Chapter 49

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"I'm pregnant.."


"Hunter?" She catches my attention.

How long have I not spoken for?

"Yip.." I stare in front of me, watching Elle and Brax run around laughing.

"Did you hear me?" She coyly says.

"Yip" I nod.

I can feel her eyes staring at me waiting for me to speak up about what she just told me.

I inhale a sharp breath before finally speaking "And ugh.." I clear my throat "it's mine?"

"Of course"

Thank god!

I finally look at her finding the confidence too "How far along?" I study her face, her tan is glowing making her look incredibly beautiful, like usual.

I wish it could all be different.

"I haven't been to the doctor yet, I wanted to tell you first..that's another reason I agreed to come, I couldn't tell you over the phone"

Gates open to the small yard, a woman and a little girl walk in hand in hand the gate buzzes and closes behind then. The door buzzes open and Myles walks into the yard, the little girl runs to him shouting "Dad!" Once he lifts her giving her a hug her purses a smile to me. I don't return it, I don't feel like smiling right now.

"Are you mad?" Brin asks.

"No, I'm in shock..sort of. Brin i don't know what to say" I tell the truth.

"Just say whatever comes to mind" her eyes haven't left me, I can tell how worried she is.

"I'm stuck in here and you're pregnant with my child, I hate it Brin. What am I suppose to do? I'm already having a hard time not being with Elle and now you'll give birth once again without me being there"

"I know.."

"How did this even happen! Weren't you on birth control?" I cut her off. I'm getting riled up now just thinking of not being there again.

"It's not always one hundred percent"

I sigh running my hands over my face "I can't believe this is happening"

"I know, I'm sorry" she finally looks away from me.

"It's not your fault"

She looks down at her hands once again "Brin.."

"Times up Hunter!" I hear the warden shout as he stands at the doors.

"Hold on!" I shout harshly.

"I need to go but I'll call you, okay. I'll try my hardest to be there for you, i  promise" I kiss her forehead and walks towards Elle and Brax not letting her respond.

"Elle!" I shout and she turns running towards me.

"Daddy" she jumps into my arms, Brax walks up with a sigh.

"As you know Brin is pregnant, I can't not be there again, please try get me out of here"

His head cocks up towards me "Brin is pregnant?" He says in shock.

I'm guessing she's only told me.

"I wanted to tell you first" I hear Brin behind me.

I turn back to Brax "Please" I beg.

"I'll get you out" he nods confidently.

"Hunter! Let's go!" The fat annoying bald warden shouts.

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