Chapter 7

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-Aidan- (Harry Potter)

"What?! How is that even possible. THERE AREN'T ANY GREEK GODS!" Aidan heard a voice growl outside of his new room at Hogwarts.  He decided to play it safe and stay outside.

"How do you know?" A higher pitched one talked with a confident and cool air. "It's not like you know another religion is true."

Aidan heard some rustling and grunts.  The two voices argued for a little bit

"Ron, you have such a big head, please just listen!" A different female pitch voice sounded extremely annoyed

"Fine," the angry one growled back at her. 

The confident voice sounded again."Anyway, they have to be half bloods! They are the only living creatures that make sense.  They come from another world, like it said in the prophecy.  I'm positive that they have their own enemies... It has to be them."

"I believe you," Aidan heard a different male voice say.

"When have you ever been wrong?" The annoyed voice asked.

.  "I guess I do too," the angry one gave up.  "But if a pack of vampires show up, you owe me ten galleons."

Aidan retreated back to the common room when he heard footsteps leading to the door.  His head was crowded with a million questions and thoughts streaming through at once.  Aidan fell on top of a single person couch once he ran down the stairs to the common room and acted like he was sleeping. "Ten galleons? Really, Ronald?!" Aidan realized that the confident voice was Hermione Granger.  He closed his eyes tight and hid his face.  "Who's that on the sofa?" Hermione silenced Ron and the others and tip toed over to Aidan.  

"I think it's the new fifth year rooming with us," Harry said.  Aidan knew it was the new male voice.  "What was his name again?"  Aidan shifted slightly in frustration, how did they already forget his name?"

"His name's Aidan, you ninny," said Ron's younger sister.  

Ron scratched his head as he watched Aidan. "Should we wake him up?"

"NO," Hermione and Ginny hissed at the same time.  

"You don't think he heard us in there, do you?" Harry sounded nervous.

"I don't think so," Hermione pushed the thought away.  "Let's just head back to the library."

Aidan heard a bunch of groans and stomps out of the Gryffindor common room and burst his eyes open, sitting up straight.

All he could hear was the faint cackling of the fire.  That's when the questions started in his head again.


-Percy Jackson-

"I'm telling you, whoever hit me earlier was one of them," Jason insisted.  All he remembered was a bright light rushing towards him before it bashed into his chest, sending him flying backwards.  Jason thought it might be a child of Hecate, but he knew they didn't have that kind of power.  It had to be those... creatures... Percy just stared blankly at the wooden panels, like he was trying to think something through.  Jason resisted the urge to yell at Percy and tell him to pay attention to him, lately he had been feeling kind of edgy and angry.  They were almost there, an extraordinary castle laid in the distance. It was absolutely magnificent. 

The rest of the campers marveled at the beautiful building.  They haven't seen anything like it before in their lifetimes.  

"I think it's them too," Percy said suddenly.  Jason turned around to face him.  Percy was 'asleep' on top of his back pack full of supplies.  Annabeth was speed walking to them with handfuls of maps and books.  Jason chuckled to himself, realizing Percy probably didn't want to talk to her.

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя