Chapter 33

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Brinley's POV

"You're drunk, Hunter"

"Still wouldn't cheat though" her sloppily points my way.

"Lets go to bed" I don't like where this conversation it going.

"You know..I'm surprised Brax didn't sleep with you, after I fucked every bitch of his.." he laughs thinking about it "now he can't even get a girl" he snorts.

I stare at him blankly, him talking about girls like that is horrible, I would never sleep with Braxton. What makes him think I would want to?

"You did fuck him didn't you" he stops laughing and stares deadly at me.

"No i didn't, I wouldn't do that" I scrunch my face in disgust.

"You did" he scoffs.

I'm starting to get annoyed now.

"I'm going to sleep" I stand and walk away from him.

"Brax is probably there, tell him I said he can have you" he laughs. I ignore, he's only saying this because he's drunk.

My arm is yanked back when I reach the first step of the stairs, I'm pinned against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. His grip on my wrists are firm and tight which is starting to hurt.

"Let go of me!" I angrily speak.

"Why so you can fuck Brax or Kai?" He scowls.

"Where is this even coming from!?" I try shoving him off but he doesn't move.

"I see the way he looks at you" his grip becomes tighter squeezing my wrist.

"You're hurting me!" I wince at the nipping pain in my wrists, the pressure is beginning to really hurt unbearable, His face softens into sadness and he steps back in shock.

"Get out!" I shout staring directly into his eyes.

"No" he scoffs.

"Hunter, get out" I say calmly as I rub my wrists trying to ease the pain.

"Fuck you!" He scoffs stumbling back.

"No! Fuck you!" I open the front door and push his chest, he stumbles backwards trying to gain balance.

"You're actually throwing me out?" He laughs.

"Yes, until you apologise!" I slam the door and lock it.

"Oh, fuck off!" I hear him shout.

I walk upstairs trying to hold back tears, I can't believe he did and said those things. Does he think those things all the time or is he just drunk?

Still not okay though.

I check on Elle one last time before crawling into my own bed and letting sleep take over me, which is exactly what I need.

Hunter's POV

Something hard smacks the side of my face, I slowly opens my eyes and lift my head up, a piece of paper is stuck to the side of my face and I rip it off. My head begins to pound, I rub my fingers on my temples.

What the fuck?

"Rough night!" Brax says bitterly.

I look up seeing a furious scowl on his face "Huh?" Why is he so mad?

I look around realising I'm in my office, I have no idea how I got here. I look down seeing an half empty bottle of whiskey with a glass that's knocked over.

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