Satisfied with his trunk Harry turned to ask the price only to see the man had gone and Fenrir was putting his money away.

Harry glared playfully as fenrir moved towards him, smirk pulling at his mouth, shrinking and pocketing the new trunk.

They exited the store and Harry grabbed onto Fenrir's hand, holding it securely in his own. Fenrir squeezed his hand lightly before moving to enter diagonal alley once more, his glamour snapping back into place.

Walking down the alley, Harry held tighter onto Fenrir as he cleared a path through the crowd, making their way towards Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions.

Stepping into the shop, Harry smirked when he saw a certain blonde family +friend at the measuring stand.

Madam Malkin, having spotted them entering, came bustling over.

Harry smiled kindly and began talking to the lady as Fenrir moved away to greet the Malfoy's.

(Madam Malkin's first name will be Rosetta because I don't know what it is actually)

"Oh Harry! Lovely to see you again!"
"Lovely to see you too Madam Malkin! I think I need to be remeasured for my clothes.." Harry smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Not a problem Harry Dear! And remember, none of that with me" Malkin smiled indulgently."Anything specific that you want help with?"
"Hmm", Harry thought for a moment before his eyes lit with mischief,"actually Rosie I could use some help with 'project drool'", he smirked, eyes turning to Fenrir.
The confusion in the woman's eyes disappeared as she caught onto his plan and she smirked the evil smile that only a woman up to something could ever achieve.
"Oh Harry, I dare say you've got yourself quite the catch there and it is now my mission to make you absolutely yummy" the woman cackled, getting scared looks from her shop assistants as they moved away quickly, along with an evil grin rising on Harry's face.
"Now! Were you thinking tight? Exposed? Sexy? Innocent? Cute? Teasing? Fitted? Leather? Silk? Satin? MerHair? Cotton?" Madam Malkin questioned, pausing for Harry to answer.
"Honestly?"Harry thought for a moment, Madam Malkin nodding eagerly, "..all of the above." Harry declared with indulgence to the excitable woman.

Madam Malkin's face lit up like a child's at Christmas and she quickly started rattling off ideas and giving Harry tips on posture, stance, attitude and more.

At one interlude, madam Malkin declared boldly that, "it makes sense to wear something that's easy to remove in that scenario!"
And Harry promptly burst into hysterics, drawing all eyes in the room to the loud duo.

They moved towards the measuring stand, where the Malfoy's, Lestrange and Fenrir were waiting and chatting as Draco was measured.

Draco POV

My mother, father, uncle Lestrange and I entered the robe store where we were greeted by one of Madam Malkin's assistants.

My parents spoke briefly with her about my new robes before I was moved to the measuring stand and we waited as she collected what she needed and began pinning stuff together and noting measurements.

It had been 10 minutes and she had just bustled away to get some other materials to compare with the ones already pinned when I heard a deep male voice greet us from behind.

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