Chapter 24

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Percy's POV

Percy watched in amusement as Harry's jaw hung open. "This is Olympus?" Harry managed to get out.

"Yeah. What did you expect?" 

"More clouds," Harry replied.

"Let's get going, we don't have all the time in the world," Percy said, pushing Harry forward slightly. 

Harry's eyes widened as he admired the various statues and such. "This is brilliant."

"Come on,"Percy nudged him. Harry finally began to walk, but flipped his head around to get a full 360 view of Olympus.

"Blimey," Harry went on jabbering about Olympus. 

Percy, however, tried to formulate a plan silently. The Gods could be difficult sometimes, and annoyingly blind to the truth. Percy would have liked to think that his father was an exception, but he was just as bad as Zeus. The only way to defeat Gaea was with the Gods, especially with the Gods born mortal enemies, otherwise known was the giants (ie Polybotes). And sometimes, the Gods were moody and unpredictable. They reached Poseidon's throne. It was still the same as Percy remembered it, like a fisherman's chair. Percy still knew how to get his attention, and hopefully not die.

He hurled himself up onto the tall chair and stood on top of it. His father suddenly appeared, an annoyed expression on his face. He was wearing a green hawaiian shirt and board shorts. His "Aye Percy, you need to work on a better way to get my attention." His frown faded to a smile.

Percy chuckled. "At least you looked before you zapped me off."

"What brings your here today, son? You're going to be have to be fast. Zeus is going to be angry if he sees, uh," Poseidon pointed to Harry, "to see him here."

"It's about Gaea. She's growing stronger. Oh, and we were nearly just attacked by Polybotes."

Poseidon shuddered at his name. "Names have power, Percy, I'm sure you know that by now."

Percy nodded. "Sorry, but Gaea's after us. And you know we need to work together to defeat them."

Poseidon scratched his stubble on his chin. "No, I don't think so."

Percy rolled his eyes, the Gods were too stubborn to realize the truth. Harry coughed all of a sudden and muttered a word along the lines of 'hubris.' 

"Dad, please just listen-"

"Look, Hera already told us. The Gods will be fine on their own."

"Well why isn't she already asleep?" Percy demanded, his anger rising. "How come we're the ones being attacked while you are all just enjoying paradise here on Olympus? What about last summer? Do you not remember how it was Luke who saved all of your asses? How we defended Manhattan?"

A look of fury came across Poseidon's face. "ENOUGH OF THIS," He erupted, making Percy jump off his throne and Harry to back up several feet. "WE'LL HELP WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT AND THAT TIME IS NOT NOW! YOU ARE TO LEAVE NOW, PERCY."

Harry pulled on Percy's arm before he could make a smart ass come back. Percy growled silently as he stomped out of Olympus. He finally calmed down once they reached the elevator. "Oh are the Gods just spectacular?!" Percy asked rhetorically. "Especially my dad, you think he may actually listen to his own son, but nope. He's too cocky and confident to do that."

Harry shot him a look of sympathy. "They're Gods; I didn't expect that much humbleness from them."

Percy nodded. "I'm sorry my father was such a jerk to you," he spat.

"It's fine," Harry sighed. "At least you had one," he muttered under his breath as the lift descended.

"Had a father?" Percy asked, shooting an eyebrow up. 

Harry nodded. "My parents died before I was born."

"Why are we just now hearing about this?"

"What do you mean?" Harry replied, slightly confused.

Percy took a deep breath. "We're going to fight a war together, the least we could do is know some basic things about each other."

"That's true," Harry agreed. "Let's start with us, tell me your story."

"Okay," Percy bit his lip. "It all started when I was attacked by a demon of the underworld."


Frank's POV

All Frank could remember was the flash of green light flying towards his face before everything faded to the darkness. He was out cold for only a few hours, but it still was enough time for his mind and dreams to wonder. He saw Gaea, with her black veil, whispering to him. 

"You will die, Frank Zhang. You and all of your friends will die very soon," she hissed to him. 

But unfortunately, Gaea wasn't the only one invading his dreams. He saw repeated images of the thing he feared most, Hazel getting hurt.  Countless horrific images flooded his mind. Hazel surrounded in a pool of her own blood, by herself. Pluto pulling her back into the underworld where she truly belonged. Hazel being hit in the chest with a burst of light... all on replay. 

Something pulled him out though, the sound of cries, then silence. Frank carefully opened his eyes to see one of his nightmares a reality, and in a place he had never seen before. "Hazel!" Frank shouted immediately, wanting to jump to his feet, though he was too weak and tired. He narrowed his eyes to see two of the wizards holding both of her arms as her body laid limp on the stone ground. "What the hell is going on?" Frank demanded.

The looks on the wizards' faces were priceless, they looked surprised and alarmed. The girl, Frank remembered her name was Hermione, cleared her throat. "You were hit by a Death Eater. We didn't think you'd wake up so soon."

"I don't care about me," Frank said angrily. "I care about Hazel. What have you done with her?!"

"She wouldn't leave your side, but she had to so Madame Pomfrey could do her job," said the ginger wizard.

"You shouldn't be awake now," Hermione grumbled skeptically.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you've been hit by a really powerful spell. You've had enough blood loss to keep you under for a while."

Frank glanced down at his chest, which to his surprise was bare and had two stitched up cuts running down from his neck to his stomach. He gagged as he looked. "How am I awake?" he asked, taken back.

Hermione shrugged. "Hazel was crying for you. You probably heard her voice-"

There suddenly was a bang from the hallway. "What the bloody hell?!" Ron retrieved his wand. "Are you two going to stay in here?" he asked Frank. "Watch over her..."

Frank nodded and glanced down at his girlfriend, who was now propped up on his bed, her body lying next to his. The two wizards ran out to see what all the commotion was about. "I'm not forgiving you two for doing this to her!" he called out to them while they were still in range. "Oh Hazel," Frank whispered. Her breathing was still steady, and he could feel her heart beat slowly next to his chest. Frank brushed some of her thick black hair behind one of her ears and let sleep take over him.


A/N: Sorry guise, little bit of a boring chapter, but then again, you can't go wrong with Frazel ;)
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