at him, smiling when he saw him blush a little.

"OK! So, see you in a week, then. I'm going on early holidays!" He said while getting up, waving at them, probably also thinking about how much fun he was going to have, just lazing around, doing little to nothing at all.

"He came here complaining and now he's acting as if someone had proposed to him, is he bipolar or something?" Namjoon asked as soon as Jimin left.

Three hours later Jungkook found himself sitting in his last class period feeling kind of lonely each time he glanced at the empty seat next to him. He hadn't seen Taehyung since yesterday and he was expecting to see him around lunch time but he wasn't there and with all the commotion with Jimin he hadn't had the opportunity to ask why he hadn't come to school.

Sure, school was a pain in the ass, but he wasn't one to miss classes, he was more like the I-come-but-don't-expect-me-to-do-shit kind of type, so Jungkook grew even more concerned when he entered their shared class and didn't see him sleeping, as usual, in his respective seat.

He glanced at his right, seeing Namjoon paying attention and Jimin making paper balls with his class notes. He took a piece of paper, writing on it 'you know where's Taehyung?' and threw it at Jimin.

Namjoon flinched as soon as he saw some flying God knows what pass barely two centimeters away from his face and glare at where the little ball came from, seeing a giggling Jungkook. His attention was soon caught by Jimin who, out of the blue, started cursing and rubbing below his left eye.

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