Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

Harry and the rest of his small army realised they had fallen into a trap too late. In the blink of an eye, they were all surrounded by death eaters and giants alike. Without saying a single word, the army gathered in a circle facing outwards, toward the various enemies.

Bellatrix Lestrange cackled, twisting a piece of her black as death hair between her witch like fingers. "Oh where's the boy who wanted to kill me?! Oh Harry Potter!" she fakely gasped at the Boy Who Lived. "Where were you earlier? You missed all the fun!"

Harry gritted his teeth, feeling his bones slide against each other in fury. His eyes flickered to each corner of the woods, searching for Percy. When Harry didn't even see a glimpse of the demigod, he swore mentally. There was no way they could come out alive without him, bloody hell the chances of them surviving were already low with him!

Instead of searching for Percy, Harry individually searched the enemy. There was no sign of Voldemort (aka Lucius Malfoy) in sight, thank the Gods. But still, this was definitely a planned attack. Both sides wanted victory on an uneven playing field, they enjoyed having the advantage over everyone else. "What is it you want?" Harry raised his voice, concealing his fear and trembling hands as he reached for his wand.

Bellatrix appeared to be the leader of the entire legion. "We just want to talk," she cackled.

"Yeah right," Leo muttered next to Harry.

Harry glanced around at his own army. The determined and confident looks they once wore on their faces were entirely gone. They were replaced by lips pressed into thin lines and widened eyes.

Grace, from next to Leo, cleared her throat. "I'm going to prove you right, Leo," she whispered to her boyfriend before leaving the pack. "Of course you didn't come here to talk, that's bullsh*t!" she exclaimed, her voice nearly hysterical. "You've come here to kill us off while we're divided. I can assure you we won't go down without a fight, we won't just surrender."

The army pumped their arms up in agreement, letting out shouts of encouragement. "We beat you all once before," Draco said, his voice solid and brave. "Harry practically beat Voldemort all by himself. We intend to keep our victory."

"And so do we," a voice said out of nowhere. From the trees, the Argo II appeared, floating in the sky. Even Bellatrix Lestrange's jaw dropped to the floor. In the Argo, all of the demigods and wizards were armed and ready to defend themselves against their oppressors. They wore triumphant grins, although they haven't won yet. All at once, they jumped out of the Argo and landed on their feet easily. War broke out in all directions, but the demigods and wizards were winning without a problem.

Luna, Frank, and Neville brought down the largest giant in a matter of seconds. It disintegrated into dust before the weight of the giant could kill anyone. Death eaters apparated from panic, deserting the warzone. Bellatrix Lestrange, however, was a vicious force. Hazel, Ron, and Percy convulsed on the dirt from the crutiatus curse. In a fit of anger, Annabeth charged the foul witch with her dagger. The fighting stopped, with only the two breathing heavily, their weapons on each other's necks.

Bellatrix Lestrange laughed once again, a sound of evil and ambition, a sound that could haunt people's dreams. "Annabeth Chase, I've heard much about you."

"ANNABETH STOP!" Hermione yelled frantically, knowing that the witch could easily kill the daughter of Athena. "SHE'LL KILL YOU!"

"What have you heard about me?" Annabeth ignored Hermione's warning, caught up in her own fury.

The witch clicked her tongue. "I've heard about the monsters and titans you've defeated. I heard that you would do anything…" Her eyes flickered to Percy, who was still convulsing uncontrollably. "For Perceus Jackson over there," she pointed her wand at the son of Poseidon. "I could so easily kill him," she whispered into Annabeth's ear. "With the flick of my wand."

Annabeth couldn't take it anymore, she slit the witch's neck before she could say another word. Bellatrix fell to the ground with no death eaters to bring her back to her master and possible lover.

The demigods and wizards stood in silence, catching their breaths and gaining a grip on reality. Harry crouched down to Percy and offered him his hand up. Percy had several marks of war running down his tanned body, but nothing too severe. Still, the pain hurt like all Hades to him. "Thanks," Percy muttered, nearly unable to say anything else. He left Harry and immediately joined Annabeth, who was still standing over Bellatrix's body. "You came back," he said in a hushed voice, then wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"She'll be back," Ron announced, taking Hermione's hand in his. "She has horcruxes. We've got to find them before they attack us again, or let us get to each other."

Neville straightened his back and spoke up. "I'll find them. I'll take care of them."

"I'll come with," Luna immediately volunteered, without hesitation.

Annabeth kicked Bellatrix's body as if she could kill her again, which she can. "I'm definitely going too."

"The rest need to stay at Hogwarts to get more recruits. They're going to be more once they attack again. The next time they attack, it won't be this easy. People, innocents will die either way. The only way we'll come out alive is with an actual army," Percy managed to speak loudly, despite his pain. "And I'll go with the 'horcrux' group," Percy tried the word, it sounded awkward coming out of his mouth. He didn't know what it was.

"No," Annabeth squeezed his hand. "You need to stay here, they'll need you more here."


"Percy, we'll be fine, I promise," Annabeth kissed his cheek.

Percy kept his mouth shut after that.

"Oh my Gods," Piper muttered, then pointed to Hogwarts. Just when they thought the death eaters had fled, they were attacking the school. "The war may have already begun."


A/N: UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE :D I loved writing this. It's sad to think that I'm going to finish this in ten to fifteen more chapter :'( I mean really what am I going to do with my life once this is over?

So... 11+ votes for an epic chapter 31 BY sunday? pleease :)

Thank you all so much for the continued support, I'm getting closer and closer to five hundred votes, so please keep them coming. (more votes equals more updates ;) ;)


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