Chapter 43

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As soon as we walk through the front doors I leave the suitcases at the door and drop my bag. That flight was the longest shit ever, I haven't told Brin anything. Once she gave Elle a bath and got her rested for bed, I got lucky that she was so tired and fell sleep.

She did try asking me about this Kai thing but I told her to wait until we're home, if she does she'll be able to scream at me and leave to think.

Truth is I think what I did was fucking terrible, Brax thinks the exact same but it doesn't stop him from trying to help me, typical. I just think Brin knowing..she may look at me different or want to take Elle away, I'm terrified that she will be scared of me, like I am. I'm surprised she isn't now, the amount of dreadful things I've done to her, grabbing her by the throat or her wrist. Which I still haven't forgiving myself for, I'll forever regret the anger I shown but I can only get better and control my anger for her..and for Elle.

Brax pops his head out from the kitchen door and I roll my eyes, I'm still pissed at him for trying to force me to get to know my so called father even though I said no.

"I'm in here" he makes eye contact with me.

Brin places Elle onto her feet and she runs into the living room, "Hi!" I hear Andie's voice say to Elle.

Is she still here!

I walk down hall and into the kitchen seeing Brax sitting at the island counter with papers in front of him.

I hear footsteps behind me and I know Brin has followed to be nosey and find out what she's been dying to know.

"Sit" Brax demands to me.

"No" I walk around him and go into the fridge looking for a drink.

I hear him huff, I knows he annoyed just like I am.

"What's this papers about?" Brin asks, curious.

"Court cases and we have a meeting with the lawyer next week in Australia" he confess and I turn to face the both of them and close the fridge.

"Court cases?" Brin glances to me.

"Did you not tell her?" Brax snares at me.

"Does it look like it?" I scoff. I only told her Kai was pressing charges.

He scratches his eyebrow in frustration, "Its not just about the court, it's about Hayes industries. You haven't changed the name yet and it may not be your company for much longer depending what happens at this court"

"What is this court case about in Australia?" She asks.

Brax stares at me giving me a look that I should tell her.

"Tell her" He nods her way.

"He won't" she glances my way.

"I'm not telling her, it's your fucking mess..once again" I want to smack the shit out of him but that never ends well for me.

"About Kai, I threatened him and told him to stay away from you..and Elle" I reveal.

"Why?" She questions with a scowl.

"I hate him" I shrug.

"I already chose you so why would you feel the need to go back and threaten him?"

"I already told you"

"Hating him isn't a valid reason"

"I want to make sure he didn't come back, so if it was ever a possibility you couldn't go back with him"

"I already chose you though.."

"I know!" I snap. "I just don't want to lose you and now I have a feeling I might.."

"While you tell her, I'll be" he points to the kitchen door and leaves.

"Surely he isn't just pressing charges because you threatened him?"

"I broke a few things..kicked in his door, wanted him to fear me and you should have seen the look on his face.." I chuckle. "I also pinned him again the wall, I made sure it hurt even though his face was already sore"

"For god sake, Hunter!"

"I know, i fucked up again..but it happened again" I turn away from her looking out the window to the back garden.

This is it.

"What did?" I hear her coming closer to me.

"Remember Jen?" I inhale a sharp breath.

"Jen as in the girl from England that..."

"Yes" I cut her off not wanting to hear anymore.

"You did it again?.." her voice strained with pain.

"Not exactly that, but they had the same ending" I quietly say, ashamed.

"Death?" She whispers and I feel her touch my shoulder.


"What happened?" She asks, pulling on my shoulder causing me to turn around to face her.

I look deep into her eyes that hold absolutely nothing but fear and sadness, "I had been drinking, the usual. This guy was being a dickhead and was drunk as shit, maybe I was too but I knew what was wrong and I didn't mean too, I just got angry and I was so lost still thinking about you everyday trying to conceal my anger at the gym.."

"Hunter, calm down" she touches my arm and lightly squeezes, I didn't realise I was rushing spilling my emotions hoping she wouldn't feel different but her touching my arm is telling me, I'm wrong..she won't leave me.

"Tell me slowly" her eyes pleading with mine.

"Okay, i was at a bar just finished working at the gym. I'm unsure how many drinks I had at this point which would happen every night, I didn't care what Lucas would say. Anyway this guy was bad mouthing the bartender, so I jumped in trying to help her. Next thing I know he's insulting me and my anger over takes me, like it normally would"

That's two people..two. I could probably go away for a long time and lose everything.

"You killed him?" She asks fear circling her eyes.

"Yes, but I didn't mean too..I swear, please don't look at me differently or leave me" I feel my vision become blurry, I don't want her to fear me.

"How'd you do it?"


"Is this why you gave me this ring? So i couldn't leave you in the future?" She looks down to her fingers.

"No, I gave it to you because I love you" I tell the truth, well partly the truth.

"Mamma!" Elle comes running in and Andie right after like she's trying to catch her.

"Hi baba" Brin lifts her up.

I make eye contact with Andie before I turn  away wiping my eyes.


Yesterday I didn't update due to being ill, sorry guys. I'm still bed bound but I really miss writing and wanted to give you guys something. I hope you liked it.

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