Chapter 15

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-Hermione's POV-

 "You shouldn't be frightened, Hermione," Ronald said with a grin on his freckled face.

Hermione didn't bother saying anything.  She beat him once, and she could damn right beat him again.  You think he would stop underestimating her.

Ron and Hermione were thrown off their feet as the room shook.  Armor and swords were flying in every direction, just missing people by a few inches.  Hermione ended up on the opposite side of the room, she ran right into Ron as they slammed against the wall.  She was so disoriented, she couldn't see the rest of their 'team', her brain refused to function.  

Hermione finally got a hold of herself as she got off of Ron, muttering an apology.  She blindly wandered around trying to find someone- anyone that knew what the bloody hell was going on. But before she could, everything stopped still.  Her eyes suddenly came into focus, revealing everyone disarrayed, but nobody was injured.  

"What the bloody hell just happened?" Ron jumped to his feet, trying to look out the windows, Hermione decided to follow him.  Two giants came into view, only their backs, one was pounding the other with the fist.  Hermione recognised the defender.  

"It's Grawp!" Hermione pointed and started laughing hysterically. "Grawp!"  Harry and Ginny rushed to the open window and stared out of it.  

"Oh no, Grawp," Harry muttered as he saw the other giant over taking Grawp, sending them barreling in the forbidden forest past their view.  "You think he'll be okay?" Harry asked nervously.  

Hermione didn't say anything.   She didn't have a clue what would happen to poor Grawp.  The rest stayed silent as well.  

"We'll have to find out," Harry responded to his own question, wiping a piece of black hair out of his eyes.  


-Thalia's POV-

Thalia didn't know why she trusted the blond boy.  His father and his goons had kidnapped her, then thrown her in a cellar, a prison.  Of course, they fed her, Thalia assumed they needed her alive for some ransom.  That was always the case in the demigod world.

None the less, Thalia clung onto his arm, not knowing what to expect.  For all she could've known, he could be like Jason, and have some flying superpower.  Thalia kept her eyes shut, preparing for the worst.  "Don't let go, no matter what," the boy ordered her.  

Thalia was in the middle of taking a deep breath when the world churned around her.  She carefully opened her eyes and saw everything spinning and something pulling her, only causing Thalia to cling even tighter onto the boy's arm.  When it finally stopped, Thalia found herself and the boy in front of a large castle, a gorgeous, elegant castle,  The sun was bright, with no cloud to hide its light.  There was a tree, half mangled in the distance, shaking and moving even without the wind.  Thalia shuddered remembering her time as a pine tree.  "Where are we? Wait, more importantly, why did you save me?" Thalia demanded an answer as she finally let go of his arm.

The boy shrugged.  "I honestly don't know why I saved you.  My name is Draco, by the way," he said offering her a hand.  

Thalia refused it and crossed her arms.  "Thalia. Now answer my first question."  She watched him as he took in the great castle, his blue eyes wandering from her to the extravagant building, his pale skin nearly sparkling in the sun light, his short, clean cut blond hair shining.  

Draco rolled up his striped green and grey sleeves.  "Bit warm here, eh?" Thalia continued to give him death glares.  "Right, this is Hogwarts," he said like it was the most casual thing in the world.

"What the hell is a Hogwart?" Thalia was ready to slap him for trying to joke with her.

"No," Draco pointed to the building.  "This is a school, for uh... wizards.  It's called Hogwarts."

Thalia nearly snorted.  It totally sounded like Draco was bull shitting her.  Well, are going to wait outside?" Thalia said sarcastically.

"No, just follow me," Draco led her to the front of the school, where two heavy wooden doors stood with scorch marks?

"Whoa," Thalia felt the burns with her free hand.  "What the hell happened here?"

"Too many things to count, but I have no idea what this came from... did I already miss something?" Draco began talking to himself.

"Whatever, can you get inside?" Thalia asked, starting to get annoyed.  

"Of course," Draco simply pushed open the door and held it open for Thalia.  "Welcome to Hogwarts."

Thalia's jaw dropped as she saw the sheer beauty of the inside of the castle.  Torches hung on the walls, illuminating the corridor.   "It's beautiful," Thalia whispered, stroking a painting of a cat, which began purring.  Thalia jumped back in surprise.  "The paintings... they're alive!"

"I'm sure you've seen worse, now come on," Draco hurried her along the hallways, taking too many left and right turns to count.  "Ah, here we are," Draco stopped at a random set of doors, in an otherwise empty hallway.  "After you," Draco stepped aside for Thalia to pull open the doors.

Thalia was surprised at what she saw inside.  "THALIA!!!" Three demigods ran to her side.  

"Annabeth? Percy? Jason?" Thalia said, disoriented.  She stared at their happy faces, but noticed how disgruntled they looked, like they had just fought a dozen monsters.  Thalia glanced at the rest of the room, noting how messy and unorganized it was at the moment.  "Annabeth," the blond girl looked quietly to Thalia.  "What are you doing here?"

"Well," she began, but before she could finish her sentence, a blast of red light shot out of a random girl's wand (Thalia became familiar with the basic mechanics of wizardry, so she understood how wands and spells worked).  

"Stupify!" She shouted, pointing her wand at Draco's heart.  "What is the death eater doing here?" she demanded, gritting her teeth.  

The rest of the wizards advanced on the now unconscious Draco, their wands at the ready.


A/N: Sorry it isn't longer :( 

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Thank you everyone :)


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