"James was very good with a lot of instruments and learned quite a few in his time- he was a decent singer too, but Sirius took the role of lead singer. He always was the front man, believe it or not, James was more of a backing vocalist on the band."

Harry listened closely as they spoke, reminiscent looks gleaming their eyes as they recounted the past.

Sirius left his thoughts first and turned to look at Harry.

"Hey pup, what instruments can you play? Other than the guitar, of course."

Harry thought for a few moments before listing off the ones that he'd learned.

"Well, I didn't used to have a lot to do over the summers, so I passed them with learning as many as possible. I think I'm the best at guitar and piano but I can play clarinet, violin, cello, banjo, flute, marimba, ukulele, bass, harmonica and a few others that I'm probably forgetting." He grinned unabashedly as they both gaped at him in impressed silence.

"Wow pup, you really are like your dad, if not more obsessed with it."

Harry laughed at his statement before jokingly answering, "What sort of famous singer would I be if I didn't know a few instruments. The more I learned, the more popular I became, the more friends for life I made and the more money I earned."

Sirius grinned at his cheeky answer before allowing a thoughtful look to pass onto his features.

"Can you play the drums, pup?" His head tilted curiously as he looked on in anticipation.

"Yeah, it's actually the third instrument that I learned, after guitar and piano."

"Pup, that was, uh, is(?) James' instrument." Sirius said/asked as he smiled at his godson, who's eyes had widened upon the revelation of the new knowledge.

"Was he any good? Or did he wing it?" Sirius and Remus shared a chuckle at his question before Remus finally responded.

"He was great, pup. He actually taught some of the others in our year and the years below how to drum, as well."

Sirius took over talking, having calmed his chuckles.

"Yeah, he was the best drummer. I was lead singer, Remmy was base guitar and James was the drummer. We performed a couple of times in our fourth and fifth year at Hogwarts. Nothing big, just Yule and Hallowe'en dinners."

"I didn't know that... My father, Snape, doesn't really talk too much about what you guys were like together in Hogwarts."

"Yeah, well, we weren't great to him. It's understandable. Y'know, I bet you got your musical talent from him. Cant really imagine Snape singing... or playing any instrument for that matter."

The three shared a chuckle at Sirius' words.

"Yeah, my father really prefers listening to things like opera and symphonies- not my style. He puts up with my music and supports my career but really I know he prefers the more classical stuff. You know what they say though, opposites attract."

He smiled at them and Sirius laughed again, his barking hiccough sending the other two into their own bouts of amusement.

"Hey, would you two want to try a song together? See if you still got it?"

A challenging glint entered Sirius' eyes as he quietened slightly and began smirking.

"Oh, we've still got it. No amount of Azkaban could take away my raw talent."

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