Chapter 14

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-Leo's POV-

"Grace!" Leo yelled out, nearly tripping over some cat scurrying its way down the corridor. Of course, Grace didn't even hear her name being called. She just kept walking.  "Grace!!" Leo tried again, even louder, but Grace was so wrapped up in her own thoughts she shut out all sound.  

Leo finally caught up, grabbed her shoulder, only to trip over his own feet upon trying to get her attention.  Well, it worked, he brought her down with him.  "What's up, Gracie?" Leo asked nonchalantly as Grace hovered over Leo on the ground.  She looked slightly angry for the disruption.

"Leo," she didn't bother saying anything else, when she said Leo's name, it radiated her anger.  

He laughed nervously.  "Fancy seeing you here."

Grace punched Leo's arm before gathering her belongings, which Leo sent flying, then getting to her feet.  "What is your problem, Leo?" She asked harshly.

"Uh..." Leo didn't want to screw this up.  He always had ways of messing up his own words and having people dislike him afterwards.  "I can't walk on my own two feet without screwing up?" he said hesitantly.

"That's true," Grace brushed herself off.  "Goodbye, Leo." She tried to walk away, but Leo intercepted her.  

"Grace, why can't I talk to you?" He asked as gently as he could.

Grace slumped her shoulders, defeatedly.  "Well... remember how I told you about how I'm one of these wizard creatures at Camp Half Blood?"

Leo nodded.

"Well, as it turns out... Aidanismytwinandhe'smakingmelikethesestupidwizardthings," she spewed out.

Leo found himself actually understanding what Grace had said.  "Aidan is your twin?" Something clicked inside his head. "Oh, that's why you two look so similar."

Grace let out a long sigh.  "Why can't I just be a daughter of Demeter?"

"I've always known you're special," Leo admitted, slowly reaching his hand over to Grace's.

Grace began pacing before Leo's hand could even brush against hers.  "Not like this, this is stupid!" she exclaimed.

"Grace," Leo latched his hand onto her arm and pulled his face forward, smashing their lips against one another's.  Grace kissed him back, with passion, but she broke it after a few seconds.

"Come with me?" Grace intwined her fingers with Leo's.  

"RACE YOU TO WHEREVER WE'RE GOING!" Leo took off, sprinting.  His heart was going a mile a minute, he had never felt so amazing before in his life.

Grace laughed light hearted, finally relaxing, from behind Leo.  "You don't even know where you're going!!" and raced to catch up with him.


 -Ron's POV-


She already had woken Ron up a few minutes prior, so he basically followed her around with his eyes half open and his robe fastened around his waist.

As Hermione got through all of the inhabitants of Hogwarts, both Wizard, and Demigod, she received several swears and pillows thrown at her from both sides.  She just repeated the message even louder the next time.

Ron finally woke up all the way after hearing those same words fifteen or sixteen times, he lost count. Once they were done, Hermione slipped her want into her coat pocket, and turned to Ron.  "Well, thank you for not throwing pillows at me, Ronald," she said gratefully as they slowly made their way to the room of requirement.

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now