Chapter 103: It was my fault

Start from the beginning

"Since class won't be in session today you can already move back." he said.

"But shouldn't you discuss it with Mic first? Not to mention that you haven't spoken to Nezu yet." I said.

"So? Nezu isn't the one who's providing shelter for you; he's just telling you when and where you have to move. So since Zashi and I are the ones providing that shelter, we decide when you will move, and that will be now." he said, not caring about what Nezu would say.

"But you-"

I was cut off by Mic, "You already should know my answer, Y/N."

Both Aizawa and I looked to the door to see Mic walking in with a few pieces of paper. "What do you want?" asked Aizawa.

"I brought some of your papers that got mixed in with mine by accident." Mic said as he sat the papers down on the podium, then Aizawa picked them up to look at them. He then looked to me, "So, go ahead and move back. I'm not quite sure when we'd be back, but when we do, I'll make something tasty to eat."

I hesitantly asked, "Aren't you guys scared that somethings going to happen again? I don't want yous to get hurt."

"We've survived how many intruders in the apartment? I'm sure we'll be fine." Aizawa said as he put the new papers in a separate pile.

"He's right; so go and get moving. We'll see you later." Mic said with a smile.

I smiled and nodded my head before leaving the room. Just as I made it into the hallway, I heard Aizawa yell, "A thank you would have been great!"

I stopped, turned around, and popped my head around the door, "Thank you very much!" I said with a smile. They both wore a smile on their face and nodded their heads.

When I started walking back, I couldn't help but stare down at the ground as I walked back to my dorm while I was invisible. Since I was invisible, I knew that no one would be able to see me pull back my left sleeve and pick at the fresh scabs that formed over the cuts. I wanted to cut so bad right then and there, but I didn't have a tool or anything as I was walking, so picking at newer cuts and making them bleed was the next best thing. When I got back to my dorm, I went straight to the bathroom and changed into dark blue skinny jeans along with a black hoodie. I then generated the sharpest razor that I could, and pulled back my sleeves. I cut vertically three times down both arms. The warm blood felt so nice as it ran down my arms while my hands began to become freezing cold. I wrapped my arms in thick bandages, hoping that they wouldn't bleed through too quickly for how thick the bandages were.

I went to work by teleporting all of my belongings back to the apartment before I lost consciousness. I figured that I could try something new with that quirk by touching it and sending it to the place that I had in mind. I started with my bed, then went around the whole room before coming back to where I first started. Once I finished with the main area, I did all of the stuff that was in the bathroom. Just as I teleported to my bed, that was back at the apartment, I passed out. I didn't wake until a little past one in the afternoon. It was a good thing that I was wearing a black hoodie because blood soaked through the thick bandages that were wrapped around my arms. When I took off my hoodie, I saw that the whole bandage on both arms were completely red, even the top of it that wasn't touching the cuts. I changed them before I put on another black hoodie.

After that I adjusted little things around my room since they weren't in the spots that I wanted. When I was doing that, Melody jumped on me and started to rub her face on mine. I could tell that she was ecstatic to have me back. I tried to put her down on the floor but she sank her claws into my hoodie and wouldn't allow me to let go of her. I then gave up and walked to the sofa in my room, and sat down. When I sat her on my lap, she walked off to the side and allowed me to lay down since I was all of a sudden tired. I curled up in a ball, which then Melody came and laid next to my stomach. Not too long later I fell asleep. I woke up when I felt that Melody moved from where she was and jumped down onto the floor. I sat up and looked over to see her walk out of my room. I stretched before I stood up and walked out of my room to follow her as I was a little light headed. I walked slower than usual and held onto the railing tightly as I went down the stairs. When I made it to the landing, I made it as soon as Aizawa finished taking off his shoes while Yamada just walked out of sight through the short hall.

Aizawa looked to me, "There you are; are you settled back in?" I nodded my head. "That's good."

Yamada then yelled, "I'll make something to eat in a bit, I'll let you know when it's ready!"

"Okay." I responded.

Before I was able to walk back upstairs, Aizawa stopped me, "Hey, you're looking pale again. Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah, of course I am." I responded, hoping that it'd be more believable since I didn't use 'fine'.

Just as he started to walk off he said, "Well alright then."

I then went back to my room and fell over the arm of the sofa so my legs were hanging over it. I stared at the ceiling as I got lost in thought. I felt horrible that I caused trouble for my whole class with moving there not too many days before the attack. I was shocked that they were able to find out where I moved to. I then remembered that I should text Midoriya.

Me: Hey, I moved out of the dorms, so you all should be safe now.

Midoriya: Aww, that sucks. I was planning that a groups of us could go out and do something.

Me: We could still do that, but I just won't be on campus like the rest of you.

Midoriya: I suppose that it wouldn't change anything much since we could meet up somewhere.

Me: Yeah...Well anyways, talk to you later.

After I tucked my phone back into my hoodie pocket, I heard Yamada call out that supper was done. I rolled off of the sofa and walked down. I hoped that it wasn't anything too big since I didn't have much of an appetite. When I sat down on my usual chair at the table, it felt like ages that I was gone, when in reality it was only a couple days. My bowl was already at the table while Aizawa was already eating and Yamada just began. I slowly picked up the chopsticks and was hesitant to eat because it seemed like there was so much in the bowl, and I wasn't hungry at all. It was a bowl of udon noodles with two tempura, an egg, and a mushroom on top. I began to eat and surprisingly I ate it all, though I was beyond full that I didn't want to eat for a month. When we finished eating I was going to start doing the dishes, but Yamada said that he was going to do them since it was my first day back. I then went back to my room. I flopped back down onto the sofa and closed my eyes as I began to think again. My train of thought was then put to a halt when there was a knock at my door even though it was open. I sat up and looked to the door to see that Aizawa was standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Hmm." I hummed.

"You don't look like you're in it today. I just wanted to make sure that you're doing alright." he said as he stood in the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm doing alright." I responded.

He sighed as he walked in, "Y/N, to be honest I don't think you are. You look like a ghost and you weren't eating like you normally would. Something's up."

I looked to the floor before I stood up to face him with a fake smile, "I really am doing alright. I just mustn't be getting enough sun, that's all."

"Y/N." He said sternly as he gave me a look that told me that he could see through my lies. "Come on, what is really going on?"

I sat on the arm of the sofa as I sighed and looked down. "It's my fault that everyone in my class was put in danger. The villains were after me and everyone else got caught up in it." I raised my head up, "Everything is my fault. I don't want people to get hurt due to my stupidity or past."

"Nothing is your fault and don't you ever say that again." he paused before adding "Also, I thought that you were getting better. You were doing so well."

"I-I know, but then things started to crumble and..." I let out a frustrated sigh.

He then proposed an idea, "What if you try and stop again? I haven't done it that much cause I'm trying my best to keep that promise that we keep on redoing. So, now that you're back, let's reiterate it."

I thought about how much of a struggle it will be for how shitty I was feeling. "Fine," I said reluctantly, "I can try."

"Good." said Aizawa "Well then, if you'll need me, you know where I'll be." He then left the room.

I fell back onto the sofa and stared at the ceiling again. I then got ready for bed before hitting the hay. As I laid in bed, I poked at my newest cuts, making them bleed again. I must have fallen asleep while I did that, cause I woke up the next morning with dried blood on my fingers.

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