Chapter 15

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Brinley's POV

I awake stretching out into a starfish and a loud yawn. I have work today at 12pm and i don't want to go, I just want to stay in bed and cuddle up to Elle and maybe watch Disney movies but unfortunately I can't, I need money.

Adult life sucks.

I swing the duvet off my body and swing my legs to the edge, I crack my back and stand. I pad out my room and to Elle's room. Her room use to be my dads office for doing work at home, he gladly gave it up for her. She absolutely loves her Tangled themed room, if you didn't already know Tangled is her favourite.

Last night Hunter had taken Elle out, he returned back home about three hours later. He didn't say much just that they had fun with uncle Brax at McDonald's, she stuffed her face with fries and chicken nuggets. Elle was extremely hyper and didn't want to let go of Hunter so he read her a book to help her sleep which led to him falling fast asleep beside her. She's becoming overly attached to Hunter, I just hope he doesn't leave, he said he wouldn't and I trust that deep down.

Them sleeping beside each other was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I couldn't not take a photo.

I slowly creak the door open just to check on them, I peek my head through the door but I can't see them. I walk further into the room, once I've reached the bottom of Elles small bed they begin to come in view cuddled up under the duvet, I walk closer up to the headboard. Hunter is lightly snoring with his mouth slightly parted while Elle lays over his arm with her bottom raised in the air, her mouth slightly parted too drooling on his shoulder. They both look so peaceful, I don't want to waken them.

I slowly soundlessly tiptoe back out the room, I head for the stairs when I reach the top, I glance at the wall mirror that hangs above the sideboard. I'm smiling widely from ear to ear, like a crazy woman. I have no idea why.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and begin cooking breakfast for Elle, Hunter and my dad. Kai texted me saying he'll see me after he's done working.

Hunter comes slowly walking in slightly tilting to the side as he holds Elles hand in his large hand as she walks. Her hair is a crazy curly mess and her eyes are still trying to open, she rubs her eyes looking at me. Hunter smirks looking down at her, he's much more awake than Elle.

"Hey" Hunter's voice husky.

"Hi, I made breakfast" I smile.

Hunter lifts Elle effortlessly and pulls the highchair out, he places her in and clips her securely in. He gives her a kiss on the head before taking a seat on the stool at the island counter.

"Sleep good?" I chuckle placing a plate in front of him.

"Yeah" he chuckles back. He hardly spoke to me last night when he got back, I'm glad he's talking to me now.

"Mamma!" Elle whines slamming her fists on the tray, she must be starving.

"Okay, grumpy" i coo and place, chopped up chocolate chip pancakes in front of her and some fruit. I try giving her fruit most days and vegetables, she loves them so I'm glad.

She begins stuffing her face and smiles "Yummy" she gives me a cheesy grin.

"Mamma is a good cook huh?" Hunter enthuses.

I smile at him and he gives me a small smile back.

"I have work at twelve, do you mind watching after her until six?" I ask.

"Of course" he replies quickly like it wasn't even a question.

"I'm going to start getting ready" I tell him before walking out the kitchen.

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