Letter from Mia✅

Start from the beginning

Having a sudden thought, he quickly moved over to Fenrir and lifted the blanket slightly to look at his left hand, where it was draped over his stomach. He smiled when he saw a pair to his ring. Fenrir's ring was a smooth band of platinum with a solid stripe of ruby running all the way around the centre of the ring.

Harry sighed happily. He moved over to the pool and sat down, letting his bare legs dangle in the water.

He closed his eyes and soaked up the sun for half an hour before sliding down into the pool and casually floating, face up to the sky, on the surface.

He floated around, occasionally kicking his feet or flipping over to swim on his front to prevent himself from only being half tanned.

A splash alerted him to the no longer sleeping man and he turned to look for him. Not seeing Fenrir, he went to turn the other way when he was suddenly lifted up from underneath and cradled to a hot wet chest. He squealed as he was twirled and dropped in the water, going all the way under before quickly bobbing back to the surface. He mock glared at the smirking wolf before grinning and splashing him in the face as he swam in the opposite direction.

He heard an indignant splutter before a small wave of water lapped over his retreating neck and he saw Fenrir's smug face grinning up at him from where he was swimming on his back directly underneath him. He looked forwards and then back down as he pretended to accelerate, Fenrir doing the same, and then brought his legs down to stop his momentum. He watched as Fenrir didn't stop quick enough and laughed loudly as he came to the surface rubbing his head where he'd swam into the wall.

Swimming quickly over to the annoyed wolf, Harry circled his arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his chest. He looked up into the plotting face of his mate, now shorter as they were in the shallower end, and quickly interrupted whatever his weird brain was cooking up as revenge.

He grabbed Fenrir's hand and pulled it up, showing the ring that the wolf had yet to have noticed and holding his own hand next to it.

"What are they, Fen?" He put on an innocent face and watched his scheming face crumble away.

Fenrir brought both of their hands closer and looked at the ring before smiling beautifully, "A gift. They're a gift from Maiden Moon, her blessing."

They shared a smile as they really processed that they were officially mates before the moon, forever.

They sat, holding each other in the shallows of the pool, for a long time. Some 1 1/2 hours later another elf popped up at the edge of the pool, informing them that lunch was ready.

He popped away quickly after and the 'newlymated' slowly began to make their way inside, to shower and change for lunch.

~30 minutes later~

Harry and Fenrir were sat at the table eating their food, Harry having a bowl of fruit with yoghurt and Fenrir eating a steak sandwich, when an owl flew around from the direction of the owl perch area near the stables. Its direction suggested that the letter had arrived during the night and the owl had stayed to deliver it.

It was a large attractive eagle owl with hooked talons and an emblazoned anklet with a large fancy M stitched onto it.

"That's a Malfoy crest." Fenrir pointed out to Harry, who quickly drew his wand to scan the letter for nasty spells and curses.

When he found nothing, he turned it over to see that it was addressed to both of them. He read it out loud as he opened the letter and continued to tell Fenrir what it said.

"Addressed to, F.Greyback and Partner.
Following our amiable encounter in past days, the information was brought to our Lord's attention that the two of you have become quite intimate. Our Lord had been inclined to do something drastic however, my son, Draco managed to convince him that it would be more beneficial to attempt an alliance of sorts. As such, you are invited to dinner tomorrow for a civil gathering to talk and communicate- no threats. I implore you to accept our lords gracious offer and join us at 6:30 in formal wear.
Lord Lucius Malfoy"

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