Chapter 20

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Brinley's POV

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Brinley's POV

"Why, what happened?" I walk into the kitchen, Kai follows and sits on the stool as I lean against the counter holding my phone to my ear, the suspense is killing me.

"Your dad didn't tell you?" Andie says in a sad tone.

"Tell me what!?" I stand up straight, what happened to my dad? I'm beginning to panic.

"You should ask him, i think your dad should tell you"

"But he's a work!" I sternly say.

"No, my dad said he's at home" after she says that I hand up immediately and rush upstairs. I hear Hunter and Kai shouting on me asking what's wrong but I ignore.

I stop outside my dads room taking a deep breath, my mind is going one million miles an hour, I turn the handle and open the door quietly.

"Dad?" I coo.

"Yes, sweetie?" He sits slowly up, he's so thin and pale.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I sit beside him.

"I'm fine" he shivers as if he's freezing cold.

"You're not, I can see you're not" i feel my eyes beginning to well up looking at him, he's dripping of sweat. I hate seeing him like this, it's horrible.

"I have sepsis, sweetie" he forces a smile.

"What?" I wipe a tear that escapes.

What's Sepsis?

Hunter's POV

"What did you say to her!" I raise my voice storming into the kitchen.

"What?" He laughs and I pin him up against the wall by his shitty coat, if he even as much as bad mouthed her I'll rip his throat out.

"Answer the question, dickhead!"

"I didn't say anything, she was on the phone then ran upstairs" he scoffs.

"Well, who was she on the phone too?" I keep a firm grip.

He pushed me off catching me off guard "Andie..she was on the phone to Andie" he sits back down. If she doesn't come back down within five minutes I'm going up.

Within an hour she still hasn't came back down, Brax keeps telling me to give her space I have no idea why i even agreed to listen to him but I'm beginning to get worried.

Kai is still sitting in the stool tapping away at his phone, Brax is in the living room with Elle occupying her while I'm frantic in the kitchen looking deadly at Kai, I don't think he realises the death stares I'm giving him right now.

Movement catches my eye at the kitchen door. Brin walks in lifelessly with puffy red eyes, shes now in baggy shorts and a black plain T-shirt with her hair in a messy bun.

She walks past Kai and stands beside me as she turns the kettle on, she doesn't say a word just stands staring into space. Kai seems to notice her presence, we both watch her intensely.

"Brin.." i coo.

She ignores, pulling out a mug from the cabinet and placing a spoonful of coffee into the mug with two sugars. She doesn't take sugar?

She turns around facing Kai, I move leaning against the island counter so she's facing me too.

"What wrong?" I ask.

"What the fuck is that!" Kai abruptly stands up knocking the stool over.

My head cocks to him, he rushes over grabbing her face and turning it to the side giving him a better view of the hickey.

My blood boils as anger over takes me, I can see how hard he's gripping her she's winching in pain.

I grab the back of his neck tight making sure it hurts "Touch her like that again, I fucking dare you!" I seethe in his ear gripping unbearably tighter, he winches curling his neck up.

"Hunter, let him go" she demands, I can see the red mark on her face, as sadness circles her eyes.

I push him down onto the stool after turning it upright forcing him to sit down. I finally let go of him and stand beside Brin, waiting for her to tell me what's wrong.

"Why have you got a hickey!" Kai loudly says from behind me.

We both ignore him, she tilts her head looking deep into my orbs as her eyes begin to water. She wraps her arms around her neck pulling me into her embrace. I'm surprised by the gesture.

She bursts out crying letting it all come out, it's killing me that she isn't tell me what's wrong. It's like an itch I can't find.

"What's wrong Brin!" Kai sternly says I lift my palm up telling him to shut it.

Brax comes through the door with Elle in his arms, she's fast asleep. She must be tired from the amount of playing we did today.

"What's going on?" He asks studying the situation.

I kiss Brins head and begin rubbing her back hoping to calm her "Brin.." I coo, I lift her head off my shoulder and cup both her cheeks with my hands. She looks so sad, no hint of happiness.

"It'" She says through her sobs.

What about him?

"He's sick!" She leans her head to the left further into my head, "I'm going to lose him!" she cries loudly. I pull her into a hug holding her head tightly in placing letting her cry onto my shoulder. She wraps her arms around me holding me just as tight.

"Shh..shh..shh" I rub the back of her head.

No one says a word, we just allows her to get it all out. My heart breaks for her, I lost my mother I know how she feels but I dealt with it in the wrong way and I know she won't, she's much stronger than I am.

Her cries begin to stop and she pulls away, I almost whimper because I'm not holding her close anymore.

"He wants to talk to you" she says walking over to take Elle from Brax, she cradles her giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Okay" Kai begins to stand.

"Not you, Hunter" she glances at me, her voice hoarse from crying.

I nod, I really want to laugh in Kai's face but now isn't the time. I head upstairs to Arthur's room, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely shitting myself.


Short chapter guys, I just want to give you something while I had the time.

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