Chapter 10

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-Harry's POV-

"But Professor, what am I supposed to do?" Harry begged Dumbledore's portrait to give him a hint, the answers to his questions. He wasn't getting any good results.

Dumbledore kept on saying the same thing over and over again.  "In good time, you will find out."

Harry hit the wall, letting his frustration out.  

"GODS, WHAT IS THAT?" a high pitched voice shouted from down the hall.  A girl with a head of straight brown hair and large blues eyes came into focus.  

Harry still couldn't get his head wrapped around the whole 'Gods' thing.  None the less, he raced down the corridor and into the Great Hall.  It was empty, four wide tables almost completely empty.  Almost...

A boy with brownish hair with his fist holding up his face sat at the last table, the Slytherin table by himself.  He turned around and gripped the table in surprise.  "Oi, Harry, where'd you come from?"

"Uh.." Harry tried to come up with an excuse, but what was the point anymore.  Aidan already knew all that was going on.  "One of the 'campers'... she overheard me, so I ran here," Harry admitted.

Aidan snorted.  "Dumbledore would want you to cooperate with them..."

"Dumbledore is dead," Harry said harshly.  "This is my battle to deal with," his head began throbbing, "...again."

He sighed kicked his feet up on the table.  "Harry, you can't do this alone."  Harry sat down in the Gryffindor table, facing Aidan's growing face.  Earlier it had been small and boyish, but he was beginning to develop facial hair and growing a couple of inches.  Harry knew Aidan was right, but he didn't want anyone to die for him again.  The grief and the guilt was too much for him to handle, it made his heart twist in agony daily.

Everyone else seemed to know how to handle this, well, their definition of handling things include waiting for Harry's instructions.  Honestly, Harry had no instructions to give.  He had no idea what to do, how to save the world once again.  Harry felt his eyes get watery, thinking of all the friends he had lost for him.  "I don't want people to die for me." Flashes of his parents, Dobby, Lupin, Tonks, Fred ran through his mind.  "I won't do it.  I'm not the chosen one anymore, someone else can go rescue the world," Harry was defeated.

"No," Aidan slammed his hands against the table.  "No. No. No.  You will always be the chosen one, you cant fight it.  Harry, we want to fight. We will fight. We know the risks. We're willing to risk our lives.  If we die, by no means will it be your fault.  It's no one's fault. We've made our choice once, and for the same reasons we're making it again."

Harry let Aidan's words creep into his mind.  No matter what anyone would say, he didn't want to go through the pain again.  "I don't want them to die for me," he repeated.


-Grace's POV-

Grace pushed herself against the stoned wall outside of the room with the four long tables.  Her heart doubled its pulse once she heard a loud slam of hands against wooden table from inside that room.  A raised voice rang in her ears.  "We will fight. We know the risks. We're willing to risk our lives.  If we die, by no means will it be your fault.  It's no one's fault.  We've made our choice once, and for the same reasons we're making it again." One voice said upliftingly. 

Another voice choked out, "I don't want them to die for me."  He sounded as if he had been crying.  After a couple more seconds, the one named Harry rushed out of the room and in the opposite direction, not seeing Grace.  

The other boy was still in there.  Grace crept in, taking in the grand decorations of the room.  Thankfully the boy had his back turned to her at the table on the far right. There were chandeliers every few feet or so hanging high up on the ceiling, suspending in air. Candles lit the room, also floating in the air. It was beautiful.  

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now