Chapter 35

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Neville's POV

"Where are we headed off to, Neville?" Luna Lovegood asked in her light, curious voice. Her hand grasped Neville'sas they wandered through the woods of an unknown forest. Grace had to jog to catch up behind them.

Neville answered without hesitation or a second thought. "Grimmald Place. Sirius Black's home. We're almost there."

"Hey! Wait up!" Grace called up, finally catching up to the couple. She panted for a couple more breaths before regaining her composure. "How exactly do you plan on destroying this thing anyway?"

Neville quickly removed the sorting hat from his back. When he reached inside, a magnificent silver sword appeared out of thin air. "The sword of Gryffindor," he explained. 

Grace nodded, although she didn't understand. She pointed a slim finger to the oncoming street. "This must be Grimmauld," she took note of the street sign. "But there's no twelve." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. 

Neville ignored her comments and pulled Luna up right in between the eleventh and thirteenth homes on Grimmauld. He glanced around him, making sure no muggles were in sight. When the coast was clear, he retrieved his wand and whispered a spell. The eleventh and thirteenth homes began moving, the twelve home appearing suddenly between them. 

"Magic," Grace muttered under her breath. "I'll never get used to it."


Percy's POV

"We're going to die, aren't we?" Harry was finally facing reality after being locked in the dungeon for so long. 

"Have a little faith," Percy replied.

Harry scoffed. "That's ironic. Neither of us have faith. We both much better than the rest of the world. We know there is barely any faith to be had," he told Percy pessimistically.

"That's not true," Percy sighed. "We don't have faith in some god, well I know I don't. You can't trust the gods." A crack of thunder fills their ear drums. "We have faith in our friends. We know they'll be there for us. There is no way in Hades we're gonna die."

"How do you know?"

Percy chuckled lightly, ignoring the sound of chaos on the main floor, a flight of stairs away from the dungeon. "To be honest," Percy leaned against the slimy wall. Before his eyes, all he saw was Annabeth, throwing her head back and laughing, the look she'd give him while explaining how she was going to fix Olympus, and the way she looked the first time she kissed him. "I really don't know anymore."


Hazel's POV

Hazel Levesque was not exactly thrilled after her first time apparating. "I'm gonna throw up." She collapsed on the ground and clutched her stomach in agony. 

Grace rubbed her back lightly. "Are you sure you don't want me to wait with you?" 

Hazel lifted her head up. "No, you need to go back. You're much more important there than I am."

"You're in the Great Prophecy," Grace reminded her with a sad smile.

Hazel shook her head. "That was before this one. The one with the wizard-world can change history, Grace. We're all a part of it."

"So we're all important," Grace concluded. "You'll need back up if you're attacked after apparating anyway."

Hazel groaned as she leaned against the brick wall. "Fine. But Nico better hurry up."

Surprisingly enough, the duo made it five minutes without being attacked by rogue monsters or servants of Gaea. Hazel supposed they were all in Britain, scourging the land for demigods and wizards that could plot against their forces.

Nico appeared out of the shadows, thoroughly scaring Hazel and Grace. "Jesus Christ, Nico. I've gotta learn how to shadow travel," Hazel clutched her arm as she looked upon the raggedy clothes of her brother. His hair had grown longer from their last meeting. 

Nico's lips curled up in a smirk. "You really should. Uh, hi Grace."

Grace shrunk back at bit. Things had been awkward for them since Nico admitted that he liked her. Of course, Grace had been in love with Leo and had to shoot him down. She pushed those memories out of her mind and pressed a smile onto her face. "It's good to see you, Nico." Her words were actually sincere, especially considering the close friendship Nico and Grace had developed. 

"Well," Grace blew a quick kiss goodbye. "I've gotta get going. Good luck guys. I'm sure with Hades and the Gods acting strange you are definitely going to need it."

Nico's eyes followed her until disappeared into thin air. His heart still felt heavy with rejection. Hazel stared at him in confusion. "Is there something up with you guys?" she asked skeptically.

Nico shook his head, leaving his daze. "Absolutely nothing, we're just friends."

Of course, Hazel didn't buy it. "You're not telling me something," she told him. Hazel let out a long sigh, finally feeling stable. "We don't have time for this. Let's get going. I hope you have a plan."

Nico snorted loudly, earning attention from random mortals. "Are you sure you're my sister?" he remarked sarcastically. 

Hazel punched his shoulder on a nerve. "Be quiet," she mumbled agitatedly. 

Her brother put his hands up in surrender. "You're clearly not in a good mood," he commented. "Is it that time?"

"I swear to the Gods, Nico. I will pummel you into the Asphodel if I have to," she threatened. 

Nico laughed. "Lighten up a little bit, sis!"

"I can't. Hogwarts might be attacked any second. We can't just let people die like that. Percy is in a prison as we speak. We have to save his girlfriend. We don't know how we can possibly win this. I think I might be a little stressed," Hazel fumed. 

Nico cleared his throat, ceasing his laughter. "Right. Now I still haven't figured out the doors of death yet. They're like Thanatos personal way of getting around the underworld. If we find an entrance, he may be guarding it."

"And what if he is?" Hazel raised her eyebrows. 

Nico pondered for a second. "I doubt he wouldn't let us through. He understands the rules, but he also understands the impending war. Maybe he'll let us through with that soul, but that's more unlikely."

"Maybe you're up for battling him if he refuses," Hazel mused.

Nico unsheathed his sword. It glimmered in the sunlight and was as dark as the God of Death himself. A grin appeared on his pale face. "Hazel, oh sister dear. The God was already captured by someone whom you have defeated. He's weak right now. We are definitely up for battling. Come on, we were practically born ready."


A/N: Hooray! I finally updated. So let's throw a party.

Okay so I want to reach 1,000 votes by the time I take the AP exam in May (that's three weeks). When we finally reach that 1,000 votes, I'm throwing a party and updating everyday that week. I'll stick by my word to show support. 

So let's set some goals to get there, shall we? ;) How about 25+ votes on this chapter for the next epic chapter? Is that a fair trade? I believe so. There are only going to be about 10- 15 more chapters after this though :(

Oh, and the second POV sequentially goes before the first one. Just so you know. And I double spaced it so it would be less of an eye load. Hope it helps.

Thank you guys for being really patient. I appreciate the fact that YOU KNOW I have homework and other things to do. And this support and fan following is fantastic. I really love you guys.

Thanks and love always,


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now