Chapter 8

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Leo's POV

Dirt bounced off the ground in heavy steps.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Leo nearly had a heart attack, surprises don't work with him well.

Everyone froze in their spot, trying to figure out the source of the sound.  The thudding got only louder.  When chunks of dirt started flying at everyone, both 'wizard' and demigod, chaos broke out. 

Instead of simply rising and falling to the ground in rhythm, clouds of dirt filled the air, causing everyone to cough once more.  It was impossible to see anything.

"Grace!!" Leo extended his arm in an attempt to find her.  He didn't want to loose her.  After frantically wacking some poor people across the face, he realized Grace was lost in the layers of dirt. 

Suddenly, a strong wind flew over the group, washing the dirt away from their eyes.  Jason passed out on the ground while Piper tended to him.

Leo felt saddened, depressed, and lonely. Grace was still nowhere in sight.  The wizard with the shaggy black hair and lightning bolt scar pointed his so called 'wand' into the sky and shouted,"Expecto patronum!" A wisp of white burst out of his wand and into the dark clouds.  One of the clouds flew back several feet and disappeared from his few.  Leo stared at the young man with his mouth hanging open until he was thrown up in the air.

He struggled to reach into his brown tool belt.  Leo glanced behind him, and it was just what he expected, another one of Gaia's stupid giant children trying to eat him. The boy with the scar said another incantation, making the giant suddenly rise in the air.  

 Leo's heart stopped in its place.  These things were even more powerful than the giants.  He could only hope that they wouldn't kill him.


-Hermione's POV-

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Hermione shouted at the giant.  The spell burst out of her wand and took down the monster.  Most of those filthy creatures sided with the dark lord only a few months ago.  The only one she had ever trusted was Gwap. 

That's when she noticed one of the half bloods, the one named Percy.  Swirling water surrounded him, in his own personal hurricane.  Goodness, he seemed to know what he was doing to Hermione. 

The rest the small group of wizards were still fighting off different giants.  Harry sent a giant floating in the air, like he had made a troll rise in his first year. Ron and Ginny were taking an especially brutish one with a small pack of about five half bloods.  Neville was sending spells at the largest giant while the half bloods attempted to fight it off with swords, knives, and arrows. Some even sent some gas bombs flying at the aggressive beast. 

Hermione did her best to form a plan in her head.  Thankfully no one had gone down yet, but she knew how easily that could happen.  She couldn't predict what could happen either.  Of course, her and her friends had dealt with giants earlier, but how did the half human half god teenagers know how to fight them? Or how to fight?  Hermione had to push the questions that arose in her head out to focus. 

The giants vanished into thin air and everybody collapsed onto their knees, their arms pulled above their head as if they were bowing down. All Hermione could hear was the loud pumping of her own heart in her chest and her body disobeyed her will.  A hissing sound filled their ears in a sick combination of a woman's voice and a snake's hiss. Hermione pushed down the scream that worked the way up her throat and shut her eyes up tightly.


-Hazel's POV-

Hazel felt tears escape her eyes as she felt herself being controlled by invisible forces.  Being a teenager, especially a teenage girl, it was easy for her to have too many emotions at the most inappropriate time.  She didn't feel too sad, wait, scratch that, she felt extremely sad.  Lacking control over both her emotions and body put her over the edge.  All she wanted to do was rest in Frank's hold forever. There no one would ever harm her or confuse her about her past.

Lately she had been cursing herself when she couldn't think about Leo and how she knew him.  She still hadn't figured it out.  Breathing heavily, she managed to shake those thoughts out of her head. However, she shook in pure terror as the woman's hiss sounded in her ear.  Hazel knew exactly who it was. Gaia.


-Ginny's POV-

When the voice whispered into her ear.  Her heart nearly stopped in place.  It could only mean one thing, Voldemort was back. 

"Harry Potter, you must sacrifice yourself before the entire world suffers from your mistakes," Voldemort's awful voice bit into Ginny's ears.  

The next voice Ginny didn't recognize, but it was still mixed with Voldemort's voice.  "Percy Jackson and Jason Grace.  Your actions have been admirable, but you stand no chance against me.  Give up now and your friends will be spared." 

Ginny struggled against the force that had her pushed to the ground to look up and see Harry, Percy, and Jason gather.  Her legs wouldn't move, however. It was as if she was under the imperius curse.  

The voices whispered the same message over and over again. After a few minutes, everyone except for the three mentioned collapsed, chest first to the grass.  

"Ginny," Harry urgently walked over to her and placed his rough hands around hers.  "We've been through this once, nothing you can say will stop me, I have to go. I have no choice.  I am once again prepared to die." Tears sprung to Ginny's eyes.  Wiping off the water violently, she noticed the campers arguing with each other, and the wizards as well.

"Harry, we have to fight them, to win this battle, we have to work together, we stand a chance," Ginny battled him. "Calm down and in the castle, everyone!" She shouted above the rest of the voices. 

Everyone shoved their way into Hogwarts.  


-Annabeth's POV-

Once Annabeth got past Leo and Grace, who were standing in the middle of the doorway, their eyes opened too widely to be healthy, she felt her lips curl up and her mind race with a million thoughts at once.  

The stairs moved from floor to floor, room to room. The paintings appeared to move.

"Move along," the bossy wizard ordered. Annabeth was getting slightly annoyed, but then realized that's what she probably was like to everyone else.  She had to admit that she could get annoying at times.

While walking down one of the beautiful long winding hallways, lit by small torches, Annabeth stopped in place and watched what used to be an empty wall grow into a huge door. Annabeth pushed the door open, and the bossy witch shoved open the other one.

The room was magnificent. Test dummies, loads of weapons, those... sticks, defensive gear, and loads upon loads of books and scrolls were scattered in the wide room.  The bossy witch turned around to face everyone with a beaming smile on her face.

"We have found the room of Requirement," Annabeth scratched her head in confusion and decided to ask later.  "Now we have to talk and get down to business."


 A/N: Hey guys, I'm not particularly proud of thir chapter.

I didn't have a lot of time...



I'm lacking sleep for three nights in a row, all cross country related.

Next chapter comes out next saturday :) 


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