Chapter 20

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Piper's POV

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Piper asked as they snooped around the edges of the castle, doing their best to see in the dark, much less trip over rocks (which Jason had done twice already). 

Jason nodded his head furiously. "Something isn't right, I can feel it."

His icy blue eyes had a gleam from the torch lights on the side. "I believe you," Piper assured him, doing her best to ease him with her charm speak.

Jason's shoulders relaxed slightly, but he still was more determined than she had ever seen him. "This way," he gestured to the huge, and apparently alive willow tree to the left of the school. It swayed with the wind, looking merely harmless, almost like a normal tree. 

"What?" Piper craned her neck to get a better look ahead of them, but as soon as she had spoken, she immediately regretted it and threw a hand over her mouth. There were two dark shadows behind the willow. They appeared to be immersed in a conversation. Just by looking at them, Piper could tell that she couldn't trust them. They'd kill them if they had the chance. "Jason, what are you doing?!" Piper hissed once she saw her boyfriend inching closer and closer to them, carefully staying in the shadows. 

Jason put a finger over his lips and stared back at her. No matter how much charm speak Piper threw into her words, she couldn't get him to stop. 

Suddenly, their heads turned at the same time. Piper's heart stopped in place. But it wasn't Jason they saw, it was Piper. 

The last thing Piper remembered seeing was an icy blue jet of light, the same color as Jason's eyes, flying towards her face before it all went dark.


Grace's POV

"Uh... hello," Grace said awkwardly to her first year room mates she was assigned to. They were all several years younger than her and several inches shorter than her. For the first few days, she stayed with her fellow demigods, but the head master insisted on her staying with her house.

So far, Grace hadn't enjoyed her experience as being a witch. To start with, there was definitely some rivalry between the houses, which she found strange considering the impending doom of everyone. Grace had an American accent while everyone else had some sort of European accent, whether English or Scottish or Irish. She didn't understand what on earth this 'quidditch' everyone was talking about 24/7. And her teachers looked at her like she was some animal at a zoo, only there to be observed by the public. The only class she thoroughly enjoyed was botany, considering she was a daughter of Demeter.

The three girls whispered to each other and watched Grace out of the corner of their eyes. Just by looking at them, Grace could tell that they were going to be the popular girls, if they weren't already. Those types of people set her off, but she prayed there wouldn't be any 'Aphrodite' girls or guys for that matter at her new school. A girl with wavy beach blonde hair stuck out a hand while she chewed on a piece of taffy with her white toothed mouth wide open.  "Cassie. Why the hell are you here?" 

The other two girls giggled to each other. Grace simply rolled her eyes. "Because I have to learn this magic crap, okay? I already don't want to be here and just having premature bitches like you are ruining my day even more. I bid you," Grace smirked triumphantly, "a good night girls." And with one swish of the wand (Grace had actually learned a couple of charms, but only succeeded in a few), Grace was asleep.

But that sleep didn't last very long, well at least that's what Grace felt like. It was two o clock in the morning when Grace was shaken out of her slumber. "Oh my Gods, what do you want?!" she demanded, growling at the person. She flicked her wand and muttered, "Lumos."

In the light, she could see that it was Leo. How he got in the Hufflepuff common room, Grace had no idea. "It's just me," he whispered, careful not to wake up the other girls. "You have to come now," he told her, latching onto her hand and nearly yanking her out of bed. "Come on!"

Not caring that Grace was only in her night gowns, she followed Leo all the way back to the Room of Requirement. There, everyone, whether Demigod or Wizard, was gathered, frantically speaking with each other. But instead of destroying the chandelier (again) like Harry had, she whistled highly, making their ears ring.

All conversation ceased and all eyes turned to her. But there were two pairs of eyes missing. "Grace," Leo placed a hand gently on her bare arm, "they took Piper."

"No," she muttered, tears nearly rushing to her eyes. "You have to be kidding me."

"That's not all," Leo continued, "they have your brother too. They have Aidan."



Yay, finally some action. (:

So thanks for voting on the previous chapter, and thanks for waiting for this one <3

4+ votes again for the next chapter (within two to five days after I got all votes necessary)


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