Harry smiled at the warning and looked at Fenrir who also has a small smile on his face after reading the sign.

Moving forward, Harry nodded towards the goblin guards stood at the entrance and proceeded through the doors, holding Fenrir close to his side.


Harry looked around the vast room, taking in the splendour of the interior, marvelling at the large marble pillars and the giant crystal chandeliers that carried throughout the expanse of the room.

Coming back to himself, Harry turned to Fenrir.

"How much d'you think I'll need, one pouch or two?"

"I'd reckon you'll need at least two if you're about to go on a spending splurge, love."

Harry glared slightly, pouting at Fenrir's suggestion that he was going to spend so much, " I'm not that bad, Fen!"

Fenrir chuckled at the near whine like sound before nudging Harry over to the teller.

Harry walked quickly in the direction that he'd been sent, moving towards a free teller.

He stood waiting for a while before the goblin finally acknowledged him and listened to what he needed.

In the end Harry had asked for 3 pouches, just to be on the safe side. Don't get him wrong! He wasn't a big spender but if he found something worth his money then you could bet that he would get it.

As Harry approached Fenrir he could already see the smirk on his face as he noticed the 3 full pouches.

"Right... not a big spender, that's what you said isn't it, love?"

Harry frowned slightly, " it's just in case.." his frown then quickly became a pout once again as he saw the teasing glint in his love's eyes.

Harry was just about to comment back when he caught his tongue and moved to the side peering, far behind Fenrir, towards the back of the bank.

His eyes widened slightly at what he saw.

Fenrir noticed his change in demeanour and peered over his shoulder, following Harry's line of sight


Behind them, just coming out from the vault carts was a familiar group of red heads + a bushy brown haired girl.

Harry and Fenrir quickly moved out of the building, heading towards Florian Fortescues ice cream parlour where they could hide in the crowd.

"I should have realised that there was a chance that they'd be here.."

"Ssh, love. You couldn't have predicted them being here today. Let's just continue with what we were doing okay?"

Harry took a moment to breathe a calming deep breath before smiling again and nodding 'okay'.

Harry, now realising where they had gone to hide, got excited at all the different ice creams that he could see and nearly began vibrating on the spot in his excitement.

Fenrir chuckled at this young boyish side to Harry and guided him to the line to get ice cream.

After a while, they finally managed to get ice cream for the both of them, Harry managing to convince Fenrir into having one.

Harry ended up with a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles while Fenrir chose classic chocolate, though he had seemed tempted by the salted caramel.

They held hands as they moved to a little table to finish their ice cream, enjoying the domesticity of the moment.

Once finished they moved to leave.

Harry turned around, intending to get up when he came face to face with Ginny Weasley.

They held eye contact for a moment before Ginny started to look away before seeming to startle and double back on herself looking at Harry once again.

Harry smiled and waved awkwardly before grabbing Fenrir's hand and weaving quickly through the crowd.

He could hear the ruckus that Ginny was making behind him as she tried to get through the crowd to the duo. However, the noise became more distant as he and Fenrir evaded her sight before finally ducking into the shade of Knockturn alley.

(A/N This chapter took a while so sorry!!!! As always please comment, subscribe and vote and just know that if you follow me I'll follow you back and I'm always happy to receive your guys comments- AUTHOR OUT!)

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