Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

Both Harry and Percy were placed into the Malfoy Manor prison after giving themselves in. Harry still screamed in agony and horror, replaying that same moment in his head over and over again. Tears of sorrow escaped his eyes while he sat in a petrified state.

He didn't care that he was about to die, or that he was possibly going to die very soon. All Harry cared about was losing Ginny, the girl he eventually wanted to marry and spend the rest of his life with. The weight of guilt buried his consciousness, consuming his every thought.

Harry barely even acknowledged Percy next to him. Percy wasn't trying to find an escape route or even formulating a plan. Percy sat still and steadied his breathing. As soon as he was dead, his friends would be safe at last.


Emily's POV

Meanwhile, Voldemort paced the stone floor of the dark Malfoy Manor. His fingers interlaced as he took long strides from one side of the foyer to the other. He notified Gaea the moment the capture was successful. Gaea was to send her most trusted lieutenants to execute the Jackson boy.

Tom Riddle was never absolutely at ease when it came to Gaea and her affiliations. Of course, both had similar plans. Voldemort still didn't know very much about the other world despite their alliance. 

Emily back stiffened as she waited at the expensive dining room table. The other Death Eaters surrounded her, silently communicating. They shot each other looks of doubt and worry. Her hand travelled to her arm with the death mark. She remembered the excruciating pain of getting in, the remorse after finding out that it could never leave her. 

Her mother's eyes pierced into her skull. Emily's mum wanted her to speak to her, as the waited, but Emily didn't let a single word escape her mouth.

It was her mother who encouraged her to join the ranks of the Death Eaters in the first place. Emily's life was threatened, becoming a Death Eater was the only way for her to stay alive.

She remembered the hidden pain in Draco's eyes as Voldemort placed his wand upon her left forearm, then incanted the spell. He shook his head slightly as Emily screamed out in pain, her arm searing as she fell to the floor.

It surprised Emily that Draco had never said a word to anyone about who she was. That Draco had never told Aidan of the several lies she had told. Emily had originally told Aidan that her mum was under the imperius curse and that she had died. The truth was her mother tortured another innocent family and had murdered a young girl's mom. The memory could never leave her. 

Emily had always wanted to live a different life. She thought for sure her mother would be infuriated when she was sorted into Gryffindor. However, her mother's plans hadn't changed when the sorting hadn't gone the way she wanted them to. Emily was pressured into being who she was. Her mum pointed her wand at her heart and hissed threats until she gave in.

She only became a Death Eaters a few days prior to the Battle of Hogwarts. When the day of the battle came, she jinxed herself. The only person who stayed behind for her was Draco. It was that day that she opened up to him, and he listened. It was that day that she pressed her lips to his. Draco never kissed her back, he left immediately following it. Since then, Draco's been more and more distant. They barely could carry on a conversation anymore. 

Emily's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of wreckage. Bits of ceiling fell to the ground, but suddenly, there was no more ceiling. 

The giants stood above them, having to lean over in order to see the faces of the Death Eaters. Gaea's most powerful lieutenants had arrived.


The Seven POVs'

Hazel decided it was time to go get her brother, Nico. They needed to get Ginny back to win the war. Hazel always felt that Ginny had an important role, the same way the wizards always thought of her. Ginny was undeniably special and if it was possible for her to escape from death, by all means they were going to take advantage of that. 

Frank shape-shifted into a bald eagle, setting off for New York. He was going to meet Hazel and Nico there to open up a lesser known entrance of hell. 

Grace took a deep breath. Aidan had taught her how to apparate a few weeks prior, warning her that she may have to use it very soon. Hazel looped her arm around Grace's and whispered encouragements. They disappeared without an accidental case of splinching, thank the Gods.

Neville prodded Annabeth as she splayed out on one of the hammocks. Her eyes were still heavy with tears and sorrow. "Are you sure you don't want to help us find the horcruxes?" he asked again, his voice gentle and coarse. Ginny's death hadn't been easier on him. 

Annabeth didn't reply, she just stared off into the distance sadly. Luna shook her head, then entwined her fingers with Neville's. "Wait!" Grace appeared out of the shadows, holding a dagger in one hand and her wand in the other. She placed both in her pockets, then rested her hands on her hips. "I'll go with you! You'll need help!" 

Luna let out a sigh. "Are you sure? We barely know where we're going. We could be attacked by malicious wrackspurts!"

"Uh," Grace coughed awkwardly, then smiled sincerely. "It's okay, I'd be happy to help."

Meanwhile Aidan borrowed a drachma from Piper. He threw it into the air and incanted the words she told him to. No image appeared. Getting to Emily was going to be more difficult than he could imagine. 

The rest formed defensive measures. The next time could be a giant attack, a Death Eater attack again, or possibly both. No more lives could lost, especially after their losses in the previous years.


A/N: Gah I take forever to update. Im so sorry. I just wrote this in like an hour so I'm sorry this isn't fantastic quality. You guys deserve a double update but I'm exhausted out of my mind. 

Yesterday I went to down town Chicago with a group of friends for my friend's sweet sixteen. They dyed the Chicago River green for St. Patrick's day, so it was insanely busy. Afterwards I slept over at her house, so here I am now writing this author's note when I should be getting sleep for monday and tuesday.

The previous week I had to write a paper, and write a speech (and practice the hell out of it) so I didn't have a chance to update. Things are slowing down with spring break around the corner, so I think I'm going to update a lot in that week. ;)

On tuesday, I have my conference track meet, so no update then either. Gah, I'm freaking out. So I'm running in the first position for my four by four relay for JV. I'm so fracking nervous. The rest of the week is gonna be laid back for me, hopefully though. 

Other than that, I've been reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levitann (have any of you read it?) and I swear to god it takes place in my school and they're mocking my school mascot. I think I'm scared now. Such a good book but I never have time to read it :L

So this was my random ranty spiel. Thanks for waiting and voting, I love you all for your support :)

Oh and 17+ votes for the next chapter by 3/25/13? FEEL FREE TO HARASS ME IF I DON'T BY THEN. I NEED ENCOURAGEMENTS TO DO IT.


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now