Chapter 25

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An uncomfortable silence filled the room directly after Neville made his vow. The thing that surprised Grace the most was the fact that nobody attacked, everyone was too scared or shocked to even move a muscle, all with the exception of Neville.

Jason clapped his hands together, taking on the leadership role and getting everyone's attention. "It's late," he said blandly. His blue eyes watched his sword as he threw it up in the air and watched it transform into a simple coin once again. "We should all be getting some sleep."

Everyone muttered their agreements, but suddenly Harry and Percy popped back into the Room of Requirement. They looked slightly annoyed. "Guys!" Harry called out. "Let's get into a circle now!"

"Harry!" Ginny shouted to him, catching his attention. "It's been a long night, can we please just get some sleep?" 

Harry shook his head. "No we-"

"Can it, Potter," Malfoy spat, already at the doors. "You have no idea what even happened tonight."

"But-" Percy cut in, trying to ease the tension between the two of them.

"No one asked for your input, Percy!" Annabeth yelled, clearly angered. Percy glanced at her, Annabeth's stormy grey eyes were forming more grey clouds. Her shoulders fell each time she exhaled, and her face contained a look of pure frustration. 

Harry took a quick look at Percy, and he knew they were thinking the same thing. "Alright-"

"Will you all just shut the bloody hell up?!" Ron growled, shoving Frank aside as he arrived at the door.

"What's going on?" Frank asked, widening his eyes. 

After that, all hell broke loose. It didn't matter who was who, everyone took out their anger on anyone possible. All of the frustrations, worries, and anger that had been built up was all let out. 

Percy and Harry watched as people shouted at eachother, not backing down. "GUYS! STOP!" Percy yelled, attempting to grab everyone's attention.

To his surprise, all heads turned to him. All expressions of fury and loathing placed upon his cowering face. "What?" Annabeth snarled. Seeing Annabeth angry worried Percy, it wasn't very often when she was as furious as she appeared at that second.

"What is wrong with all of you?" Harry asked quickly, in fear of being interrupted. 

Their gazes all fell to the ground, ashamed of their actions. "Look Percy," Annabeth closed her eyes then reopened them. "I think we should go back."

"What? That's ridiculous. Why?" Percy stammed, overwhelmed by her ludicrous statement. He was stunned to see everyone else agreeing with her, nodding their heads, all except for Harry. 

Annabeth sighed, then strode over to Percy. She placed one of her icy cold hands on his shoulder. She forced him to look directly into her grey eyes. "I'm serious, this isn't working. We held in all of this anger and resentment, then took it out on each other. This never happened back at Camp Half Blood."

"But," Percy struggled to find words to say, words to change their minds. "What about Gaea? And Lord Voldemort? What are we going to do? We have to! All of this work, just for nothing?!" 

"Percy," Jason stepped forward. "We should leave."

"I agree," Hermione's voice cracked. "We should do this on our own."

"But the prophecy!" Harry shouted in exasperation. 

"What does that matter?" Ron said defeatedly. "It doesn't. It hasn't led us to anything good. Really, mate. Even Dumbledore's army doesn't believe in us anymore. It's done nothing but let us into this mess."

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now