Ari POV:

"When I first came to your agency...I tried. I really tried to not fall for you. I knew you were a player. I'm sure you've had a lot of women, and I didn't wanna become another one for the night. But...I couldn't help myself, you see. Because of who you are. You're one of a kind. You're funny, and smart...even if I don't want to admit it sometimes. You pay attention, and you look out for your comrades. I think you're an amazing hero. But, honestly....I'm not attracted to you, because of that. I don't care whether you're the number two hero, or the number one...or the number five hundred. I just care You, Keigo Takami. I" I whispered, watching as that same unreadable expression never left his face during my statement.

It was silent. But, this silence was somber. It wasn't peaceful, or nice. It was sad.

Keigo and I continued exchanging silent glances at each other, as I waited for him to say anything, or even acknowledge me, for that matter.

Keigo POV:

And that's all I wanted. All I wanted was for someone to see me for me. Not for who I pretend to be. But, for who I am. You did, Ari. You're the one I've been waiting for. And it's literally taking every bit of willpower inside of me to turn you away. The thought of you dying, because of me, is what's driving me to say this. I need to remember that. Find someone better than me. You deserve that. I owe that to you.

Ari POV:

After a few more moments, he slowly averted his gaze to the floor.

"Ari....." he started off, his voice low and raspy.

I knew. I already knew just from his tone. But, I allowed him to continue, anyways.

"Ari. I cannot be with you. I can't give you what you want. I keep secrets. I lie. I'll probably hurt you emotionally, by disappointing you. I-I.....I can't. I can't do this to you. I'm....I'm sorry. You deserve someone better than me. Find someone better than me. Please." He whispered, biting his lip in frustration at his words.

Keigo POV:

God, but the thought of you with someone else really hurts me. I can't help but imagine how amazing it would be if you were mine. Only mine.

Ari POV:

I closed my eyes softly, feeling them cloud with tears, as I realized it's finally over. I know it never really started, but it did in a way. And's over.

He didn't release my hand, continuing to look blankly at the ground.

Keigo POV:

Can I really let you go...?

Ari POV:

I swallowed thickly, clearing the tears from my I gently pulled my hand out of his.

"I understand, Keigo. I understand. Thank you for being honest with me." I whispered, trying to hide the crack in my voice.

He simply continued staring at the ground, as I walked away from him gathering up my stuff from the floor.

I've been chasing after Keigo Takami for too long. It's time to move on. For real this time. It's time to forget about him.

"Okay. I'm gonna go." I said, watching him still standing in the middle of the room.

He closed his eyes at my words, letting out a small sigh.

Keigo POV:

Fuck. I'm crumbling. My thoughts are going crazy. She's leaving. Go after her-No! Don't go after her. Forget her. This is for her own good. She's just one girl. There are more like her out there-

Who am I kidding. There's no one out there like Ari. To me, she's as close to perfect as you can get. Everything about her. Her good. Her bad. Her flaws. Her accomplishments.

Apparently, I'M the one who loves hard. Ari called me a player, and yeah...I guess I was for a while. But, I'm in too deep with her now...and I'm okay with that. I'm drawn to her. I want to be. I want...her. All of her. I've never felt this way about anyone before.

So, what am I doing? I don't know what to do. I know I need to let her go. That's the right thing to do...

Watching her walk out that door is the final test of my mental strength. My willpower. My restraint. Once she leaves, it's over. If I can just let her leave....all of this...will go away. All of it...

Ari POV:

I forced myself to turn around, quickly walking to his door in silence. At least we finally stated our peace.

This emotional relationship I've been having with Keigo was one sided on my part. Now, it's time to move on.

Goodbye, Keigo Takami.

I just opened the door, when I felt a sudden grip on my arm.

I turned around, as Keigo quickly placed his hand on the door, slamming it closed before I could leave.

Slightly surprised, I backed up against the door, not knowing what was happening.

His breathing had picked up slightly, as he looked right into my eyes, which were absolutely swimming with different emotions. He looked alarmed....surprised with himself.....confused...conflicted....desperate.

But, most of all...he looked like he needed to tell me something.

"Don't go."

The Angel of The Sky - Hawks x OC (MHA)Where stories live. Discover now