Chapter 5

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 "You guys ready?" Percy clicked his pen, which transformed into his sword, Riptide.  Annabeth grinned and straightened Percy's armour.  That night, they would continue their game of capture the flag, but this time with the Jupiter campers.  As always, Percy and Annabeth had an alliance between their cabins, along with the Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, and Demeter cabins as the blue team. On the red team was the Ares, the few camp Jupiter guests, the hunters, Hades, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Zeus, and with most of the minor Gods' cabins. 

They were on their side of the forrest, ready to go. 'CHARGE!" Annabeth yelled, before Percy could take another deep breath.  The starting line lead the team into battle.  The ran for about a minute before seeing the other team charging.  Annabeth saw Thalia shoot a trip wire from their side and shouted, "JUMP, NOW!" Just in time, Percy made it, but Leo wasn't so lucky.  Grace stayed back to help him up.

 Most of the front line had made it over safely, but the hunters had more tricked out arrows.  More people fell under their sneaky tricks.  Somehow, Annabeth and Percy made it out, with a few members of the Apollo cabin. The rest were stuck in a gooey substance and couldn't move their feet at all.

Annabeth lead the way as more people fell behind them, it was almost as if they were being ignored. Strange...

Percy didn't know how, but Annabeth had managed to find the red flag, hidden between a circle of pine trees.  Percy would have never noticed it. With no warning, Thalia dropped from a high tree, right in front of her team's flag.

"You didn't think this was going to be easy, did you?" Thalia asked cockily. With an evil grin on her face, Annabeth gripped her dagger tighter and prepared to deflect Thalia's bows.

Percy did a three sixty to see that they were surrounded by silvery hunters on all sides. "Uh.. Annabeth," Percy swung around his sword to each hunter, switching off every few seconds, just defensively, in case if they tried something.  

"At ease, ladies," Thalia shouted to her lieutenants. "She's mine." Thalia smiled at Annabeth playfully. 

"Percy! You too!!" Annabeth yelled over her shoulder, twisting the silvery dagger in her hands. 

"I'm just supposed to stand here and watch?!" Percy exclaimed. That earned him a good elbow to the stomach from one of the hunters with an, "OOOHF!" He backed off and took a few step behind the hunters, just in case if they tried something. A few members of Percy's team nearly took some hunters by surprise, but Percy stopped them before they could. 

"PERCY MOVE!" Piper tried to push past Percy as she came up.  Thalia and Annabeth pace around eachother, analyzing each movement the other made. 

"Piper, calm down," Jason said as he appeared next to her. "What the hell is going on?"

Percy shrugged and turned his attention back to Annabeth.  She gracefully stepped, held her dagger, eyed Thalia. 

Before Annabeth could lunge at Thalia, Chrion materialized from the trees. "STOP, NOW." Everyone lowered their weapons. "We are going to have to post pone this again, unfortunately, those traveling to London, you must leave now!"

"Why?" Percy changed his sword back into a pen. 

"The problem is worse than I expected," Chiron mumbled. "Now everyone, head back!" He trotted out of the woods.  Everyone had to jog back as well.

"Chiron, now, really?" Annabeth was dissappointed that she didn't get the chance to grapple with Thalia. 

Chiron stiffened before saying, "Yes, Annabeth, it's important, we are all threatened."

Annabeth turned her knife over in her hands, and seemed to be in deep thought.  "Fine," she muttered and jogged back to camp.  

Percy took a long breath before following her.

"Percy, what's going on?" Piper caught up to him as he sprinted through the trees, avoiding nymphs and other campers. She looked worried, scared even.

 He shrugged and tried to loose Piper. 

"PERCY!" Piper slapped his arm with the back of her hand. "Stop trying to loose me."

"Sorry," he murmured without looking at her. He was still trying to get ahead of her, but the girl had a lot of stamina and speed.

Hazel didn't even seem winded as they weaved through the thick forest. "Do you know what's going on?"

"No," Percy panted. Running was not his strong suit.  They finally reached the main house.

"No, not about the whole London thing. No one seems to know anything. I was talking about Jason, do you know where he is?"

Percy looked in all directions for a head of short blond hair, but there weren't any in sight. "Huh. That's strange. I have no idea where he was, I thought he'd be with you."

Piper shook her head. "We have to find him before we go."

"It's not like we're leaving without him," Percy chuckled, earning him a scowl from Piper. 

"You're going to help me find him," she demanded. 

"Uh, actually- PIPER LET ME GO!" Percy was about to find Annabeth inside of the building, but Piper had clamped down on his arm with a grip of steel. She dragged him back to the trees. 

"Oh calm down, Sea weed brain," she rolled her eyes.  Percy groaned and followed her.


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now